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The sustainable socially responsible society : well-being society 6.0
Simona Šarotar Žižek, Matjaž Mulej, Amna Potočnik, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to introduce Sustainable Socially Responsible Society 6.0 as a new concept that is supposed to extend ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ to the entire society for humankind to gain a new chance to survive beyond the dangerous neoliberalism that abuses the market and democracy to the benefit of very few humans—the richest one percent and a few around them—and beyond Society 5.0. This study aims to define the framework conditions of ‘Well-being Society 6.0’, where humans can both achieve and define their targeted quality of life, including work–life balance, etc. Mulej’s Dialectical Systems Theory provides requisite (i.e., sufficient and necessary) integrity/holism of approach that leads to a Sustainable Socially Responsible (SSR) Society without overlooking the necessity of personal, including managerial, responsibility. Most humans try to satisfy their basic survival needs by management, which is requisitely holistic; it can and shall contribute to setting the framework conditions, foremost with non-technological innovation management. The Economy for the Common Good can contribute to SSR Society 6.0, including ‘Well-being society’. In addition, in 2019–2021 humankind is experiencing the ‘new Corona Virus’ crisis, killing millions, but also enabling a crucial step toward a well-being society by returning worldwide economic governance from neoliberalism to Keynes-based state capitalism with no loud objections.
Keywords: human, industry 4.0, society 5.0, sustainability, social responsibility, sustainable socially responsible society, well-being, Well-being Society 6.0, new coronavirus
Published in DKUM: 22.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 12
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Spatial modelling of modal shift due to COVID-19
Simona Šinko, Klemen Prah, Tomaž Kramberger, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The outbreak of COVID-19 caused many changes in people's life. One of the most significant is the travel behaviour and transport mode choice. This study focus on the changes that the inhabitants of Vienna made in their travel choices because of the virus. The same research about spatial modelling the transport mode choice of commuters in Vienna was completed in 2019 and is a topic addressed in our previous work. Based on our developed methodology, this article indicates that public transport is not a dominant transport mode choice as it was before the virus outbreak.The main result of this paper is geographically defined areas of application of individual alternatives shown on the final map of modal shift in Vienna, which could provide theoretical support for policy-makers and transportation planners. For the city of Vienna, we found that the area of the city where cars are now used has increased, which certainly has a negative impact on air quality and life in the city. The advantage of the methodology is that it can also be applied to other cities in the world.
Keywords: coronavirus, city traffic, urban mobility, transport mode choice, passenger transport, geographical methods, spatial modelling, city logistics, Vienna
Published in DKUM: 14.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 17
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COVID-19 and social distancing : ǂa ǂcross-cultural study of interpersonal distance preferences and touch behaviors before and during the pandemic
Ilona Croy, Andreja Avsec, Tina Kavčič, Bojan Musil, Nejc Plohl, Gaja Zager Kocjan, Maja Zupančič, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the introduction of unprecedented safety measures, one of them being physical distancing recommendations. Here, we assessed whether the pandemic has led to long-term effects on two important physical distancing aspects, namely interpersonal distance preferences and interpersonal touch behaviors. We analyzed nearly 14,000 individual cases from two large, cross-cultural surveys – the first conducted 2 years prior to the pandemic and the second during a relatively stable period of a decreased infection rate in May-June 2021. Preferred interpersonal distances increased by 54% globally during the COVID-19 pandemic. This increase was observable across all types of relationships, all countries, and was more pronounced in individuals with higher self-reported vulnerability to diseases. Unexpectedly, participants reported a higher incidence of interpersonal touch behaviors during than before the pandemic. We discuss our results in the context of prosocial and self-protection motivations that potentially promote different social behaviors.
Keywords: neverbalna komunikacija, preference glede medosebne razdalje, medosebni dotiki, pandemija, kovid, COVID-19, fizična distanca, medkulturna psihologija, coronavirus, nonverbal communication, interpersonal distance preferences, interpersonal touch behaviour, cross-cultural psychology, physical distancing
Published in DKUM: 02.08.2024; Views: 89; Downloads: 6
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Lower-limb muscle contractile properties, explosive power and the subjective response of elite soccer players to the Covid-19 lockdown
Armin Paravlić, Boštjan Šimunič, Saša Pišot, Matej Kleva, Kaja Teraž, Matjaž Vogrin, Uroš Marušič, Rado Pišot, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The present study examined the effects of the lockdown period on basic anthropometric measures, countermovement jumping performance, skeletal muscle contractile properties derived from tensiomyography (TMG), injury incidence, and self-assessed general well-being in elite soccer players. A total of 266 players were assessed before (PRE) and 32 players were reassessed 11 days after (POST) the COVID-19 period. Significant changes in the TMG parameters were observed POST compared to PRE: contraction time (Tc) increased from 6% to 50% in vastus lateralis [VL] (p = 0.009) and biceps femoris [BF] (p < 0.001), respectively; whereas radial displacement (Dm) increased for 19% in BF (p = 0.036) and 17% in VL (p < 0.001), respectively. Jumping performance remained unchanged from PRE to POST In addition, athletes rated the lockdown period as a positive event and felt psychologically better during the lockdown, primarily because they spent more time with family members and friends. Although there were no differences in any of the variables describing lower limb muscle power following the two-month lockdown, the altered contractile properties of the assessed muscles suggest suboptimal conditioning of the football players.
Keywords: football, male football, power, explosive power, CMJ, tensiomyography, SJ, coronavirus, pandemics, lockdown
Published in DKUM: 11.07.2024; Views: 80; Downloads: 9
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Impact of covid-19 pandemic on the epidemiology and etiology of lower respiratory tract infections in children
Vojko Berce, Leon Časl, 2023, original scientific article

Keywords: children, COVID-19, epidemiology, etiology, lower respiratory tract infections, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Published in DKUM: 21.12.2023; Views: 211; Downloads: 23
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Polyneuritis cranialis related to SARS-CoV-2 infection: a case report
Peter Gradišnik, Andreja Osterc Koprivšek, Mihael Rus, Tanja Golli, Hermina Damjan, 2023, other scientific articles

Keywords: Polyneuritis cranialis, Miller Fisher syndrome, Multiple cranial nerve palsy, Coronavirus disease
Published in DKUM: 18.07.2023; Views: 472; Downloads: 55
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Impacts of the 2019 pandemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome–coronavirus 2 on the quality of life of patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases
Domen Lah, Iztok Holc, 2023, original scientific article

Keywords: severe acute respiratory syndrome–coronavirus 2, rheumatic diseases, quality of life, pandemic, telemedicine
Published in DKUM: 18.07.2023; Views: 448; Downloads: 42
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Izgorelost medicinskih sester v času pandemije covida-19
Mateja Pliberšek, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Uvod: Koronavirusna bolezen covid-19 je kužna bolezen, ki je po celotnem svetu povzročila kolaps zdravstvenega sistema. Najbolj so ga občutile medicinske sestre, ki so bile med prvimi v stiku z okuženimi pacienti. Medicinske sestre so bile že pred pandemijo covida-19 izpostavljene izgorelosti, s pandemijo pa se je pokazala realna slika pri zdravstvenih delavcih po celotnem svetu, glede preutrujenosti, izgorelosti, stresnosti in depresivnosti. Namen zaključnega dela je bil raziskati izgorelost medicinskih sester v času pandemije covida-19. Metode: Za izdelavo zaključnega dela smo sistematično pregledali, analizirali in sintetizirali znanstveno literaturo na temo izgorelosti medicinskih sester v času pandemije covida-19. Literaturo smo iskali v podatkovnih bazah PubMed, ScienceDirect in CINHAL. Potek iskanja smo ponazorili v diagramu poteka iskanja. Rezultati: V končno analizo smo vključili deset člankov, ki so ustrezali izbranim kriterijem. Rezultati člankov so pokazali, da je izgorelost medicinskih sester zmerna do visoka, najbolj so izpostavile čustveno izčrpanost. Izsledki raziskav so pokazali, da so medicinske sestre, ki nimajo podpore doma, v službi in s strani prijateljev, bolj izpostavljene izgorelosti. Razprava in zaključek: Pandemija covida-19 je prikazala pomembnost medicinskih sester na vseh področjih njihovega dela. Žal pa so najbolj občutile izgorelost tiste medicinske sestre, ki so delale z okuženimi pacienti. Za ublažitev izgorelosti medicinskih sester je treba pristopiti na individualni in timski način.
Keywords: medicinska sestra, izgorelost, coronavirus, pandemija
Published in DKUM: 18.05.2023; Views: 502; Downloads: 96
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Supplementary material for paper Comparison of the evolution of the COVID-19 disease between Romania and Italy
Ciprian Chiruţa, Emilian Bulgariu, Jurij Avsec, Brigita Ferčec, Matej Mencinger, 2020, complete scientific database of research data

Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic evolution, time dependent SIR model, coronavirus
Published in DKUM: 23.12.2020; Views: 5477; Downloads: 1686
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