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An unsaturated-soils approach to the bearing capacity of foundation structures
Taha Taskiran, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Unsaturated soils are maintaining their importance for researchers and there is still much need to investigate the many engineering aspects of these soils. A new technique is proposed here to predict the variation of the bearing capacity of unsaturated soils with matric suction. The proposed method is an extension of conventional bearing-capacity theories and conceptually based on the logarithmic model of the shear strength of unsaturated soils, which only include one unknown, unsaturated parameter (the airentry value, AEV). The possibility of predicting the unsaturated bearing capacity of soils is shown by the saturated effective shear-strength parameters c' and Ø' and the AEV from the soil-water retention curve (SWRC). Considering the necessity of validating new methods with other researchers’ data, the proposed equation is tested using the published unsaturated experimental study by the author, in addition to some reported experimental studies on the shear strength for unsaturated soils and also a model footing loading on unsaturated sand under controlled suction conditions. The results of the study indicate that there is a good comparison between the “unsaturated bearing capacities” obtained via predicted and measured unsaturated strength parameters (ctotal , Ø) and also between the measured/ calculated bearing values of a model footing loading. Consequently, it is shown that, without needing complex unsaturated testing facilities, the proposed equation is capable of predicting the unsaturated bearing capacity for both fine-grained and sandy soils, requiring only one unsaturated parameter, which can be obtained from the SWRC or predicted using the basic soil-index properties.
Keywords: unsaturated soils, unsaturated bearing capacity, suction strength, foundation design
Published in DKUM: 18.06.2018; Views: 1252; Downloads: 77
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A simplified approach to the settlement estimation of piled rafts
Volkan Kalpakci, Mehmet Yener Özkan, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: In this study, a simplified approach to the settlement estimation of piled rafts resting on over-consolidated clay deposits is presented. For this purpose, a series of plane-strain and three-dimensional analyses were performed and their results are compared with the available data in the literature. It was found that the percentage decrease in the total settlements with the addition of piles with respect to the unpiled case is very closely estimated by both the plane-strain and the three-dimensional, simplified, numerical analyses. Using this phenomenon, a simple method of analysis is suggested for the total settlement estimation of the piled raft foundations and design charts are provided for the cases studied (for the specific soil conditions only) throughout this study.
Keywords: piled rafts, settlement, over-consolidated clay, foundation design
Published in DKUM: 13.06.2018; Views: 984; Downloads: 70
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