1. Strategies for managing time and costs in speech corpus creation : insights from the Slovenian ARTUR corpusDarinka Verdonik, Andreja Bizjak, Andrej Žgank, Mirjam Sepesy Maučec, Mitja Trojar, Jerneja Žganec Gros, Marko Bajec, Iztok Lebar Bajec, Simon Dobrišek, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Parliamentary debates represent an essential part of democratic discourse and provide insights into various socio-demographic and linguistic phenomena - parliamentary corpora, which contain transcripts of parliamentary debates and extensive metadata, are an important resource for parliamentary discourse analysis and other research areas. This paper presents the Slovenian parliamentary corpus siParl, the latest version of which contains transcripts of plenary sessions and other legislative bodies of the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia from 1990 to 2022, comprising more than 1 million speeches and 210 million words. We outline the development history of the corpus and also mention other initiatives that have been influenced by siParl (such as the Parla-CLARIN encoding and the ParlaMint corpora of European parliaments), present the corpus creation process, ranging from the initial data collection to the structural development and encoding of the corpus, and given the growing influence of the ParlaMint corpora, compare siParl with the Slovenian ParlaMint-SI corpus. Finally, we discuss updates for the next version as well as the long-term development and enrichment of the siParl corpus. Keywords: recording speech, transcribing speech, transcription guidelines, Less-resourced language Published in DKUM: 04.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 4
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2. Translating Answers to Open-ended Questions in Multi-lingual Surveys. A Case Study of the Cross-national Longitudinal Study: Older Audiences in the Digital Media EnvironmentUrša Marinšek, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: This thesis looks into the process of translating answers in multi-lingual longitudinal surveys. It provides a literature review on translation in similar studies, but more importantly, through qualitative interviews with researchers involved in an international longitudinal study, it explores concrete strategies and challenges.
The Cross-National Longitudinal Study: Older Audiences in the Digital Media Environment is investigated as a case study. The main working language in the study is English and the used questionnaire includes closed- and open-ended questions. Dealing with respondents’ answers includes translating answers to English from many languages.
Researchers in this study do not pay attention to translating answers to great extent, and some think open-ended questions are not necessary in quantitative research. Those who translated answers had problems with language comprehension and cultural backgrounds. They lacked certain guidelines which would help with solving any issues. This thesis identifies the challenges that researchers face and finds possible strategies, and improvements for translations. Keywords: meta-methodological research, translation of answers, guidelines for translation in quantitative research, longitudinal studies Published in DKUM: 03.09.2024; Views: 55; Downloads: 11
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3. A preliminary study of greenhouse gases emissions of Lagos commercial vehicles : the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change guidelines at workMichael Adetunji Ahove, Chinenye Lilian Okafor, Samuel G. Odewumi, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Nigeria deployed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) top-down approach which generalizes transport emissions, is not detailed to localize solutions based on sectors. This identified gap was filled using IPCC’s Bottom-Up approach. Quantitative research design was employed using a descriptive survey to determine fuel consumption, vehicle and drivers characteristics through the use of a 30-item instrument named GHG emission estimation instrument (GHGEEI) to estimate the quantity of GHGs from vehicular emissions of commercial road passenger transport activities within the selected routes in Iyanaipaja, differentiate emission estimates by vehicle categories (Tricycle referred to as ‘Keke’, Shuttle, ‘Danfo’14, 18 and 22-seaters) and determine the relative contribution of each commercial road passenger vehicle type according to its age, fuel type, number of engine plugs, and frequency of service. Quota sampling technique was used to identify the strata and their frequency in the population and then convenience sampling was used to select 15% of the quota population for each stratum. Results from the study showed that 10,259.88kg/CO2e, of Carbon dioxide (CO2), 3.65kg/CO2e of Methane (CH4), and 0.58kg/CO2e of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) was emitted daily on the selected areas. Keywords: climate change, greenhouse gases, IPCC guidelines, vehicular emissions Published in DKUM: 23.08.2024; Views: 76; Downloads: 7
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4. Crosswalk of most used metadata schemes and guidelines for metadata interoperability (Version 1.0)Milan Ojsteršek, 2021, complete scientific database of research data Abstract: This resource provides crosswalks among the most commonly used metadata schemes and guidelines to describe digital objects in Open Science, including:
- RDA metadata IG recommendation of the metadata element set,
- EOSC Pilot - EDMI metadata set,
- Dublin CORE Metadata Terms,
- Datacite 4.3 metadata schema,
- DCAT 2.0 metadata schema and DCAT 2.0 application profile,
- EUDAT B2Find metadata recommendation,
- OpenAIRE Guidelines for Data Archives,
- OpenAire Guidelines for literature repositories 4.0,
- OpenAIRE Guidelines for Other Research Products,
- OpenAIRE Guidelines for Software Repository Managers,
- OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers,
- Crossref 4.4.2 metadata XML schema,
- Harvard Dataverse metadata schema,
- DDI Codebook 2.5 metadata XML schema,
- Europeana EDM metadata schema,
- Schema.org,
- Bioschemas,
- The PROV Ontology. Keywords: crosswalk, metadata, EDMI metadata set, Dublin CORE, Datacite 4.3 metadata schema, DCAT 2.0 metadata schema, UDAT B2Find metadata recommendation, OpenAIRE Guidelines for Data Archives, OpenAire Guidelines for literature repositories 4.0, OpenAIRE Guidelines for Other Research Products, OpenAIRE Guidelines for Software Repository Managers, OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers, Crossref 4.4.2 metadata XML schema, Harvard Dataverse metadata schema, DDI Codebook 2.5 metadata XML schema, Europeana EDM metadata schema, Schema.org, Bioschemas, The PROV Ontology Published in DKUM: 21.09.2021; Views: 2030; Downloads: 72
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5. Systemic direction and supervision of police work in the Republic of Slovenia : current situation analysisMaja Modic, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of the target research project "Effectiveness of Systemic Supervision of the Police in Regard to Human Rights as well as the Statutory and Professional Standards of Police Work (V5-1942)". We focused on the implementation of systemic supervision of police work, more precisely, on the operations of the Division for System Guidelines and Supervision of the Police, which operates within the Police and Security Directorate. Design/Methods/Approach: We examined how systemic supervisory activity of the work of the police is regulated by Slovenian law, limiting ourselves to the work of the Division for System Guidelines and Supervision of the Police. Based on the findings and an additional review of anonymised supervision reports, we prepared a questionnaire and conducted a structured written interview as well as oral interviews with the Division's employees. Findings: Systemic supervision efforts are contributing significantly to the quality of policing, but challenges and opportunities for improvement still remain. One of the main challenges is keeping police officers informed about supervision reports and effectively implementing inspection findings. Research Limitations/Implication: In the part of the study described, we focus exclusively on the work of the Division for System Guidelines and Supervision of the Police and take a look at systemic supervision activities solely from the Division's point of view. For a more complete overview of the matter, our findings should be compared with the perspective of those being supervised, i.e. the police officers who have undergone supervision. Originality/Value: The main added value of the paper is that it examines how supervisors perceive their own work and the organisation, operation and effectiveness of systemic supervisions of police work. Keywords: systemic supervision of police work, Division for System Guidelines and Supervision of the Police, Police and Security Directorate, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 11.06.2021; Views: 1078; Downloads: 24
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6. Modeling compliance with COVID-19 prevention guidelines : the critical role of trust in scienceNejc Plohl, Bojan Musil, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: The coronavirus pandemic is one of the biggest health crises of our time. In response to this global problem, various institutions around the world had soon issued evidence-based prevention guidelines. However, these guidelines, which were designed to slow the spread of COVID-19 and contribute to public well-being, are (deliberately) disregarded by some individuals. In the present study, we aimed to develop and test a multivariate model that could help us identify individual characteristics that make a person more/less likely to comply with COVID-19 prevention guidelines. A total of 525 attentive participants completed the online survey. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) show that COVID-19 risk perception and trust in science both independently predict compliance with COVID-19 prevention guidelines, while the remaining variables in the model (political conservatism, religious orthodoxy, conspiracy ideation and intellectual curiosity) do so via the mediating role of trust in science. The described model exhibited an acceptable fit (χ2(1611) = 2485.84, p < .001, CFI = .91, RMSEA = .032, SRMR = .055). These findings thus provide empirical support for the proposed multivariate model and underline the importance of trust in science in explaining the different levels of compliance with COVID-19 prevention guidelines. Keywords: coronavirus, covid-19, prevention guidelines, compliance, trust in science Published in DKUM: 09.11.2020; Views: 1032; Downloads: 423
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7. General Guidelines for Academic IntegrityLoreta Tauginienė, Milan Ojsteršek, Tomáš Foltýnek, Franca Marino, Marco Consentino, Inga Gaižauskaitė, Irene Glendinning, Shiva Sivasubramaniam, Salim Razi, Laura Ribeiro, Tatjana Odiņeca, Oliver Trevisiol, 2018, scientific monograph Abstract: These general guidelines serve as a supportive document for the glossary for academic integrity (sub-output 3G) that describes the definitions of terms related to academic integrity. They serve to help build common understandings of integrity issues in both academia and business. The guidelines outline minimum requirements and responsibilities of various stakeholders in academia. Many of the guidelines are necessarily general, but, where relevant, we provide country-specific examples as well as adjusting to meet to the needs of different fields of study/research.
The general guidelines are addressed to a full range of stakeholders, including national ombudspersons, judicial authorities, compliance officers, research project managers and other related bodies or units in academia (such as policy units, educators/instructors, senior administrator/managers/coordinators) as well as students, the business sector and others.
Keywords: guidelines, academic integrity, academic writing, academic publishing, ethics, plagiarism, copyright, data fabrication, data falsification, cheating Published in DKUM: 15.10.2019; Views: 2005; Downloads: 125
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8. Comparison of criteria for road safety barrier installation in some countries of the European unionLeonid Ljubotina, 2019, master's thesis Abstract: In the master thesis we will analyze regulations which define the criterion for vehicle restraint system installment in certain countries of the European Union. We will focus mostly on Slovenia, Italia and Croatia. Even though all of the three states are members of the European Union, have common borders and the “Mediterranean” TEN corridor passes through these countries, it is possible to conclude that the passive safety equipment on the road infrastructure in those states is not harmonized.
There are also big differences between the installation conditions of the traffic safety barriers and category selection of the safety barriers. Analyzing regulations regarding traffic safety barrier installation, we will try to define the differences in equipping roads with safety barriers, depending on road category, definition of black spot and the category of the safety barrier. Keywords: traffic, traffic safety, vehicle restraint system, Mediterranean corridor, guidelines Published in DKUM: 26.09.2019; Views: 1078; Downloads: 105
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9. Državne pomoči za širokopasovna omrežjaMartina Boršić, 2017, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Strategija Evropa 2020 ter Evropska digitalna agenda poudarjata pomen širokopasovnega omrežja za spodbujanje konkurenčnosti, zaposlovanja in socialne vključenosti v Evropski uniji ter postavljata ambiciozne cilje za njegov razvoj. Zaradi gospodarskih značilnosti sektorja pa teh ciljev ni mogoče doseči brez podpore javnega financiranja. Države članice so zato pozvane k uporabi javnih sredstev v skladu s pravili Evropske unije o državnih pomočeh in konkurenci. Bistvene pri tovrstnem državnem posredovanju so Smernice Evropske komisije za uporabo pravil o državni pomoči v zvezi s hitro postavitvijo širokopasovnih omrežij (»Broadband Guidelines«). Ustvarjajo določeno stopnjo pravne varnosti za zainteresirane stranke ter zagotavljajo jasen in predvidljiv okvir ključnih meril presoje državnih pomoči za širokopasovna omrežja. S predpisanimi pogoji združljivosti ter podrobno opredeljeno presojo skupnega učinka ukrepa poskuša namreč Evropska komisija čim bolj omejiti tveganje izrinjanja in zamenjave zasebnih naložb, vplivanja na komercialne investicije ter izkrivljanja konkurence. Keywords: državna pomoč, širokopasovno omrežje, izkrivljanje konkurence, presoja združljivosti, Broadband Guidelines, Evropska digitalna agenda Published in DKUM: 26.09.2017; Views: 1428; Downloads: 139
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