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Numerical simulation of dilute particle laden flows by wavelet BEM-FEM
Jure Ravnik, Leopold Škerget, Matjaž Hriberšek, Zoran Žunič, 2008, original scientific article

Abstract: A wavelet transform based BEM and FEM numerical scheme was used to simulate laminar viscous flow. The velocity-vorticity formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations was used. The flow simulation algorithm was coupled with a Lagrangian particle tracking scheme for dilute suspensions of massless particles and particles without inertia. The proposed numerical approach was used to simulate flow and particle paths for two test cases: flow over a backward-facing step and flow past a circular cylinder. We present methods of calculating the pressure and stream function field at the end of each time step. The pressure field was used to calculate drag and lift coefficients, which enable qualitative comparison of our results with the benchmark. The stream function enabled the comparison of streamlines and massless particle paths in steady state low Reynolds number value flow fields, and thus provided an estimate on the accuracy of the particle tracking algorithm. Unsteady higher Reynolds number value flows were investigated in terms of particle distributions in vortex streets in the wake of the cylinder and behind the step. Sedimentation of particles without inertia was studied in the flow field behind a backward-facing step at Reynolds number value 5000.
Keywords: boundary element method, velocity-vertocity formulation, discrete wavelet transform, Lagrangian particle tracking, backward-facing step, bluff body flow, dilute particle suspension
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2231; Downloads: 100
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Two-dimensional velocity-vorticity based LES for the solution of natural convection in a differentially heated enclosure by wavelet transform based BEM and FEM
Jure Ravnik, Leopold Škerget, Matjaž Hriberšek, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: A wavelet transform based boundary element method (BEM) numerical scheme is proposed for the solution of the kinematics equation of the velocity-vorticityformulation of Navier-Stokes equations. FEM is used to solve the kinetics equations. The proposed numerical approach is used to perform two-dimensional vorticity transfer based large eddy simulation on grids with 105 nodes. Turbulent natural convection in a differentially heated enclosure of aspect ratio 4 for Rayleigh number values Ra=107-109 is simulated. Unstable boundary layer leads to the formation of eddies in the downstream parts of both vertical walls. At the lowest Rayleigh number value an oscillatory flow regime is observed, while the flow becomes increasingly irregular, non-repeating, unsymmetric and chaotic at higher Rayleigh number values. The transition to turbulence is studied with time series plots, temperature-vorticity phase diagrams and with power spectra. The enclosure is found to be only partially turbulent, what is qualitatively shown with second order statistics-Reynolds stresses, turbulent kinetic energy, turbulent heat fluxes and temperature variance. Heat transfer is studied via the average Nusselt number value, its time series and its relationship to the Rayleigh number value.
Keywords: numerical modelling, boundary element method, discrete wavelet transform, large eddy simulation, velocity-vertocity formulation, natural convection
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2625; Downloads: 86
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