1. Influence of microdefect on fatigue properties in weld fine grain heat affected zone on nickel molybdenum alloy steel : doctoral disertationFidan Smaili, 2023, doctoral dissertation Abstract: This research presents two possibilities to prepare and test the Fine Grain of a Heat Affected Zone, which, practically, could be considered as the weakest part of welded joints in the presence of any microdefect. It is a narrow zone located between the fusion zone and the unaffected base material; therefore, only a few methods are suitable to test its mechanical properties. The 18CrNiMo7-6 steel was used as the base material. As this steel is usually used for the production of dynamically loaded components, testing of its fatigue behaviour and fracture toughness was crucial, but also measurement of its hardness and impact toughness. To investigate the mechanical properties of a Fine-Grain Heat-Affected Zone (FG HAZ), two different methods for simulation of as-welded microstructures were used in this research: A weld thermal cycle simulator (WTCS) and austenitising in a laboratory furnace + Keywords: weld joint, Fine Grain Heat Affected Zone, mechanical properties, fatigue crack growth Published in DKUM: 06.10.2023; Views: 455; Downloads: 44 Full text (13,49 MB) |
2. Fatigue crack initiation and propagation in lotus-type porous materialSrečko Glodež, Sašo Dervarič, Janez Kramberger, Matjaž Šraml, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: The investigation of fatigue strength of lotus-type structure with nodular cast iron as a base material using computational model is analysed in present study. The irregular pores distribution in transversal and longitudinal direction, regarding the external loading, is considered in the computational models. The complete fatigue process of analyzed porous structure is then divided into the crack initiation (Ni) and crack propagation (Np) period where the total fatigue life (N) is defined as: N = Ni + Np. The crack initiation period is determined using strain life approach where elastic-plastic numerical analysis is performed to obtain the total strain amplitude in the critical stress fields around the pores. The simplified universal slope method is then used to determine the number of stress cycles, Ni, required for formation of initial cracks. The number of stress cycles, Np, required for crack propagation from initial to the critical crack length is also numerically determined using finite element (FE) models, in the frame of Abaqus computation FEM code. The maximum tensile stress (MTS) criterion is considered when analyzing the crack path inside the porous structure. The performed computational analyses show that stress concentrations around individual pores are higher when external loading is acting in transversal direction in respect to the pore distribution. Therefore, further computational analyses regarding crack initiation and crack propagation period have been done only for pores distribution in transversal direction. Keywords: lotus-type porous structures, fatigue crack initiation, fatigue crack propagation, numerical analysis Published in DKUM: 02.08.2017; Views: 1458; Downloads: 415 Full text (4,75 MB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Compression pre-stress of tubular torsion springsVinko Močilnik, Nenad Gubeljak, Jožef Predan, Jože Flašker, 2010, original scientific article Abstract: This paper reports the results of a series of biaxial static compression and torsion experiments performed to evaluate the effects of static compression stress on the fatigue life of those smooth tubes made of high strength spring steel. The fatigue life of biaxial loaded springs depends, among others, on biaxial compression and torsion loading. A high shear loading ratio leads to low-cycle fatigue behaviour rather than high-cycle fatigue, because it was found that a crack was initiated at a local highly deformed area on surface of the specimen.The experimentally obtained results show a significant extension of fatigue strain life as a result of combining axial compression loading with torsion. Cracking behaviour was observed and it was noted that compression pre-stresses contribute to retardation of the fatigue crack initiation process and, consequently, contribute to the extension of fatigue life. Keywords: fatigue, fatigue life, micro crack, multi axial stress state, pre-stressing, torsion, torsion bar springs, twist angle Published in DKUM: 11.07.2017; Views: 1233; Downloads: 96 Full text (1,10 MB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Fatigue crack initiation from microstructurally small Vickers indentationsTomaž Vuherer, Andrej Godina, Zijah Burzić, Vladimir Gliha, 2007, original scientific article Abstract: The resistivity of coarse grain steel against crack initiation in the presence of micro defects is discussed. Samples of material with martensitic microstructure were prepared by adequate thermal treatment. Microstructurally small Vickers indentations were used as an artificial micro defect. The compressive residual stresses are due to the irreversibility of plastic deformation. The moment of indenting enables to prepare samples with and without effects of residual stresses. The stress level for crack initiation depends on the actual indentation size. The location of initiated cracks is affected by the presence and character of residual stresses. Keywords: welded joints, micro defect, coarse grain HAZ, crack initiation, crack growth, stress concentration, fatigue limit, Vickers, residual stresses Published in DKUM: 03.07.2017; Views: 1768; Downloads: 116 Full text (1,02 MB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Fatigue crack growth and fracture mechanics analysis of a working roll surface layer materialMatej Drobne, Tomaž Vuherer, Ivan Samardžić, Srečko Glodež, 2014, original scientific article Abstract: Fatigue crack growth and fracture mechanics analysis of a working roll surface layer material is presented in this paper. The research is done on a hot strip mill working roll where High Chromium Steel is used for roll’s shell material. To obtain corresponding parameters, a rectangular single edge notched bend specimens – SENB, according to standard BS 7448, were used. The fatigue crack growth analysis was done on a resonant testing machine with use of special crack gauges, while for fracture mechanics parameters the electro–mechanical testing machine was used. Keywords: fracture mechanics, fatigue crack growth, metal forming, rolling process, high chromium steel Published in DKUM: 03.07.2017; Views: 1302; Downloads: 124 Full text (1,11 MB) This document has many files! More... |
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7. Measurement of strain caused by residual stresses in a welded joint using neutron diffractionNenad Gubeljak, Jelena Vojvodič-Tuma, Hans-Georg Preismeyer, 1999, original scientific article Abstract: The distribution and amount of residual stresses can significantly contrubute to the fatigue fracture behaviour of welded joints in structures. Interior residual stresses, which interact with the plane strain state, are more dangerous than residual stresses at the surface of the welded joint. If the surface of the welded joint is mechanically treated (e.g. shapering), then significant differences between the stress stated at the surface and within the volume occur. Hence, different non-destructive methods (e.g. gamma radiation, neutron diffraction) have been developed to determine strains caused by residual stresses in the volume of polycrystalline materials. However, the measurement of strains caused by residual stresses becomes difficult for large samples. In this paper the measurement procedure on a sample taken from the weld joint is presented and the effecet of residual stresses on fatigue crack propagation is assessed for low and high cycle loading fatigue. Keywords: zaostale napetosti, zvarni spoj, neutronski lom žarkov, utrujenostno širjenje razpoke, neutron diffraction method, residual stresses, fatigue crack propagation, weld joint Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1302; Downloads: 34 Link to full text |
8. Numerical modelling of crack growth in a gear tooth rootSrđan Podrug, Srečko Glodež, Damir Jelaska, 2011, original scientific article Abstract: A computational model for determination of crack growth in a gear tooth root is presented. Two loading conditions are taken into account: (i) normal pulsating force acting at the highest point of the single tooth contact and (ii) the moving load along the tooth flank. In numerical analysis it is assumed that the crack is initiated at the point of the largest stresses in a gear tooth root. The simple Paris equation is then used for a further simulation of the fatigue crack growth. The functional relationship between the stress intensity factor and crack length K=f(a), which is needed for determining the required number of loading cycles N for a crack propagation from the initial to the critical length, is obtained using a displacement correlation method in the framework of the FEM-method considering the effect of crack closure. The model is used for determining fatigue crack growth in a real gear made from case carburised and ground steel 14CiNiMo13-4, where the required material parameters were determined previously by appropriate test specimens. The results of the numerical analysis show that the prediction of crack propagation live and crack path in a gear tooth root are significantly different for both loading conditions considered. Keywords: zobniki, utrujanje, širjenje razpoke, numerično modeliranje, gears, fatigue, crack growth, numerical modelling Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1346; Downloads: 84 Link to full text |
9. Determination of calibration function for fatigue crack propagation by measurment[!] surface deformationBruno Glaser, Nenad Gubeljak, Jožef Predan, Patrik Gubeljak, Aleksandar Veg, 2013, original scientific article Abstract: Components and structures exposed to elastic dynamic loading respond with elastic strains on the surface of the material. Mechanical response could be monitored by deformations on the surface. The measurements and monitoring of these parameters could be performed with electronic devices for on-line measurements, controlled by computerized systems. In the case of fatigue crack initiation and propagation the cyclic strain amplitude deviated from initial strain response (mean value and amplitude). Implementation of appropriate monitoring system supported by computerized programs for evaluation, analyses and activation represent important means to safe service component or construction. To evaluate flaw depth growth, the strain gauge measuring sensors could be used. These sensors measure surface deformation relaxation due to flaw depth growth. The monitoring of the material under cyclic loading could be performed with experimentally determined calibration curve, representing deformation on the surface and depth of the semi-elliptical crack growth on the surface or cross section of the material. The goal of this paper is describe electronic device and experimental procedure in order to determine calibration function. Keywords: deformacije, elastičnost, rast razpoke, fatigue crack growth, surface deformation meaurement Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1637; Downloads: 102 Link to full text |
10. Determination of fatigue crack growth parameters in welded joint of HSLA steelLjubica Milović, Tomaž Vuherer, Zoran Radaković, Blagoj Petrovski, Miodrag D. Janković, Milorad Zrilić, Darko Daničić, 2011, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: The structural integrity and operational safety of welded pressure vessels primarily depends on the behaviour of weldments. In spite of all efforts in material production and improvements in welding techniques, including strict codes, requirements and directives, the crack occurrence in welded structures cannot be completely excluded. This is why fracture mechanics analysis is inevitable in the structural integrity assessment of all welded structures. Examples of practical application of fracture mechanics parameters in cracked pressure vessel structural integrity are considered. This paper shows the determination of parameters of the fatigue crack for constituents of welded joints produced of high strength low alloyed steel Nionikral-70 (yield strength 700 MPa). Results have shown that the position of notch and crack initiation affect the values of the stress intensity range of fatigue threshold ?Kth and parameters in the Paris' equation. Keywords: HSLA jekla, rast razpoke, HSLA steel, crack growth rate, fatigue threshold, Paris' law Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1962; Downloads: 37 Link to full text |