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Webinar: Data Management and Ethics
Milan Ojsteršek, Matjaž Divjak, 2024, scientific film, scientific sound or video publication

Abstract: Video recording and presentation slides of a lecture by Milan Ojsteršek and Matjaž Divjak for the HybridNeuro webinar "Data Management and Ethics", which was held online on April 8th 2024 at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Slovenia. More info including additional materials (slides, example dataset): https://www.hybridneuro.feri.um.si/webinars/data_management_and_ethics.html The HybridNeuro project combines the expertise of leading European partners in the field of Neural Interfaces to set up new pathways of analyzing human motor system and human movements and transfer the academic research into clinical and industrial practice. Link: https://www.hybridneuro.feri.um.si/ This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under GA No. 101079392, as well as UK Research and Innovation organisation (GA No. 10052152). This video is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Keywords: HybridNeuro project, webinar, presentation, data management, data annotation, open science, open access, data repository, FAIR data, metadata
Published in DKUM: 09.05.2024; Views: 201; Downloads: 7
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The right to a fair trial of legal persons throughout the case law of the ECHR and the CJEU
Mariia Sokolova, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The ambition of this article is an analysis of the right to a fair trial of legal entities through the prism of the jurisprudence of the ECtHR and the CJEU. Despite the factual admission of the right to a fair trial to companies in the case law of the Courts, the absence of a strong theoretical foundation and persuasive explanation in their judgments raises ambiguity as to the ECtHR and the CJEU positions in that regard. In that context, the article examines landmark cases of both Courts and relevant doctrinal considerations concerning the application of guarantees provided by the right to a fair trial to legal persons. The ECtHR case law is considered inconsistent and the Strasbourg court, it appears, tries to avoid any far-reaching conclusions. The CJEU in its case law, due to the inherent focus of EU law on economic values, interprets the right to a fair trial of companies broadly, and sometimes, broader than it is needed. It is concluded that the issue requires more attention from both the Courts and legal scholars, in the view of serious consequences the ignorance and unfounded admission of any fundamental right could entail to the society and economy.
Keywords: the right to a fair trial, the right to an effective legal remedy, legal persons, companies, fundamental rights of companies, ECHR, Charter of Fundamental Rights
Published in DKUM: 18.04.2024; Views: 190; Downloads: 17
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Trial by jury in Russia : from the cornerstone of the judicial reform to the constitutional history artifact
Anna Gurinskaya, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose: The article explores the process of gradual legislative encroachment on the constitutional right to be tried by jury in Russia that had started in 2008 when offenders accused of committing terrorist crimes were denied the right to opt for the jury. The objective is to show how the initial use of the security argument made possible further limitations of this right. Design/Methods/Approach: The research is based upon qualitative analysis of documents (drafts of legal bills, explanatory notes to the drafts, minutes of the Parliamentary hearings), decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and judges’ dissenting opinions, statements of public officials, media reports. Findings: Jury trial that was once a cornerstone of the major judicial reform of the 1990-ies risks becoming a constitutional history artifact. The process of its curtailment came as a result of the inability of this institute to get adjusted to the realities of the Russian criminal process as well as of the need of the state to meet the challenges of the risk society. It is argued that the use of security argument allowed for the initial bill aimed at limiting this right for terrorists to be adopted swiftly and without much debate. It also opened the window of opportunity for further limitation of this right that came under vague agenda of victims’ protection and case review system reform. The author demonstrates that decisions of the Constitutional Court of Russia have played a significant role in promoting limitations of jury trials. Practical Implications: The approach used in the article can be applied to researching other cases of limiting citizens’ rights in the name of security. Originality/Value: The article represents an attempt to provide empirical evidence of the ‘security paradoxes’ described in the security literature.
Keywords: trial by jury, comparative criminal justice, Russian criminal justice, security, human rights, fair trial
Published in DKUM: 16.04.2020; Views: 1027; Downloads: 42
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Razvijanje športnega duha pri pouku športa
Nina Volčanjk, 2017, master's thesis

Abstract: Glavni namen magistrske naloge je predstaviti športni duh in šport ultimate frizbi v petem razredu osnovne šole. Ultimate frizbi je namreč šport, ki do sedaj še ni bil vključen v vzgojno-izobraževalne programe in je za učence novost. Ultimate frizbi se igra brez sodnikov, igrajo ga dečki in deklice skupaj. Pomemben del ultimate frizbija je športni duh, saj s konkretnimi dejavnostmi igralci tega uzaveščajo. Športni duh je mogoče tudi oceniti in številčno ovrednotiti. V magistrski nalogi so predstavljene metode, kako športni duh vpeljati v ure športa, podani so tudi primeri učiteljeve vloge pri vpeljavi športnega duha v ure športa. Opravljena je bila tudi raziskava v dveh razredih petošolcev. Rezultati so pokazali, da je ultimate frizbi učencem všeč, predvsem igrice za razvijanje športnega duha in spoznavanje novega športnega rekvizita. Praktični rezultati so dokaz, da se petošolci v petih urah lahko naučijo kritičnega ocenjevanja športnega duha ob pomoči učitelja. Prav tako razumejo igro ultimate frizbi v prirejeni različici desetih pravil in »semi continious«.
Keywords: ultimate frizbi, športni duh, fair play, šport, osnovna šola, učenci
Published in DKUM: 28.07.2017; Views: 1806; Downloads: 226
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Sabina Mujezinovič, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Največji vojaški spopad v zgodovini je bila druga svetovna vojna. Začela se je od leta 1939 in trajala do leta 1945. V vojno so bile vpletene svetovne države z svojimi oboroženimi silami Sile osi na eni strani,na drugi pa zavezniške sile. To je boj med Združenimi državami Amerike, Veliko Britanijo, Francijo, Sovjetsko zvezo in Kitajsko proti Nemčiji, Italiji in Japonski. Vojna je zajela precejšnji del sveta (odvija se po celotnem svetu), najbolj prizadete sta bile Evropa in Japonska. Združenim državam Amerike je bilo vojskovanje na domačih tleh prihranjeno. Vojni vihar ni zajel Švice, Španije in Švedske. Vsaka od navedenih držav je imela svoje razloge za nesodelovanje v vojni. Druga svetovna vojna je terjala ogromno človeških žrtev. Podatki navajajo, da je vojni dolg bil 60 milijonov žrtev. Jedrski napad na Hirošimo in Nagasaki ter holokavst, označujeta drugo svetovno vojno kot najbolj krvav spopad v zgodovini. Zraven civilnih žrtev so bila opustošena mesta in celotne pokrajine. Vojna se je končala z zmago zaveznikov nad Nemčijo in Japonsko. Leta 1945 je vojna končana. Poraženki sta Nemčija in Japonska. Posledica vojne je sprememba v političnem prepričanju in družbeni strukturi. Ustanovljena je OZN (Organizacija združenih narodov). Njen namen je preprečiti spopade ter povezati države v medsebojno sodelovanje. Med ZDA in Sovjetsko zvezo nastanejo ideološke razlike, nastopi čas hladne vojne. Hladna vojna je bilo stanje, v katerem ni bilo ne vojne ne miru. Politična in vojaška nesoglasja, spori, lokalne vojne in druga navzkrižja med velesilami in njunima blokoma so bili stalnica hladne vojne. To je bilo obdobje napetosti z vmesnimi obdobji popuščanj in pogajanj med ZDA in Sovjetsko zvezo ter njunimi zavezniki. Hladna vojna je trajala od konca druge svetovne vojne (1945) pa do razpada Sovjetske zveze (1990). Po besedah Winstona Churchilla, izrečenih marca 1946 v Fultonu v ZDA, so komunisti med svoj in sodobni svet spustili Železno zaveso, ki je vzhodni socialistični svet tako rekoč odrezala od zahodnega demokratičnega. Zavesa je potekala od Baltika do Trsta. Meje so več desetletij resnično pomenile pravo železno zaveso. Ob mejah z zahodom so zgradili pas jarkov, minskih polj, ograj, prepredenih z bodečo žico pod električno napetostjo, bunkerjev in stražnih stolpov. Železna zavesa je onemogočila stike med ljudmi, potovanja ter informacije niso mogle potovati iz vzhoda na zahod in obratno. Begunce, ki so ujeli pri begu so jih zaprli ali celo ustrelili.
Keywords: Konec druge svetovne vojne, predaja Japonske, povojno obdobje, Sovjetska zveza, ZDA, spor med Vzhodom in Zahodom, hladna vojna, Marshallov načrt, obnova Evrope, Trumanova doktrina, zajezitev komunizma, Fair Deal, Harry S. Truman.
Published in DKUM: 02.06.2016; Views: 2855; Downloads: 223
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Aloisius Paulin, 2015, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: The present doctoral thesis develops a pioneering system for the self-management of jural eligibilities by means of ICTs as the basis for a novel form of government of juropolitical societies. By means of this system we aim to contribute towards a form of government that would not require a dedicated civil service for the creation, storage, change, and deletion of jural eligibilities in the context of the res publica. In the thesis we explore the concept of jural relations as the atomic links of governmental systems, the composition of the jural relations as such, as well as the role of the jural subjectivity as a crucial component for creating complex systems of jural relations that serve as the underlying structures of juropolitical systems. We then walk through the history of the civil service – the bureaucratic machine, as Banfield called it, to understand its role and implications on the course of civilization, up till present time, where we discuss the impacts of ICTs on the development of the bureaucratic machine as such. We argue that the changes which ICTs so far brought to the government sector through what is known as e-government, e-democracy, and e-governance respectively, are based on unsustainable artefacts and hence there are strong reasons for them to be considered more of a burden to future generations, rather than a source of relief. Based on the implications of the so explored context we describe a model for an information system that would enable self-managed creation and determination of jural eligibilities, and thus self-managed government of juropolitical societies as such. We call this model Sustainable Non-Bureaucratic Government (SNBG). SNBG bases on a network of electronic registries, which store jural facts, from which eligibilities can be derived through a dedicated mechanism, which we call constellation-based reasoning (CBR). CBR bases on a purposely developed fine-grained data access control mechanism, which does not rely on predefined accessor roles, but dynamically enables / disables access to data based on the context of the request and the context of the data stored in the accessed registry. As such, CBR is purposely designed to support changing the rules of access to the stored data by means of collaborative decision making, as such is required in the political legislative context, whereby the rules that regulate such decision making, are again governed by the very same system, which ensures full flexibility of the SNBG system to fluidly undergo at design-time unpredictable transitions that would happen through time. This feature amongst others then, assures the system’s sustainability. We describe the architecture and the stakeholders of SNBG, as well as auxiliary constructs for planning and communicating regulations which make-up the CBR rules. We define the functional characteristics that instances of the electronic registries must satisfy in order to assure sustainability and to be applicable in the juropolitical context in accordance with core jural principles (and in order to avoid the mistakes as conducted in the course of development of e-government artefacts). Then, we describe the instantiation of a prototype SNBG system, i.e. the instantiation of a respective electronic registry that provides CBR-based access to the underlying data stored in a relational database. We evaluate this prototype instantiation based on three demo applications, which prove its technical feasibility in different scenarios. Finally, we evaluate the SNBG model in four different real-world scenarios to argue for its feasibility in crucial governance situations.
Keywords: unsustainability of e-government, self-management of jural relations, computability of jural eligibilities, non-bureaucratic government, collaborative decision making, liquid democracy, fine-grained data access control, fair non-repudiation, digital identity
Published in DKUM: 04.06.2015; Views: 2045; Downloads: 82
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