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Mathematical model of the power supply system control
Janez Usenik, 2009, original scientific article

Keywords: power supply system, control, optimal energy capacities, Laplace transform, fuzzy logic
Published in DKUM: 05.06.2012; Views: 2713; Downloads: 51
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Decomposed fuzzy proportional-integral-derivative controllers
Marjan Golob, 2001, original scientific article

Abstract: In this paper, several types of decomposed proportional-integral-derivative fuzzy logic controllers (PID FLCs) are tested and compared. An important feature of decomposed PID FLCs are their simple structures. In its simplest version, the decomposed PID FLC uses three one-input one-output inferences with three separate rule bases. Behaviours of proportional, integral and derivative PID FLC parts are defined with simple rules in proportional rule base, integral rule base and derivative rule base. The proposed decomposed PID FLC has been compared with several PID FLCs structures. All PID FLCs have been realised by the same hardware and software tools and have been applied as a real-time controller to a simple magnetic suspension system.
Keywords: fuzzy logic control, PID control, decomposed fuzzy system, magnetic suspension system
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2148; Downloads: 109
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