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Analysing the relationship between hotelsʹ internal marketing and employee engagement dimensions
Kristina Črnjar, Jasmina Dlačić, Borut Milfelner, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose – In the hotel industry, as in all services, the goal is to have satisfied employees who are engaged in their job. From a marketing perspective, one of the possible ways companies can achieve that is by adopting internal marketing practices. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to research the relationship between internal marketing and different dimensions of employee engagement (emotional, cognitive and physical) in the hotel industry. Design/Methodology/Approach – The data was collected through a paper-and-pencil questionnaire on a sample of 573 hotel employees in Croatia. Adapted scales from previous research were used for measuring research constructs using the back-translation technique. Conceptual model and hypotheses were tested with covariance based structural equation modelling. Findings and implications – The results show that internal marketing had a positive and statistically significant impact on emotional and cognitive engagement. Cognitive engagement, in turn, had a positive impact on emotional and physical engagement, while emotional engagement had a positive impact on physical engagement. Limitations – The use of self-evaluations could potentially cause social desirability bias. The study is limited only to Croatian hotels, which might vary from hotel industries in other parts of the world. Originality – This paper contributes to the development of internal marketing, as it identifies the relationship between internal marketing and different forms of employee engagement. Employee engagement is approached multidimensionally as consisting of emotional, cognitive and physical engagement. By distinguishing different engagement dimensions, the paper contributes to the theory of personal engagement with testing employee engagement concept in the hotel industry.
Keywords: internal marketing, employee engagement, hotel industry, hotels, Croatia
Published in DKUM: 16.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 8
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The role of performance and environmental sustainability indicators in hotel competitiveness
Zorica Đurić, Jasna Potočnik Topler, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Environmental protection and environmental sustainability are becoming increasingly important factors in the hotel business and their competitiveness, in a market that brings numerous benefits. Environmental sustainability is, increasingly, considered one of the most important functions of the hotel business, as well as communication and marketing, which attracts a larger number of guests. Some of the key aspects of hotel environmental sustainability are performance and environmental sustainability indicators, as well as hotel management of environmental performance in order to establish efficiency in that process. The principal question arising is how environmentally sustainable business affects hotel performance, and what are the most important indicators of the environmental hotel business. The aim of this article is to offer an insight into, and analysis of, performance and indicators of the environmental sustainability of hotels through the relevant literature. A case study from Serbia is used to point out the complexity and the significance of these indicators in the hotel business, as well as to emphasise the importance of environmental reports in the case of Serbia. The findings of our study are significant because they help hotel managers identify new opportunities for employing more sustainable processes for saving resources.
Keywords: sustainable business, tourism, performance, indicators, hotels, communication, marketing
Published in DKUM: 23.01.2024; Views: 316; Downloads: 20
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New tourism trend : travelling with pets or pet sitting at a pet hotel?
Nadja Mlakar, Saša Zupan Korže, 2022, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Animals have been an important part of human life for ages. Nowadays, some people even treat pets as life-companions, which accompany them even on vacations. The main purpose of this article is a) to identify issues that owners deal with while planning a trip or when travelling with their pets and b) to present the attitudes of Slovenian pet owners regarding pet hotels. The research was conducted in Slovenia in 2019 and 2020, using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The findings show that Slovene pet owners rather travel with their pets than put them in pet hotels, particularly when going on vacation by car and travelling on short trips through Slovenia or in neighbouring countries. Regarding pet hotels, pet owners are mostly concerned about professional care for their pets and less about the price of the service. The study gives important information to tourist accommodation providers and pet hotel providers on how to adapt their services to their ‘pet guest’ and satisfy the pet owners.
Keywords: tourism, human-animal bond, pets in tourism, travelling with pets, pet hotels
Published in DKUM: 17.01.2024; Views: 340; Downloads: 9
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The ecological motivation or tourists as a determinant of the tourists' loyalty
Majda Bastič, Slavka Gojčič, 2011, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Despite the significant impact of environment on the attractiveness of tourist destination, environmental stewardship is not always the top priority in the hotel industry as one of the most energy-intensive sectors of the tourism industry which contributes to the increasing quantity of air pollutants. Therefore, this study investigates the impact of ecological pull motives and service quality on the tourists' loyalty to eco-hotels. The tourists spent their holidays in Austrian hotels with ecolabel and in Slovenian hotels were targeted and a total of 611 tourists participated in the study. The study reveals that the perceived service quality and ecobehaviour of hotel staff are the main determinants of the tourists' loyalty. The comparison analysis between Austrian and Slovenian hotels indicates that the guests of Austrian hotels with ecolabel are more loyal and ecologically motivated than guests of Slovenian hotels without ecolabel.
Keywords: loyalty, ecological motivation, hotel service quality, tourism, eco-tourism, hotels, services, quality
Published in DKUM: 30.05.2012; Views: 2415; Downloads: 101
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Milena Mojzeš, 2012, master's thesis/paper

Abstract: V današnjem burnem obdobju mednarodne globalne recesije morajo tudi podjetja v proces managementa vnesti nove, inovativne pristope. Managerji današnjega časa se morajo truditi, da angažirajo vse resurse svojih zaposlenih, glavo, roke in srce, ker zaposleni v teh kritičnih časih morajo delati bolj kakovostno, inovativno in fleksibilno. Bistvenega pomena je, da pri svojih zaposlenih gradijo pripadnost in zavzetost. V nalogi, ki je pred nami sem poskusila opredeliti coaching kot novejši in inovativni pristop vodenja zaposlenih s ciljem, ustvariti ustvarjalni tim, ki je zavzet za delo, usmerjen v izpolnitev potreb gostov, visoki kvaliteti storitev in dobrimi odnosi z vodstvom in s poslovnimi partnerji.
Keywords: Coaching, coach, management, manager, kakovost, vizija, poslanstvo, Sava Hotels & Resorts.
Published in DKUM: 23.05.2012; Views: 2115; Downloads: 463
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