1. A coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model of expansive clays subjected to heating and hydratationNadia Laredj, Hanifi Missoum, Karim Bendani, Mustapha Maliki, 2011, original scientific article Abstract: The focus of this work is to provide a numerical formulation for coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in unsaturated expansive clays, especially in compacted bentonite, with a multiphase fluid flow. The model is characterized by the presence of a deformable solid matrix filled with two fluid phases (liquid water and air). In the proposed model, both pore-water and air transfers are assumed to be governed by the generalized Darcy’s law. Fully coupled, nonlinear partial differential equations are established and then solved by using a Galerkin weighted residual approach in the space domain and an implicit integrating scheme in the time domain. The model has been validated against an experimental test from the literature, which involves bentonite under laboratory conditions. The calculated relative errors between the experimental and numerical results are 3% for the temperature and 7% for the stresses. Consequently, the developed numerical model predicts satisfactory results, when compared to the experimental test measures. The model is applicable to two-dimensional problems with various initial and boundary conditions; non linear soil parameters can be easily included in this model. Keywords: thermo-hydro-mechanical process, unsaturated bentonite, finite element, numerical modelling, expansive clays Published in DKUM: 13.06.2018; Views: 1170; Downloads: 64
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2. Prediction of the pile behaviour under dynamic loading using embedded strain sensor technologyAndrej Štrukelj, Mirko Pšunder, Helena Vrecl-Kojc, Ludvik Trauner, 2009, original scientific article Abstract: A standard dynamic loading test of the pile was performed on the highway section Slivnica - Hajdina near Maribor, Slovenia. Parallel to standard testing procedures the new monitoring technology based on specially developed strain sensors installed inside the pile body along the pile axis was introduced. On the basis of the measured results the normal strains along the pile axis were measured. Taking into consideration the elastic modulus of the concrete the normal stresses in the axial direction of the pile were also calculated and afterwards the shear stresses along the pile shaft have been estimated as well as the normal stresses below the pile toe. The estimation was made by considering a constant value for the pile diameter. The measured results were also compared with the computer simulation of the pile and the soil behaviour during all the successive test phases. The strain measurements inside the pile body during the standard dynamic loading test in present case did not have the purpose of developing an alternative method of pile loading tests. The presented monitoring technology proved itself as a very accurate and consistent. It gave in the first place the possibility of a closer look at the strains and stresses of the most unapproachable parts of different types of concrete structure elements especially piles and other types of deep foundations. Keywords: piles, deep foundations, dynamic loading test, strain measurement technologies, elasto-plastic modelling, finite-element method Published in DKUM: 06.06.2018; Views: 1395; Downloads: 176
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3. The assesment of pile shaft resistance based on axial strain measurements during the loading testAndrej Štrukelj, Stanislav Škrabl, Ksenija Štern, Janko Logar, 2005, original scientific article Abstract: Near Maribor, a new bridge over the Drava river is being under construction. Before the main works actually started, static and dynamic loading tests of piles were performed. The goal of the static loading test was to determine the bearing capacitiy of the test pile. It was also interesting to determine the share of the axial load distributed on the shaft and pile toe. In order to measure the distribution of the axial force along the pile, a specially made steel canal was built in the pile before concreting. Inside this canal the strain gauges were distributed evenly at the distance of one meter. The strains were measured for each loading phase in all measuring points. The distribution of the axial force was assessed from the obtained results and based on the distribution of the axial force the shaft resistance could be determined. The unexpectedly high bearing capacity of the pile shaft made the obtained results highly interesting. In this paper, measuring methods and measuring results are discussed. Behaviour of the pile and the soil during the loading test were also modelled by axial symmetric and three dimensional models. The calculated and measured results show a very good agreement. Keywords: civil engineering, bridges, soil mechanics, pile shaft resistance, loading test, strain measurements, elastoplastic soil modelling, finite element method Published in DKUM: 16.05.2018; Views: 1430; Downloads: 84
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4. Finite element modelling of a field-sensed magnetic suspended system for accurate proximity measurement based on a sensor fusion algorithm with Unscented Kalman FilterAmor Chowdhury, Andrej Sarjaš, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: The presented paper describes accurate distance measurement for a field-sensed magnetic suspension system. The proximity measurement is based on a Hall effect sensor. The proximity sensor is installed directly on the lower surface of the electro-magnet, which means that it is very sensitive to external magnetic influences and disturbances. External disturbances interfere with the information signal and reduce the usability and reliability of the proximity measurements and, consequently, the whole application operation. A sensor fusion algorithm is deployed for the aforementioned reasons. The sensor fusion algorithm is based on the Unscented Kalman Filter, where a nonlinear dynamic model was derived with the Finite Element Modelling approach. The advantage of such modelling is a more accurate dynamic model parameter estimation, especially in the case when the real structure, materials and dimensions of the real-time application are known. The novelty of the paper is the design of a compact electro-magnetic actuator with a built-in low cost proximity sensor for accurate proximity measurement of the magnetic object. The paper successively presents a modelling procedure with the finite element method, design and parameter settings of a sensor fusion algorithm with Unscented Kalman Filter and, finally, the implementation procedure and results of real-time operation. Keywords: accurate proximity measurement, sensor fusion algorithm, Unscented Kalman Filter, finite element modelling Published in DKUM: 22.06.2017; Views: 1608; Downloads: 387
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