1. Management kakovosti v hoteluPatricija Dravec, 2021, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Management se pojavlja v vsaki organizaciji. Določa osnovne smeri razvoja, strateške cilje organizacije in skrbi za izvajanje načrtovanih nalog na vseh ravneh delovanja. Je ustvarjalno reševanje problemov, ki se nanašajo na načrtovanje, organiziranje, vodenje ter ocenjevanje razpoložljivih virov oziroma resursov za doseganje ciljev poslovanja, poslanstva in vizije razvoja podjetja. V diplomskem projektu smo raziskali teoretične vidike managementa, managementa kakovosti ter management kakovosti v hotelu oziroma turistične storitve. Keywords: management, management kakovosti, turizem, hotel Slon. Published in DKUM: 06.09.2021; Views: 1116; Downloads: 84 Full text (866,30 KB) |
2. Knowledge management in the hotel industry before and after the entry in the EU : the case of SloveniaHelena Nemec Rudež, 2010, original scientific article Abstract: The paper deals with the impact of the EU entry on knowledge management in the hotel industry in Slovenia. For this purpose, the empirical research on knowledge management was carried out among hotel managers. It explored the changes in knowledge management between 2003 and 2006; that is before and after Slovenia entered the EU. The research revealed a progress in this period of time in knowledge management goals definition, transformation of not-owned into owned knowledge, inclusion of knowledge management in business reports, identification and elimination of the gaps between planned and actual knowledge. On the other hand, there was no further progress in the field of strategies and policy of knowledge management, perception of the importance of knowledge management's measurement, development of measures of knowledge management and diminishment of barriers to knowledge development. Further, several recommendations are suggested for hotel managers. Keywords: EU entry, knowledge management, hotel industry, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 04.12.2017; Views: 1258; Downloads: 165 Full text (273,67 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Cluster analysis as a tool of guests segmentation by the degree of their demandDamijan Mumel, Boris Snoj, 2002, original scientific article Abstract: Authors demonstrate the use of cluster analysis in findin out (ascertaining) the homogenity/heterogenity of guests as to the degree of their demand. The degree of guests' demand is defined according to the importance of perceived service quality components measured by SERVQUAL, which was adopted and adapted, according to the specifics of health spa industry in Slovenia. Goals of the article are: (a) the identification of the profile of importance of general health spa service quality components, and (b) the identification of groups of guests (segments) according to the degree of their demand in the research in 1991 compared with 1999. Cluster analysis serves as useful tool for guest segmentation since it reveals the existence of important differences in the structure of guests in the year 1991 compared with the year 1999. The results serve as a useful database for management in health spas. Keywords: catering, hotel management, analysis, segmentation, services, quality Published in DKUM: 04.07.2017; Views: 799; Downloads: 98 Full text (1,12 MB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Obvladovanje krize v poslovanju hotelaFranjo Kosi, 2017, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomskem seminarju je govora o hotelih, krizah v le-teh, kriznih udeležencih ter seveda obvladovanju krize. Prvo poglavje je sestavljeno iz opisa problema, ki je bil predmet raziskave, ciljev, predpostavk ter omejitev. V drugem poglavju so predstavljene različne definicije krize oziroma pogleda managerjev na njo, skupine vzrokov za samo krizo in razčlenjevanje le-te. Tretje poglavje se osredotoča na hotele, njihovo opredelitev, zgodovino, razlikovanje hotelov glede na kategorije in vodenje hotelov na kratek, srednji ter dolg rok. V četrtem poglavju pa je glavna tema vedenje samih udeležencev v krizi. V poglavju dobimo pregled nad reakcijami samih udeležencev, kot so na primer lastniki, management, odjemalci in drugi. V zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela pa sem obravnaval ukrepe razreševanja kriz na različnih področjih hotelov kot tudi predstavil krizni management, njegove naloge ter sestavne dele načrta za krizno upravljanje in distribucijo le-teh. Keywords: hotel, vodenje hotelov, kriza, krizni management, udeleženci krize, obvladovanje krize Published in DKUM: 27.06.2017; Views: 1593; Downloads: 190 Full text (1,15 MB) |