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Influence of microdefect on fatigue properties in weld fine grain heat affected zone on nickel molybdenum alloy steel : doctoral disertation
Fidan Smaili, 2023, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: This research presents two possibilities to prepare and test the Fine Grain of a Heat Affected Zone, which, practically, could be considered as the weakest part of welded joints in the presence of any microdefect. It is a narrow zone located between the fusion zone and the unaffected base material; therefore, only a few methods are suitable to test its mechanical properties. The 18CrNiMo7-6 steel was used as the base material. As this steel is usually used for the production of dynamically loaded components, testing of its fatigue behaviour and fracture toughness was crucial, but also measurement of its hardness and impact toughness. To investigate the mechanical properties of a Fine-Grain Heat-Affected Zone (FG HAZ), two different methods for simulation of as-welded microstructures were used in this research: A weld thermal cycle simulator (WTCS) and austenitising in a laboratory furnace +
Keywords: weld joint, Fine Grain Heat Affected Zone, mechanical properties, fatigue crack growth
Published in DKUM: 06.10.2023; Views: 458; Downloads: 50
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Microstructural investigation of the heat-affected zone of simulated welded joint of P91 steel
Tomaž Vuherer, Marko Dunđer, Ljubica Milović, Milorad Zrilić, Ivan Samardžić, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: In the process of testing real components exposed to elevated temperature, it is not possible to neglect cracks. The most significant cracks can be induced by welding, which is applied for joining of structural components. Pressure equipment in service is also exposed to high pressure and high stresses. Materials for their manufacturing are designed to resist high stressat elevated temperature, and to meet requirements regarding creep resistance. The objective of this study is to investigate microstructure of different regions of the heat affected zone in T/P91 steels by using thermal simulation instead of welding.
Keywords: welded joints, microstructures, P91 steel, heat-affected zone, heat treatment
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1302; Downloads: 178
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Vloga in nastanek mikrostrukturnih sestavin M-A v zvarnih spojih maloogljičnih visokotrdnostnih konstrukcijskih jekel
Zdravko Praunseis, Masao Toyoda, Alojz Križman, Mitsuru Ohata, 2001, review article

Abstract: The existence of martensite-austenite constituents in the weld metal and heat-affected zone seriously reduces the fracture toughness of the welded joint. Therefore, we have investigated the formation of the martensite-austenite constituents when high-strength low-alloy steel is welded with a high heat input or using multi-pass welding. This paper deals with the effects of martensite-austenite constituents on the fracture toughness, the metallurgical features of the martensite-austenite constituents, and the prevention and elimination of the martensite-austenite constituents in the welded joints.
Keywords: arc welding, high-strength low-alloy steels, microstructure, martensite-austenite constituents, weld metal, heat-affected zone, cooling rate
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2188; Downloads: 132
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Some factors affecting fatigue resistance of welds
Vladimir Gliha, Zijah Burzić, Tomaž Vuherer, 2010, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The fatigue strength of polycrystalline metals is hardness and defect size dependent. The fatigue strength of welds depends on the size of grains and actual local mean stress, too. Local mean stress is influenced by the global R-ratio and static preloading. The welds in the as-welded condition are pre-stressed due to the existence of welding residual stresses. The sign and magnitude of residual stresses depend on the welding conditions. Changes of residual stresses, hardness and defect size are experimentally determined in the present work. Samples of studied metals are prepared by using either thermal cycle simulator or laboratory furnace and water quenching. The methods of microstructure preparation and type of load result in actual local R-ratio at the used weld toe models. Specimens are cyclic loaded in the similar way as steel at the weld toe. The bottom of the notch is either defect-free or defected by Vickers indentation. Final results show that coarser grain and higher local R-ratios lower the fatigue strength of welds.
Keywords: CrNiMo steels, weld, fatigue resistance, heat-affected zone, small weld defects
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 1742; Downloads: 29
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