1. Bracken-induced increase in soil P availability, along with its high P acquisition efficiency, enables it to invade P-deficient meadowsAntun Jelinčić, Nina Šajna, Željka Zgorelec, Aleksandra Perčin, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Changes in soil chemistry after invasion by bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) have been studied in heathlands, but comparable studies in meadows are lacking. We investigated if bracken invasion into P-deficient meadows alters the soil nutrient-resource pool, as well as the mechanisms behind it linked to soil processes and bracken nutrition. Furthermore, we investigated how community composition responds to differences in soil chemistry before and after the invasion. Soil and plant material sampling, along with vegetation survey, were performed during bracken peak biomass. Data analyses included analysis of variance and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Bracken invasion increased soil P availability, soil organic C concentration, as well as C:N, C:S and N:S ratios, while decreasing Fe and Co concentrations. Bracken pinnae were rich in P, and its rhizomes were rich in K, whereas N:P of pinnae and rhizomes was low. CCA showed contrasting abundance patterns of frequent meadow species related to P and K availability. Holcus lanatus exhibited competitive advantage under extremely low P availability. Increase in P availability under bracken may have occurred through promoting the leaching of Fe and Al. By increasing P availability for its growth and increasing N limitation for other species, bracken can gain a competitive advantage from the soil resource-niche perspective. Its ability to increase soil P availability, along with the physiological mechanisms behind its high P acquisition efficiency, seem to differentiate bracken from other species of competitive ecological strategy, which are mainly confined to nutrient-rich environments. This enabled bracken to invade P-deficient meadows. Keywords: vegetation succession, invasive species, biogeochemical processes, soil ecology, plant invasion Published in DKUM: 17.06.2024; Views: 152; Downloads: 14
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2. Analysis of the inclusion of ecological topics in the curricula of Slovenian elementary and general grammar schoolsDejan Zemljak, Maja Kerneža, 2023, professional article Abstract: Learning and teaching are undergoing continuous transformations, encompassing not only changes in methods and approaches but also an increased emphasis on novel content. In recent decades, environmental education has gained significant importance. Therefore, we examined the extent to which ecological topics are incorporated into the curricula of Slovenian elementary schools and general grammar schools. A systematic analysis of the curricula of the majority of subjects was conducted, with a focus on the representation of ecological themes in primary and secondary education and the extent to which knowledge differs and complements between these educational levels. The findings indicate that the subject of ecology is addressed in most subjects at the elementary and secondary levels, albeit with certain variations. The content logically complements and builds upon each other throughout the observed educational continuum. Furthermore, suggestions for future research are provided. Keywords: curricula, ecology, elementary schools, inclusion, general grammar schools Published in DKUM: 09.05.2024; Views: 181; Downloads: 4
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3. Improving decentralized economic growth and reducing energy consumption in the European Union with the application of ecologically oriented innovationsNiko Natek, Boštjan Krajnc, 2020, professional article Abstract: This article presents applicable approaches for supporting the transition towards sustainable decentralized economic development within the European Union, based on the concept of supporting the development and market uptake of eco-innovations. The main topic addressed is achieving a more effective market uptake of ecologically oriented innovations facilitated through matchmaking, as well as knowledge and technology transfer between key actors of the innovation process. Keywords: Energy efficiency, Ecology, Innovation, Economy, waste-water treatment, constructed wetlands, green-house gas emissions, EU Published in DKUM: 15.11.2023; Views: 450; Downloads: 7
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5. Thinking in costs and revenues – calculating prices and controlling costsEdeltraud Günther, Daria Meyr, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: In contrast to the investment calculation, that has a project-related, cross-period view the cost accounting refers to individual time slices (meaning usually month, quarter or year ) and is more position oriented, respectively division oriented. Keywords: costs, revenues, calculation, controlling, ecology Published in DKUM: 11.05.2018; Views: 1120; Downloads: 99
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6. Basic state requirements for environmental aspects to enterprises in the Russian FederationOleg Ilyasov, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Keywords: legislation, environment, environmental policy, ecology, companies, enterprises, environmental monitoring, laws, Russia Published in DKUM: 10.05.2018; Views: 1109; Downloads: 75
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7. Agricultura2002, journal Abstract: The journal publishes scientific works from the following fields: animal science, plant production, farm mechanisation, farm buildings, land management, agricultural economics, rural sociology, and ecology, preservation of biodiversity, biotechnology, microbiology, physiology, soil science and bioethics. In addition, papers discussing innovative pedagogical methods, philosophy of education or solutions to teaching problems in life science may be included. Keywords: agriculture, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology Published in DKUM: 24.04.2018; Views: 2662; Downloads: 105
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8. Problems environmental education connected with technic and technologyAmand Papotnik, 2009, original scientific article Abstract: By planning and selecting the contents of subject technology we must take into account also the contents from environmental education. Combining the different contents are compose from the process of planning, analyzing and/or evaluating achieved result. In the frame of the selected educational strategy (for example Project task) the students must acquire and strengthen the theoretical and practical knowledge, develop skills and working habits. Only if we take into account this, they will be able to transfer this theoretical and practical technological knowledge to solve the ecological problems. This is the teaching and learning in the narrow sense, which we can classified as acquiring new, knowledge, tasks and skills necessary for solving the problems. Learning in the wide sense means preserving knowledge and recalling it back, the knowledge that is connected with technical, technological, organizational and ecological problems. Keywords: education, technics and technology, ecology, environmental education, ICT, learning strategies Published in DKUM: 19.12.2017; Views: 1537; Downloads: 111
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9. Business plan for a Zen gardenMaja Žibrat, Karmen Pažek, Vesna Mila Meden, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: The placement of a theme park in the form of a Zen garden, as a business opportunity in the Slovenian rural area, is discussed. The design of the garden, with all the major points of a standard business plan, is accurately presented, with a description of the business, branch, and services, market analysis, marketing strategy, financial projections, and a plan of the work and activities. The financial aspect is presented as the amount of investment, net present value, and internal rate of return. The amount of investment is estimated at € 14.891, which should be reimbursed within 4 years of operations. The estimated internal rate of return is estimated at 16.86%. Part of the study is the market analysis - conduction of a survey into knowledge of, and interest in, Zen and Zen gardens. The principles of landscape ecology are respected, as the Zen garden would be set in the woods and will blend seamlessly into the landscape. Keywords: theme parks, sustainable tourism, investment, financial indicators, landscape ecology Published in DKUM: 14.11.2017; Views: 1796; Downloads: 255
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10. The role of environmental managementDrago Vuk, 1998, original scientific article Abstract: Unlike the currently experienced practice, author offers a new approach to the environmental protection issue. To different types of management he adds the environmental component , which has attained a notable level, both as a contribution to the subject of successful development of the economy, and on the implementation level, where it can serve as one of the sources of competitive advantage. Keywords: management, environment, ecology Published in DKUM: 04.07.2017; Views: 1544; Downloads: 100
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