Electricity prices and consumer behavior, case study Serbia - randomized control trials methodIztok Podbregar,
Sanja Filipović,
Mirjana Radovanović,
Olga Mirković-Isaeva,
Polona Šprajc, 2021, original scientific article
Abstract: The aim of this research was to identify energy saving instructions effect on household’s electricity consumption. The research was conducted using Randomized Control Trials, which implied defining a treatment and control group on a sample of 330 households. The research was carried out in Republic of Serbia, where electricity prices are the lowest in Europe and electricity is used inefficiently. For quantitative analysis of data, the Difference in Difference method was used, which compares the changes in electricity consumption over time between the treatment and control group and estimates the overall impact of the energy saving instructions. The research showed that in situations where electricity price is very low, energy saving information does not have the significant impact on change in consumer behavior. However, inefficient use of electricity might be due to the different efficiency of heating devices used. Not only that the low impact of information on energy saving habits may be a consequence of the low will to change habit, but also of the impossibility to change the habit (unless changing the heating device, but this implies expenditures). Results can be used for consideration of changes in organization and regulation of the electricity market in all South Eastern European countries (SEE).
Keywords: electricity consumption, consumersʹ behavior, randomized control trials method, difference method, case study, Serbia
Published in DKUM: 10.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5
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