1. Differences in user perception of artificial intelligence-driven chatbots and traditional tools in qualitative data analysisBoštjan Šumak, Maja Pušnik, Ines Kožuh, Andrej Šorgo, Saša Brdnik, 2025, original scientific article Abstract: Qualitative data analysis (QDA) tools are essential for extracting insights from complex datasets. This study investigates researchers’ perceptions of the usability, user experience (UX), mental workload, trust, task complexity, and emotional impact of three tools: Taguette 1.4.1 (a traditional QDA tool), ChatGPT (GPT-4, December 2023 version), and Gemini (formerly Google Bard, December 2023 version). Participants (N = 85), Master’s students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with prior experience in UX evaluations and familiarity with AI-based chatbots, performed sentiment analysis and data annotation tasks using these tools, enabling a comparative evaluation. The results show that AI tools were associated with lower cognitive effort and more positive emotional responses compared to Taguette, which caused higher frustration and workload, especially during cognitively demanding tasks. Among the tools, ChatGPT achieved the highest usability score (SUS = 79.03) and was rated positively for emotional engagement. Trust levels varied, with Taguette preferred for task accuracy and ChatGPT rated highest in user confidence. Despite these differences, all tools performed consistently in identifying qualitative patterns. These findings suggest that AI-driven tools can enhance researchers’ experiences in QDA while emphasizing the need to align tool selection with specific tasks and user preferences. Keywords: user experience, UX, usability, qualitative data analysis, QDA, chatbots Published in DKUM: 07.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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2. Napredne kvantitativne raziskovalne metode v zdravstveni negiLucija Gosak, Leona Cilar Budler, Roger Watson, Gregor Štiglic, 2025 Abstract: Publikacija "Napredne kvantitativne raziskovalne metode v zdravstveni negi" daje študentom zdravstvene nege in medicinskim sestram znanje in spretnosti za razlago različnih statističnih metod na njihovem področju, kar lahko izboljša spretnosti uporabnikov pri zbiranju, analizi in razlagi rezultatov iz klinične prakse ter tako prispeva k izboljšanju kakovosti zdravstvene oskrbe. Vsebuje podrobna navodila za uporabo programa IBM SPSS in izvajanje statističnih analiz, ki jih morajo medicinske sestre poznati pri svojem delu, saj pri vsakodnevnem delu s pacienti uporabljajo in ustvarjajo podatke. Glavni cilj zdravstvene nege pacientov je zagotavljanje kakovostne in na dokazih temelječe zdravstvene nege, zato so medicinske sestre dolžne slediti najnovejšim raziskavam in dokazom ter jih uporabljati pri svojem delu. Znanje, pridobljeno v tej knjigi, lahko medicinskim sestram pomaga tudi pri boljšem razumevanju in interpretaciji predhodno objavljenih rezultatov ter s tem pri kritični presoji veljavnosti in zanesljivosti rezultatov, ki jih bodo uporabljale v klinični praksi. Keywords: quantitative analysis, statistics, IBM SPSS, reliability, validity, data analysis Published in DKUM: 28.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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3. Big data usage in European Countries : cluster analysis approachMirjana Pejić Bach, Tine Bertoncel, Maja Meško, Daila Suša-Vugec, Lucija Ivančić, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: The goal of this research was to investigate the level of digital divide among selected European countries according to the big data usage among their enterprises. For that purpose, we apply the K-means clustering methodology on the Eurostat data about the big data usage in European enterprises. The results indicate that there is a significant difference between selected European countries according to the overall usage of big data in their enterprises. Moreover, the enterprises that use internal experts also used diverse big data sources. Since the usage of diverse big data sources allows enterprises to gather more relevant information about their customers and competitors, this indicates that enterprises with stronger internal big data expertise also have a better chance of building strong competitiveness based on big data utilization. Finally, the substantial differences among the industries were found according to the level of big data usage. Keywords: big data, cluster analysis, digital divide, k-means, enterprise, industry, Europe, quality Published in DKUM: 14.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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4. The technical efficiency of Tunisian ports : comparing data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier analysis scoresRabeb Kammoun, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: Maritime transportation for Tunisia plays an important role in trade exchange with other countries. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to measure the efficiency scores of 7 seaports in Tunisia by applying the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) with Cobb-Douglas production function and Data envelopment analysis (DEA) with CCR and BCC models. The annual data collected cover the 2007-2017 period for each port. Thus, the sample size for the analysis comprises a total of 77 observations. The empirical result shows that the total average scores of operating efficiency scores were DEA-BCC (0.746)>SFACD (0.536)>DEA-CCR (0.334) from 2007 to 2017. Given these results, the port of Gabes can be considered as the best efficient port in the 3 models (DEA-BCC, DEACCR and SFA-CD). Keywords: efficiency, data envelopment analysis (DEA), stochastic frontier analysis (SFA), Tunisian seaports Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 44; Downloads: 4
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5. Advanced Quantitative Research Methods in NursingLucija Gosak, Leona Cilar Budler, Roger Watson, Gregor Štiglic, 2024 Abstract: The publication "Analysis of quantitative research data in nursing research: A guide to SPSS" provides nursing students and nurses with the knowledge and skills to interpret the different statistical methods in their field, which can improve users' skills in collecting, analysing and interpreting results from clinical practice, thus contributing to improving the quality of health care. It provides detailed instructions on how to use IBM SPSS and perform statistical analyses that nurses need to be familiar with as they use and generate data in their daily work with patients. The main aim of patient care is to provide high quality, evidence-based care, so nurses have a duty to keep up to date with the latest research and evidence and apply it to their work. The knowledge gained in this book can also help nurses to better understand and interpret previously published results, and thus critically assess the validity and reliability of the results they will use in clinical practice. Keywords: quantitative analysis, statistics, IBM SPSS, reliability, validity, data analysis Published in DKUM: 18.07.2024; Views: 113; Downloads: 24
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6. Profiling of patients with type 2 diabetes based on medication adherence dataRene Markovič, Vladimir Grubelnik, Tadej Završnik, Helena Blažun Vošner, Peter Kokol, Matjaž Perc, Marko Marhl, Matej Završnik, Jernej Završnik, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: diabetes, data analysis, public health, statistics Published in DKUM: 09.05.2024; Views: 196; Downloads: 8
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7. Self-organization of enzyme-catalyzed reactions studied by the maximum entropy production principleAndrej Dobovišek, Marko Vitas, Tina Blaževič, Rene Markovič, Marko Marhl, Aleš Fajmut, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The self-organization of open reaction systems is closely related to specific mechanisms that allow the export of internally generated entropy from systems to their environment. According to the second law of thermodynamics, systems with effective entropy export to the environment are better internally organized. Therefore, they are in thermodynamic states with low entropy. In this context, we study how self-organization in enzymatic reactions depends on their kinetic reaction mechanisms. Enzymatic reactions in an open system are considered to operate in a non-equilibrium steady state, which is achieved by satisfying the principle of maximum entropy production (MEPP). The latter is a general theoretical framework for our theoretical analysis. Detailed theoretical studies and comparisons of the linear irreversible kinetic schemes of an enzyme reaction in two and three states are performed. In both cases, in the optimal and statistically most probable thermodynamic steady state, a diffusion-limited flux is predicted by MEPP. Several thermodynamic quantities and enzymatic kinetic parameters, such as the entropy production rate, the Shannon information entropy, reaction stability, sensitivity, and specificity constants, are predicted. Our results show that the optimal enzyme performance may strongly depend on the number of reaction steps when linear reaction mechanisms are considered. Simple reaction mechanisms with a smaller number of intermediate reaction steps could be better organized internally and could allow fast and stable catalysis. These could be features of the evolutionary mechanisms of highly specialized enzymes. Keywords: enzymes, kinetic data analysis, steady state, self-organization, maximum entropy production Published in DKUM: 08.05.2024; Views: 234; Downloads: 9
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8. Applying integrated data envelopment analysis and analytic hierarchy process to measuring the efficiency of tourist farms : The Case of SloveniaBoris Prevolšek, Maja Borlinič Gačnik, Črtomir Rozman, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: This paper examines the efficiency of tourist farms in Slovenia by adopting an approach using a framework of non-parametric programming—Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), combining the two because the DEA analysis by itself does not take into account all attributes, especially qualitative ones. The beforementioned two methods rank the farm tourism units with respect to their efficiency. By using the DEA method, an input- and output-oriented BCC and CCR model were introduced to upgrade the criteria by including the additional non-numerical criteria of the AHP. The results of the models showed that there are possible improvements on all levels of efficiency, as well as on the criteria of the additional offer of tourist farms, which were analyzed in the AHP model with additional criteria. According to the estimated efficiency, the ranking of tourist farms differed according to the two methods. Within the group of farms assessed as efficient by DEA, the AHP model allowed a more accurate ranking. Keywords: farm tourism, tourist farms, efficiency, data envelopment analysis (DEA), analytic hierarchy process (AHP), Slovenia Published in DKUM: 09.04.2024; Views: 281; Downloads: 19
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9. The impact of COVID-19 on bank efficiency in the Western Balkans : a DEA approachKaterina Fotova Čiković, Violeta Cvetkoska, Damira Keček, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: This paper aims to assess and compare the relative efficiency of commercial
banks in six Western Balkan developing countries (North Macedonia, Serbia,
Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Kosovo1, and Albania), using the
leading nonparametric methodology Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for the
period 2016-2020, and investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemics
on the performance of banking systems in these countries. The outputoriented
DEA model has been implemented with interest expenses and noninterest
expenses as inputs and interest revenue and non-interest revenue
as outputs. Our findings show that the average efficiency of the six Western
Balkan banking systems differs, and Kosovo’s banking system has noted the
highest average efficiency in the whole observed period (2016–2020). In
contrast, the banking system in Bosnia and Herzegovina noted the lowest
average efficiency. The COVID-19 pandemic decreased the relative efficiency
of the banking sectors in all six of the Western Balkan countries observed,
except Kosovo. However, additional research that includes all pandemic
years is recommended to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on
the banking systems in the Western Balkans. This study provides invaluable
insights for academic members, banking management and regulatory bodies,
governments, and the interested public. It is the first empirical study that
includes a glimpse of the first impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on banking
systems in the developing countries of the Western Balkans. Keywords: banking sector, data envelopment analysis, COVID-19, Western Balkans Published in DKUM: 05.09.2023; Views: 262; Downloads: 7
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10. K-vertex: a novel model for the cardinality constraints enforcement in graph databases : doctoral dissertationMartina Šestak, 2022, doctoral dissertation Abstract: The increasing number of network-shaped domains calls for the use of graph database technology, where there are continuous efforts to develop mechanisms to address domain challenges. Relationships as 'first-class citizens' in graph databases can play an important role in studying the structural and behavioural characteristics of the domain. In this dissertation, we focus on studying the cardinality constraints mechanism, which also exploits the edges of the underlying property graph. The results of our literature review indicate an obvious research gap when it comes to concepts and approaches for specifying and representing complex cardinality constraints for graph databases validated in practice.
To address this gap, we present a novel and comprehensive approach called the k-vertex cardinality constraints model for enforcing higher-order cardinality constraints rules on edges, which capture domain-related business rules of varying complexity. In our formal k-vertex cardinality constraint concept definition, we go beyond simple patterns formed between two nodes and employ more complex structures such as hypernodes, which consist of nodes connected by edges. We formally introduce the concept of k-vertex cardinality constraints and their properties as well as the property graph-based model used for their representation. Our k-vertex model includes the k-vertex cardinality constraint specification by following a pre-defined syntax followed by a visual representation through a property graph-based data model and a set of algorithms for the implementation of basic operations relevant for working with k-vertex cardinality constraints.
In the practical part of the dissertation, we evaluate the applicability of the k-vertex model on use cases by carrying two separate case studies where we present how the model can be implemented on fraud detection and data classification use cases. We build a set of relevant k-vertex cardinality constraints based on real data and explain how each step of our approach is to be done. The results obtained from the case studies prove that the k-vertex model is entirely suitable to represent complex business rules as cardinality constraints and can be used to enforce these cardinality constraints in real-world business scenarios. Next, we analyze the performance efficiency of our model on inserting new edges into graph databases with varying number of edges and outgoing node degree and compare it against the case when there is no cardinality constraints checking. The results of the statistical analysis confirm a stable performance of the k-vertex model on varying datasets when compared against a case with no cardinality constraints checking. The k-vertex model shows no significant performance effect on property graphs with varying complexity and it is able to serve as a cardinality constraints enforcement mechanism without large effects on the database performance. Keywords: Graph database, K-vertex cardinality constraint, Cardinality, Business rule, Property graph data model, Property graph schema, Hypernode, Performance analysis, Fraud detection, Data classification Published in DKUM: 10.08.2022; Views: 771; Downloads: 108
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