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Vrednotenje delniških opcij v bančnem sistemu
Anja Peček, 2017, master's thesis

Abstract: V magistrskem delu analiziramo vrednotenje delniških opcij ter metodo "delta hedging", s katero lahko investitorji zmanjšajo izpostavljentost tveganju, ki ga prinaša izdaja izvedenega finančnega instrumenta. V teoretičnem okvirju dela opredelimo vrste izvedenih finančnih instrumentov in se v nadaljevanju osredotočimo na podrobnejšo analizo nakupne in prodajne opcije, ki predstavlja osnovo za vrednotenje preostalih oblik izvedenih finančnih instrumentov. Ugotavljamo, da na ceno delniške opcije vpliva izvršilna cena, čas do dospetja opcije, volatilnost osnovnega instrumenta, netvegana obrestna mera in tržna cena delnice. V empiričnem delu se osredotočimo na analizo portfelja nakupne opcije in določenega števila delnic po metodi "delta hedging". Parameter delta definira število kupljenih oziroma prodanih delnic, s čimer doseže investitor na dan dospetja opcije delta-nevtralen portfelj. Z analizo prodajne opcije ugotavljamo, da lahko investitor z nakupom delnice izgubo le-te pokrije z nakupom prodajne opcije.
Keywords: tveganje, nakupna opcija, prodajna opcija, "delta-hedging", parameter delta.
Published in DKUM: 19.10.2017; Views: 1493; Downloads: 168
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Reduction of the mean hedging transaction costs
Miklavž Mastinšek, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Transaction costs of derivative hedging appear in financial markets. This paper considers the problem of delta hedging and the reduction of expected proportional transaction costs. In the literature the expected approximate proportional transaction costs are customarily estimated by the gamma term, usually the largest term of the associated series expansion. However, when options are to expire in a month or few weeks, other terms may become even larger so that more precise estimates are needed. In this paper, different higher-order estimates of proportional transaction costs are analyzed. The problem of the reduction of expected transaction costs is considered. As a result, a suitably adjusted delta is given, for which the expected approximate proportional transaction costs can be reduced. The order of the mean and the variance of the hedging error can be preserved. Several examples are provided.
Keywords: derivatives, delta hedging, transaction costs, hedging error
Published in DKUM: 03.04.2017; Views: 1276; Downloads: 185
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Financial derivatives trading and delta hedging
Miklavž Mastinšek, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: In financial derivatives markets different strategies for reduction of risk can be applied. This is especially important in times of financial crisis when more regulation of trading with risky instruments is needed. In this article the well known technique of delta hedging used in derivatives markets is considered. It is shown that for the appropriately adjusted delta the average hedging loss and the expected transaction costs can be reduced.
Keywords: finančni instrumenti, izvedeni finančni instrumenti, hedging, transakcije, stroški
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1210; Downloads: 44
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Finančne inovacije : diplomsko delo
Aleš Frlež, 2008, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: finančne inovacije, invencije, difuzija, finančni trg, davki, skladi, hedging, listinjenje, finance
Published in DKUM: 28.05.2012; Views: 1918; Downloads: 125
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