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Marketinški pristopi v industriji videoiger na primeru brezplačnega modela generiranja prihodkov : magistrsko delo
Veronika Jakopič, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrsko delo obravnava vzpon brezplačnega modela generiranja prihodkov (free-to-play oz. F2P) v industriji videoiger ter njegov vpliv na vključenost igralcev in marketinške pristope. V industriji videoiger se osredotoča na njene karakteristike in strukturo, prehod s tradicionalnega plačljivega modela na F2P ter na značilnosti in strategije monetizacije v modelu F2P. Analizira tudi igralne platforme, klasifikacije igralcev videoiger in marketinške pristope v industriji. Empirična raziskava med slovenskimi igralci videoigre League of Legends je pokazala, da je vidik brezplačnega igranja za igralce F2P zelo pomemben, saj polovica igralcev igre verjetno ne bi igrala, če le-ta ne bi bila brezplačna. Ugotovljene so bile tudi pozitivne korelacije med igralnim časom, vključenostjo igralcev, nakupi v igri in spremljanjem marketinških kanalov v povezavi z videoigro.
Keywords: free-to-play, industrija videoiger, videoigre, vključenost igralcev
Published in DKUM: 03.06.2024; Views: 212; Downloads: 85
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Back to nature: exploring the potential for implementing the Norwegian idea of outdoor days in the Slovenian school system
Katja Gomboc, 2016, other scientific articles

Abstract: Nowadays it is common to use the expressions ‘in the classroom’ and ‘out of the classroom’ (outdoors). In this article the word ‘outdoors’ will be replaced with the words ‘in the natural environment’, ‘into the natural environment’ and ‘within the natural environment’. These words accent the equal importance of nature as a learning area, a concept that is often forgotten, neglected or ignored. In this area, Norway has forged a real connection between people and nature, a way of life called “friluftsliv,” and has used experiential learning based on learning and playing in an outdoor area. In this article is presented a research study of teaching in nature, the Norwegian nature-oriented curriculum and the implementation of nature practice in the Slovenian school system.
Keywords: nature, teaching, teaching outside the classroom, free play
Published in DKUM: 20.09.2017; Views: 1592; Downloads: 144
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