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A conceptual framework to establish and operate a global logistics energy hub
Mahmoud A. Hammad, Sara El Gazzar, Marjan Sternad, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Energy-consuming countries are affected by obstructions in supplies or conflicts that mayoccur along the energy transit path. Hence, the presence of a global logistics hub for energy acting as a connecting bridge between energy-supplying and energy-consuming countries can overcome suchtroubles, support the sustainable flow of energy, and achieve the overall operational efficiency of theenergy supply chain. However, establishing a global energy hub is a complicated issue, especiallyin the absence of a clear approach for this. Through conducting a systematic literature review on 36 papers over the past two decades, we identified the key determinants for each player in theenergy supply chain and proposed a leading and integrated conceptual framework for establishing and operating a global logistics energy hub, with a particular focus on oil and gas. This article contributes to knowledge by providing a comprehensive review targeting energy hubs from a logistics perspective, as previous studies have addressed energy hubs from other perspectives suchas political, legal, and security perspectives, while the logistics perspective has not been tackled comprehensively. Moreover, the suggested framework can be then used by further researchers to develop the performance of energy hubs. Practically, this framework can be employed to identify the requirements for a country to become a global energy hub.
Keywords: global logistics energy hub, energy supply chain, energy transit corridor, oil, gas, conceptual framework, supply chain management, logistics
Published in DKUM: 19.08.2024; Views: 78; Downloads: 9
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Integrating social dimensions into future sustainable energy supply networks
Matevž Obrecht, Yigit Kazancoglu, Matjaž Denac, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Environmental protection and sustainable development have become an inevitable trend in many areas, including the energy industry. The development of energy supply networks is strongly correlated with the economics of energy sources as well as ecological and socio-political issues. However, the energy supply network is often distant from the social perspective. This paper therefore combines examination of perceptions and awareness of general public (web-based questionnaire) and top energy experts (a Delphi survey) on the energy supply network and identifies their potential integration in energy supply decision making processes. The results showed that public should be better informed as well as integrated into designing energy supply network as the prosumers gain power and the energy suppliers will no longer dominate the market. Public actors are ready to shape sustainable energy supply and also willing to pay 5.8% more for a sustainable energy supply. The majority are prepared to invest in renewable energy supply network close to their place of residence. Another result is that the public is calling for a shift in priority towards more sustainable and socially friendlier energy supply rather than focusing mainly on the economic and technical perspectives.
Keywords: energy supply, supply networks, sustainable energy, public perception, social integration, supply chain management
Published in DKUM: 19.02.2024; Views: 306; Downloads: 23
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Blockchain-Based Solution for Future Energy Management in Existing Infrastructure
Dalibor Igrec, Aleš Breznik, Amor Chowdhury, 2019, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The paper presents a possible solution for implementing blockchain technology in smart grid systems. The proposed solution presents new and improved smart grid management and operational overview options to all parties involved in energy generation, distribution and consumption, without any required hardware modifications and installments. The paper concluded with possible socio-economic implications of such technology.
Keywords: blockchain, smart grid, energy management, prosumer, sustainability
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2023; Views: 370; Downloads: 27
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A review of energy-efficient and sustainable construction scheduling supported with optimization tools
Borna Dasović, Uroš Klanšek, 2022, review article

Abstract: This article reviews the accomplishments of studies in which optimization tools were used to develop energy-efficient and sustainable construction schedules. With the increase in global awareness of environmental issues, the construction industry has been forced to explore innovative techniques to make the building process more energy-efficient and sustainable. Project managers can use optimization tools in their scheduling procedures to address these issues in the early stages of the project. Therefore, this paper examines different optimization-based construction scheduling methods and their impact on schedule energy efficiency and the three key sustainability goals: economic viability, social equity, and environmental protection. Such a review has not yet been conducted to the best of our knowledge. This research aims to fill the gap and contribute to understanding advanced optimization tools that can pave the way to energy-efficient and sustainable scheduling practices. After a brief introduction, the background of optimization-based construction scheduling techniques that aim to improve construction management and incorporate these aspects into the decision-making process is explained. Then, these approaches are addressed in detail. It is determined for each study whether it adopted energy efficiency goals and which sustainability dimensions it considered within the proposed optimization model. The results of this study indicate a wide heuristic algorithms application for complex scheduling problems. Meanwhile, mathematical programming is still quite unexplored, especially methods that utilize algebraic modeling languages. This study provides a foundation for further research by addressing the current reach in development and possible knowledge gaps that could be researched in future studies. The paper also discusses the advantages and limitations of different approaches and illustrates the potential for utilizing these methods. Supported by the main review findings, conclusions and recommendations for further research are provided.
Keywords: construction, project management, optimization tools, scheduling, sustainability, energy efficiency
Published in DKUM: 26.09.2023; Views: 393; Downloads: 27
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The influence of organizational factors on the adoption of energy efficiency measures in companies
Aleksandar Vučković, Marija Džunić, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper aims to research the organizational factors influencing the implementation of energy efficiency measures in companies. The analysis was performed on a sample of companies from Serbia included in the World Bank Enterprise Survey. The raw data collected by the World Bank were utilized to analyze the correlation between various organizational factors and the adoption of energy efficiency measures. The analysis revealed a statistically significant correlation between management maturity and the implementation of energy efficiency measures in companies. These findings suggest that improving energy efficiency is not an isolated process but rather closely related to the maturity of management practices, highlighting the importance of comprehensive organizational development for achieving optimal energy management.
Keywords: energy efficiency, energy management, management maturity, organizational factors, Serbia
Published in DKUM: 05.09.2023; Views: 266; Downloads: 8
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Electric forklifts with vehicle to grid technology for efficient warehouse energy management
Matjaž Knez, Péter Bajor, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: From an electric utility perspective, the sun is an intermittent electrical generator, tolerable in huge quantities, but increasingly difficult to manage. The nature of sun is unpredictable, and the Slovenian National Grid has no significant storage opportunities - if the V2G (vehicle-to-grid) solutions could be competitive in the near future it could prepare for special circumstances: the batteries of electrically driven forklifts could provide attractive storage functions for renewable electricity storage and for backupping the electrical national grid. This paper shows the study of the current research findings on the ŽVehicle to Gridʼ innovative concept and a proposed theoretical model of Forklift-to-Grid integration into energy management of a warehouse. Analyses of data, calculations of the economic value and of the profitability of the proposed business model yielded positive results that fully confirm the thesis that the integration of environmentally friendly renewable energy sources and new technologies into the logistic processes can improve logistics management while minimizing the negative impact of business on the environment.
Keywords: CO2 emmisions, forklift-to-grid, photovoltaic, vehicle-to-grid, warehouse energy management
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1421; Downloads: 42
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Kaja Černjavič, 2013, master's thesis

Abstract: The problem we referred to is great and mostly uncontrolled energy consumption in the public and private sector not just in Slovenia but also in other countries around the world. In Europe some restrictions were met, which resulted in 2009 in a new standard, the EN 16001:2009, two years later the International Standardization Body issued the ISO 50001:2011, energy management standard. With the help of a case study potential in energy and emissions as well as overall environmental protection was presented. All anticipated research methods were followed, hypothesises set in the introduction were carefully researched and mainly proven to be right whereas some, hypothesis one and two, connected with the increase of energy consumption in Slovenia and hypothesis two, number of certificates per capita, were refuted. The overall consumption of energy in Slovenia decreased (table 2, page 15) in the year 2011 compared to 2010. Slovenia is also not the country with the lowest number of issued energy certificates per capita; Portugal has two (picture 1, page 35). Hypothesises three to five linked to the study case were fully proven to be right; the company did not have an energy management programme but the owners were fully aware of the possibilities of energy savings. There was as well energy savings potential, proven to be even more that the first anticipated 50-percent. Our conclusion is that energy management plays a key role in sustainable development and environment conservation practices, as it helps the country move towards an energy efficient economy. With the help of the case study we made a good illustration how a micro company saved 75-percent of energy costs in the first year, by using energy management as a tool. The main and general changes enhanced the company’s energy efficiency, taught employees some basic techniques for achieving greater energy efficiency and cost reduction not just inside the organization but also in family homes. It is important, that expenditures concerning energy purchase and consumption are exactly defined. Before the implementation and certainly after it, energy management accounting and energy management audits should be performed. This serves as a tool to realize and understand the full spectrum of the environmental costs and helps to create internal demand in businesses for cleaner and less wasteful production processes. It gives organizations a preferential position to engage in pollution prevention activities mainly because it makes good business sense due to the immediate financial benefits it delivers. The prime goal of the thesis was to stimulate organizations to implement the concepts of energy management practices into their organizational structure and to use energy management systems for lowering energy and other environmental costs, no matter the size or segment the organization. There is no need to get certified if not wanted; just performing these activities is enough, as it brings all the benefits to the environment. Helping to achieve this goal is now mainly in the hands of others, it is important how the country will act and react and help organizations to achieve this goal. Different restrictions can be met on the field of law and taxes, subsidies, etc. We believe that, for meeting all the required goals (Kyoto protocol and other) and help the economy to move towards a sustainable one, organizations will have to reorganize their structures and implement energy management. There are big potentials in reduction of emissions and energy consumption, with energy management, organizations can get the help and knowledge how to keep the budget of energy consumption as low as possible, how to meet all the critical objectives and also important, reduce their operational costs on a long-term basis.
Keywords: energy management, energy efficiency, energy conservation, energy consumption, energy accounting and auditing, energy manager, International Standards Organization (ISO), energy management system EnMS, cost efficiency
Published in DKUM: 19.05.2014; Views: 2189; Downloads: 136
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