Optimization of conditions for enzymatic decomposition of fibrous cotton textile waste : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnjeStela Tashkova, 2023, undergraduate thesis
Abstract: The main goal of this thesis was to optimize the conditions under which a 100 % cellulose material enzymatically decomposes. Waste textile and waste cellulose represent a large source of carbon that can be used in the production of value–added chemicals. The main goal of this diploma thesis was to test different conditions for the enzymatic decomposition of cellulose waste such as temperature range, enzymes concentration and different buffer composition. We started with the optimization of the temperature and tested how the reaction proceeds at three different temperatures (50, 55 and 60 °C). Here, the main goal was to check how the enzymatic mixture we used acts at these three different environments, thus how much will the material decompose. The results showed that the optimal temperature for the decomposition of cellulose is 50 °C. The second part of the diploma thesis evaluates if a higher concentration of enzymes would get better results regarding cellulose waste decomposition. The results here showed that an increased enzyme concentration does not improve the efficiency of the reaction under the tested conditions. Additionally, two different buffers 0.1 M NH4Cl and 0.1 M (NH4)2SO4 were tested as environments for the enzymatic degradation of cellulose waste. We got a higher glucose concentration in the reaction with (NH4)2SO4, as well as less variability of the pH, which led to a lower NaOH consumtion.
Keywords: enzymatic cellulose decomposition, optimization, temperature effect, NH4Cl, (NH4)2SO4, Cellic® CTec2
Published in DKUM: 13.09.2023; Views: 373; Downloads: 20
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