1. On general position sets in Cartesian productsSandi Klavžar, Balázs Patkós, Gregor Rus, Ismael G. Yero, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The general position number gp(G) of a connected graph G is the cardinality of a largest set S of vertices such that no three distinct vertices from S lie on a common geodesic; such sets are refereed to as gp-sets of G. The general position number of cylinders Pr ◻ Cs is deduced. It is proved that (Cr ◻ Cs)∈{6,7} whenever r ≥ s ≥ 3, s ≠ 4, and r ≥ 6. A probabilistic lower bound on the general position number of Cartesian graph powers is achieved. Along the way a formula for the number of gp-sets in Pr ◻ Ps, where r,s ≥ 2, is also determined. Keywords: general position problem, Cartesian product of graphs, paths and cycles, probabilistic constructions, exact enumeration Published in DKUM: 27.08.2024; Views: 39; Downloads: 7 Full text (586,20 KB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Cycles of the housing market in Hungary form the economic crisis until todayLászló Harnos, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to identify the underlying reasons for the cyclical nature of the Hungarian housing market, in particular the business cycles, the construction, and market participants’ expectations. Our research was conducted based on analysis of statistical data and of the housing market indices. As a result, it can be stated that cyclic behaviour of the housing market may be explained primarily with business cycles, but state subsidies and mortgages also affect the variations. Accordingly, the increasing lending and the high amount of subsidies can generate a price bubble. The supply of second-hand dwellings looks more flexible compared with that of new ones. However, the expectations of market operators do not have a demonstrable effect on the housing market. Keywords: property market, housing market cycles, asset price bubble Published in DKUM: 10.10.2018; Views: 1600; Downloads: 141 Full text (292,19 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Visible symptoms of the financial crisisMatic Žargi, 2017, undergraduate thesis Abstract: The Great Recession of 2008 had such a huge impact on the global economy, hence it should be predictable? With a theoretical analysis of Early Warning Systems (EWS) we came to the conclussion that they do in fact work. However, due to complex dimensions of the crisis, there was no particular set of EWS which could actually predict the impact of the crisis. This complexity stems overleveraging and various financial innovations which made the financial markets riskier in unobservable ways. In order to observe the symptoms of a serious crisis we need to look at the economy as a simple machine. Ray Dalios principle about the long and short term debt cycle gave us a different approach. It enables us to spot the symptoms simply by analysisng interest rates, base money creation and federal spending. Rajan (2005) has proved that thesis in his paper, where he showed that the financial instruments became so complex, that they became too risky. Our analysis has brought us to a conclussion that right now interest rates in the US are starting ot rise, the inflation is rising and GDP growth stagnating. With the application of our system we can see that right now we are in the middle of a business cycle. We can predict that a downturn in the capital markets is about to occur. However no system is able to predict the impact of the crisis. Keywords: financial crisis, debt, leveraging, leverage, economic cycles Published in DKUM: 03.11.2017; Views: 1368; Downloads: 121 Full text (722,58 KB) |
4. Domination game critical graphsCsilla Bujtás, Sandi Klavžar, Gašper Košmrlj, original scientific article Abstract: The domination game is played on a graph ▫$G$▫ by two players who alternately take turns by choosing a vertex such that in each turn at least one previously undominated vertex is dominated. The game is over when each vertex becomes dominated. One of the players, namely Dominator, wants to finish the game as soon as possible, while the other one wants to delay the end. The number of turns when Dominator starts the game on ▫$G$▫ and both players play optimally is the graph invariant ▫$\gamma_g(G)$▫, named the game domination number. Here we study the ▫$\gamma_g$▫-critical graphs which are critical with respect to vertex predomination. Besides proving some general properties, we characterize ▫$\gamma_g$▫-critical graphs with ▫$\gamma_g =2$▫ and with ▫$\gamma_g =3$▫, moreover for each ▫$n$▫ we identify the (infinite) class of all ▫$\gamma_g$▫-critical ones among the ▫$n$▫th powers ▫$C_N^n$▫ of cycles. Along the way we determine ▫$\gamma_g(C_N^n)$▫ for all ▫$n$▫ and ▫$N$▫. Results of a computer search for ▫$\gamma_g$▫-critical trees are presented and several problems and research directions are also listed. Keywords: domination game, domination game critical graphs, powers of cycles, trees Published in DKUM: 31.03.2017; Views: 1295; Downloads: 401 Full text (194,74 KB) This document has many files! More... |
5. NZ-flows in strong products of graphsWilfried Imrich, Iztok Peterin, Simon Špacapan, Cun-Quan Zhang, 2010, original scientific article Abstract: Za krepki produkt ▫$G_1 boxtimes G_2$▫ grafov ▫$G_1$▫ in ▫$G_2$▫ dokažemo, da je ▫${mathbb{Z}}_3$▫-pretočno kontraktibilen natanko tedaj, ko ▫$G_1 boxtimes G_2$▫ ni izomorfen ▫$Tboxtimes K_2$▫ (kar poimenujemo ▫$K_4$▫-drevo), kjer je ▫$T$▫ drevo. Sledi, da za ▫$G_1 boxtimes G_2$▫ obstaja NZ 3-pretok, razen če je ▫$G_1 boxtimes G_2$▫ ▫$K_4$▫-drevo. Dokaz je konstruktiven in implicira polinomski algoritem, ki nam vrne NZ 3-pretok, če ▫$G_1 boxtimes G_2$▫ ni ▫$K_4$▫-drevo, oziroma NZ 4-pretok sicer. Keywords: matematika, teorija grafov, celoštevilski pretoki, krepki produkt, poti, cikli, nikjer ničelni pretok, mathematics, graph theory, integer flows, strong product, paths, cycles Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1067; Downloads: 124 Link to full text |
6. Perfect codes in direct products of cycles - a complete characterizationJanez Žerovnik, 2008, original scientific article Abstract: Let ▫$G = times^n_{i=1}C_{ell_i}$▫ be a direct product of cycles. It is known that for any ▫$r le 1$▫, and any ▫$n le 2▫$, each connected component of ▫$G$▫ contains a so-called canonical ▫$r$▫-perfect code provided that each ▫$ell_i$▫ is a multiple of ▫$r^n + (r+1)^n$▫. Here we prove that up to a reasonably defined equivalence, these are the only perfect codes that exist. Keywords: matematika, teorija grafov, korekcijske kode, direktni produkt grafov, popolne kode, cikli, mathematics, graph theory, error-correcting codes, direct product of graphs, perfect codes, cycles Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1886; Downloads: 92 Link to full text |
7. An almost complete description of perfect codes in direct products of cyclesSandi Klavžar, Simon Špacapan, Janez Žerovnik, 2006, original scientific article Abstract: Naj bo ▫$G = times_{i=1}^nC_{ell_i}$▫ direktni produkt ciklov. Dokazano je, da za vsak ▫$r ge 1$▫ in za vsak ▫$n ge 2$▫ velja naslednje. Če je vsak ▫$ell_i$▫ večkratnik od ▫$r^n + (r+1)^n$▫, tedaj vsaka povezana komponenta grafa ▫$G$▫ vsebuje ▫$r$▫-popolno kodo. Po drugi strani je tudi dokazano, da če koda grafa ▫$G$▫ vsebuje izbrano točko in njene lokalno kanonične točke, tedaj je vsak ▫$ell_i$▫ večkratnik od ▫$r^n + (r+1)^n$▫. Nadalje je dokazano, da je ▫$r$▫-popolna koda ▫$(r ge 2)$▫ grafa ▫$G$▫ enolično določena z ▫$n$▫ točkami. Postavljena je domneva, da za ▫$r ge 2$▫ ne obstajajo nobene druge kode v $G$ razen tistih, ki so konstruirane v članku. Keywords: matematika, teorija grafov, korekcijske kode, direktni produkt grafov, popolne kode, cikli, mathematics, graph theory, error-correcting codes, direct product of graphs, perfect codes, cycles Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 24186; Downloads: 101 Link to full text |
8. Center conditions and cyclicity for a family of cubic systems : computer algebra approachBrigita Ferčec, Adam Mahdi, 2013, original scientific article Abstract: Using methods of computational algebra we obtain an upper bound for the cyclicity of a family of cubic systems. To that end we overcome the problem of nonradicality of the associated Bautin ideal by moving from the ring of polynomials to a coordinate ring. Finally, we also determine the number of limit cycles bifurcating from each component of the center variety. Keywords: matematika, cikličnost, limitni cikli, računalniška algebra, mathematics, cyclicity, limit cycles, computer algebra system Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1317; Downloads: 44 Link to full text |
9. Limit cycle bifurcations from a nilpotent focus or center of planar systemsMaoan Han, Valery Romanovski, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: We study analytic properties of the Poincaré return map and generalized focal values of analytic planar systems with a nilpotent focus or center. We use the focal values and the map to study the number of limit cycles of this kind of systems and obtain some new results on the lower and upper bounds of the maximal number of limit cycles bifurcating from the nilpotent focus or center. The main results generalize the classical Hopf bifurcation theory and establish the new bifurcation theory for the nilpotent case. Keywords: mathematic, limit cycles, bifurcation, center problem Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1259; Downloads: 349 Full text (1,95 MB) This document has many files! More... |
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