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The relationship between optimism, pre-entrepreneurial curiosity and entrepreneurial curiosity
Mitja Jeraj, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs become more and more interesting fields for a scientific research. This paper addresses the relationship between optimism, pre-entrepreneurial curiosity and entrepreneurial curiosity as three determinants of entrepreneurial psychology. Literature review showed optimism is important for entrepreneurs and influence them mostly in a positive way. Although entrepreneurial curiosity is important determinant for entrepreneurs and it was connected with entrepreneurial self-efficacy, openness, and company's growth the connection with optimism remained unexplored until this research. Methods: A multi-country empirical validation was conducted on a sample of entrepreneurs from Slovenia and USA. A structural equation modelling, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used to develop a model, which complement theoretical predisposition and fit the data. Results: The results of the study show that higher levels of optimism lead to higher levels of pre-entrepreneurial curiosity and higher levels of pre-entrepreneurial curiosity lead to higher levels of entrepreneurial curiosity. Conclusions: The contribution of this study is manifold. From the theoretical view, a literature gap on the field of optimism and entrepreneurial curiosity combined is fulfilled and a structural equation model with optimism and entrepreneurial curiosity was established. Since openness, pre-entrepreneurial curiosity and entrepreneurial curiosity are related policy makers can test individuals according to their level of researched determinants and motivate more entrepreneurial perspective ones to become active in the entrepreneurship process. Thus, entrepreneurs can use these results to recruit more entrepreneurial oriented employees.
Keywords: enterprises, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship
Published in DKUM: 22.01.2018; Views: 1257; Downloads: 404
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Organizational ambidexterity, exploration, exploitation and firms innovation performance
Mladenka Popadić, Matej Černe, Ines Milohnić, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Background and Purpose: The construct of organizational ambidexterity (OA) has attracted the growing attention in management research. Previous empirical research has investigated the effect of organisational ambidexterity on performance from various perspectives. This study aims to resolve the contradictory previous research findings on the relationship between organisational ambidexterity and innovation performance. We unpack this construct with combined dimension of ambidexterity, which relates to a combination of high levels of both exploration and exploitation (introduction of products or services that were new to the market and new to the firm). Methodology: We frame our ambidexterity hypothesis in terms of firm’s innovation orientation. The hypothesis is tested by using Community Innovation Survey (CIS) 2006 micro data at the organizational level in twelve countries. To operationalize an ambidexterity and firms innovation outcome, we used self-reported measures of innovativeness. Results: To test our hypothesis, we developed a set of models and tested them with multiple hierarchical linear regression analyses. The results indicate that exploration and exploitation are positively related to firm’s innovation performances which supports our assumption that both are complementary. Furthermore, we find that above and over their independent effects, through combining them into a single construct of organizational ambidexterity, this variable remains negatively and significantly related to innovation performance. Conclusion: These results provides the managers with an idea of when managing trade-offs between exploration and exploitation would be more favorable versus detrimental. For firms with lower organizational ambidexterity, the relationship between exploration-exploitation and the firm’s innovation performance is a more positive one.
Keywords: enterprises, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, organizational ambidexterity, exploration, exploitation, innovation performance
Published in DKUM: 10.01.2018; Views: 1211; Downloads: 419
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Household accounting - a case of subsidised self-employed entrepreneurs in Slovenia
Damjana Rant, Robert Horvat, Polona Tominc, Bojana Korošec, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents the results of the first empirical study of household accounting in Slovenia, which was conducted on a sample of households of subsidised self-employed entrepreneurs. Based on an original measurement of the levels of household accounting, this study presents the scope of different accounting components in these households. Further, it gives the results of the comparison between those subsidised self-employed entrepreneurs who managed to keep their business and those who failed to do so. The comparison of the results showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups of entrepreneurs only in terms of the scope of monitoring of household costs and expenditures.
Keywords: household accounting, self-employed entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial success
Published in DKUM: 09.08.2017; Views: 1506; Downloads: 398
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Dynamics of Slovenian Entrepreneurship : Slovenian Entrepreneurship Observatory 2008
Miroslav Rebernik, Karin Širec, Polona Tominc, Ksenja Pušnik, Maks Tajnikar, Dijana Močnik, Mojca Duh, Matej Rus, Barbara Bradač Hojnik, Katja Crnogaj, Rok Podgornik, 2009, scientific monograph

Abstract: Part one presented the Slovenian entrepreneurial landscape in the year 2007. The second part compared Slovenian and EU-27 economy on various indicators. Part three analysed the process of firm entries in Slovenia while controlling for the specificities of regions and time, from 2000 to 2005. The fifth part analysed the impact of technical and cost efficiencies on firms’ income position and the relationship between supply and demand. The analysis examined tourism firms in Slovenia. The sixth part dealt with regional analysis of the early-stage entrepreneurship in Slovenia. The aim was to gain insight into developmental particularities of Slovenian family businesses and institutional support offered to family businesses in Slovenia. The seventh part examined different reasons for outsourcing according to strategic and traditional reasons. Lastly, we examined networking activities between enterprises and entrepreneurs. The empirical research revealed there are certain differences among Slovene SMEs according to their company size and gender.
Keywords: Firm Entries and Exits, Technical and Cost Efficiency, Family Firm Development, Oursourcing, Networking between Enterprises and Entrepreneurs
Published in DKUM: 18.01.2017; Views: 1515; Downloads: 158
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