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Novel Half-Spaces Based 3D Building Reconstruction Using Airborne LiDAR Data
Marko Bizjak, Domen Mongus, Borut Žalik, Niko Lukač, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Automatic building reconstruction from laser-scanned data remains a challenging research topic due to buildings’ roof complexity and sparse data. A novel automatic building reconstruction methodology, based on half-spaces and a height jump analysis, is presented in this paper. The proposed methodology is performed in three stages. During the preprocessing stage, the classified input point cloud is clustered by position to obtain building point sets, which are then evaluated to obtain half-spaces and detect height jumps. Half-spaces represent the fundamental shape for generating building models, and their definition is obtained from the corresponding segment of points that describe an individual planar surface. The detection of height jumps is based on a DBSCAN search within a custom search space. During the second stage, the building point sets are divided into sub-buildings in such a way that their roofs do not contain height jumps. The concept of sub-buildings without height jumps is introduced to break down the complex building models with height jumps into smaller parts, where shaping with half-spaces can be applied accurately. Finally, the sub-buildings are reconstructed separately with the corresponding half-spaces and then joined back together to form a complete building model. In the experiments, the methodology’s performance was demonstrated on a large scale and validated on an ISPRS benchmark dataset, where an RMSE of 0.29 m was obtained in terms of the height difference.
Keywords: LiDAR point cloud, building reconstruction, half-spaces, Boolean operations
Published in DKUM: 01.12.2023; Views: 388; Downloads: 25
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Green's function for tangentialy loaded horizontaly layered half-space
Tomaž Pliberšek, Andrej Umek, 2008, original scientific article

Abstract: The topic of this paper is a novel evaluation of the integral representation of the surface Greenćs function for a layered half-space, loaded on its surface by a harmonic tangential point force. The equations of motions are reduced to wave equations by the introduction of wave potentials. The Hankel transform is applied to them and they are consecutively solved leading to the integral representation of surface displacements. They are consecutively evaluated by the proposed three step procedure. First the singularity is extracted. It is further noted that so obtained integrals, after suitably chosen branch cuts and analytic continuation of integrands are introduced, can be evaluated by contour integration for an arbitrary number of layers. They are, therefore, expressed by number of residues at the poles of integrand and the integrals along finite portions of the branch cuts. The latter ones can easily be evaluated to any desired accuracy leading to a closed form solution. Some numerical results corroborating the presented approach are given.
Keywords: elastodynamics, elastic wave propagation, Green`s function, horizontaly layered half-space, horizontal point load
Published in DKUM: 05.06.2018; Views: 1407; Downloads: 88
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Recognizing weighted directed Cartesian graph bundles
Blaž Zmazek, Janez Žerovnik, 2000, original scientific article

Abstract: In this paper we show that methods for recognizing Cartesian graph bundles can be generalized to weighted digraphs. The main result is an algorithm which lists the sets of degenerate arcs for all representations of digraph as a weighted directed Cartesian graph bundle over simple base digraphs not containing transitive tournament on three vertices. Two main notions are used.The first one is the new relation ▫$\vec{\delta}^\ast$▫ defined among the arcs of a digraph as a weighted directed analogue of the well-known relation ▫$\delta^\ast$▫. The second one is the concept of half-convex subgraphs. A subgraph ▫$H$▫ is half-convex in ▫$G$▫ if any vertex ▫$x \in G \setminus H$▫ has at most one predecessor and at most one successor
Keywords: mathematics, graph theory, graph bundles, Cartesian graph product, weighted digraphs, half-convexity
Published in DKUM: 31.03.2017; Views: 1303; Downloads: 400
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Half pa pu - the language of Slovene Americans
Zinka Zorko, 1996, review, book review, critique

Keywords: slovenščina, priseljenci v Ameriki, Šabec, Nada: Half pa pu, ocene
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1325; Downloads: 61
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Maruša Bračič, 2015, master's thesis

Abstract: Prevajanje izmišljenih zemljepisnih imen predstavlja velik izziv za prevajalce, ki se trudijo ostati zvesti avtorjevi predstavi fantazijskega sveta. Takšna imena so aptonimi, ki so lahko preprosti samostalniki ali zapletene besedne igre, ki kažejo na značilnost in zgodovino določenega fantazijskega kraja. V magistrskem delu je predstavljena fantazijska literatura s poudarkom na zemljepisnih imenih, ki se pojavljajo v delih A Game of Thrones in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ter Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Teoretični del zajema še obravnavo motivacije in ekvivalence ter prevajalskih strategij, ki se pojavljajo v prevodih navedenih knjig. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena analiza prevodov prevajalcev Boštjana Gorenca (A Game of Thrones), Branka Gradišnika (Hary Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) in Jakoba J. Kende (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban), kjer je prikazano, v kolikšni meri se v prevodih ohranijo stilistična in pomenska motivacija, besedotvorna oblika imen in nenazadnje, ali se ohranijo tudi aptonimi. Razkrilo se je, da se pomenska motivacija ohrani, medtem ko se stilistična v prevodu pogosto spremeni v pomensko. Prav tako je bilo ugotovljeno, da se zaradi dinamične ekvivalence besedotvorni načini ne ohranjajo, nasprotno pa se ohranjajo aptonimi, ki prevajalcu dovoljujejo več svobode pri izbiri imena v ciljnem jeziku. Analiza tudi pojasnjuje, da je zaradi angliciranja zemljepisnih imen svet Harryja Potterja v prevodu bolj oddaljen od resničnosti kot svet Igre prestolov, čeprav se slednja dogaja v vzporednem svetu, medtem ko se Harryjeve dogodivščine odvijajo v Veliki Britaniji.
Keywords: fantazijska literatura, motivacija, aptonim, ekvivalenca, prevajalske strategije, A Game of Thrones, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Igra prestolov, Polkrvni princ
Published in DKUM: 05.03.2015; Views: 2222; Downloads: 361
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Approximate expressions for the Green's functions of a semi-infinite, elastic medium
Tomaž Pliberšek, Andrej Umek, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: On the basis of an exact, discretized presentation of the Green's function components, their closed-form approximations are developed. Their accuracy is considered to be better than the tolerances in the intrusive measurements data for the identification of the mechanical characteristics of soils. The use of these approximate expressions is believed to considerably reduce the computational effort in soil-structure interaction problems and open up new possibilities for the non-intrusive identification of soils.
Keywords: elastodynamics, half-space, Green's function, approximate solutions
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2170; Downloads: 124
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Evaluation of Green`s function for vertical point-load excitation applied to the surface of a semi-infinite elastic medium
Andrej Štrukelj, Tomaž Pliberšek, Andrej Umek, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: The topic of this paper is to show that the integrals of infinite extent representing the surface displacements of a layered half-space loaded by a harmonic, vertical point load can be reduced to integrals with finite integration range. The displacements are first expressed through wave potentials and the Hankel integral transform in the radial coordinate is applied to the governing equations and boundary conditions, leading to the solutions in the transformed domain. After the application of the inverse Hankel transform it is shown that the inversion integrands are symmetric/antimetric in the transformation parameter and that this characteristic is preserved for any number of layers. Based on this fact the infinite inversion integrals are reduced to integrals with finite range by choosing the suitable representation of the Bessel function and use of the fundamental rules of contour integration, permitting simpler analytical or numerical evaluation. A numerical example is presented and the results are compared to those obtained by the CLASSI program.
Keywords: civil engineering, soil mechanics, Green`s function, layered half-space, vertical point load
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2472; Downloads: 43
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