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The study of entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurial competencies of business vs. non-business students
Tanja Zdolšek Draksler, Karin Širec, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Entrepreneurship contributes to economic growth and job creation and thus to competitiveness. Nevertheless, the question remains of how to stimulate entrepreneurial activity, especially in the case of youth as a disadvantaged group. The key to entrepreneurial activity is entrepreneurial competencies and entrepreneurial intentions. Young people can acquire and develop both through entrepreneurship education. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurial competencies of university students in Slovenia from a socio-psychological perspective. A conceptual research model based on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the competency approach was developed, also applying the assumption that entrepreneurial competencies influence entrepreneurial intentions. The applied research methodology was a quasi-experiment. The research sample of 837 students consisted of an experimental group (involved in entrepreneurship education) and a control group (not involved in entrepreneurship education) examined by a pretest and a post-test. Various statistical analyses were used to determine correlation, comparison, and dependency. Although it was confirmed that the conceptual research model is appropriate and that some of the factors studied do influence entrepreneurial intentions, we could not find a higher level of entrepreneurial intentions or entrepreneurial competencies by students involved in entrepreneurship education. Nevertheless, the conceptual research model has statistically confirmed that the TPB and entrepreneurial competencies are linked. It was also revealed that entrepreneurial competencies partly influence entrepreneurial intentions. This study forms a basis for further research in the field of entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurial competencies.
Keywords: entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial intentions, entrepreneurial competencies, tertiary education
Published in DKUM: 12.08.2024; Views: 101; Downloads: 14
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Transformation of the RESPO decision support system to higher education for monitoring sustainability-related competencies
Andreja Abina, Bojan Cestnik, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, Sara Zavernik, Matevž Ogrinc, Aleksander Zidanšek, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: A result-oriented engagement system for performance optimisation (RESPO) has been developed to systematically monitor and improve the competencies of individuals in business, lifelong learning and secondary schools. The RESPO expert system was transferred for use in higher education institutions (HEIs) based on successful practical application trials. The architecture and functionality of the original RESPO expert system have been transformed into a new format that will collect information on the required competencies and the available educational programmes to help students effectively develop competencies through formal and non-formal education. First, the initial version of the RESPO system and its functionality were tested on a selected group of students and higher education staff to validate and improve its effectiveness for the needs of HEIs. This paper summarises the key findings and recommendations of the validators for transforming the RESPO application into an application for HEIs. In addition, the selection of competencies in the RESPO application database has been adapted to align with selected study programmes and the need to develop sustainability-related competencies. These findings can support professionals working in higher education institutions in developing students’ future competencies and fostering the targeted use of learning analytics tools.
Keywords: higher education, competencies development, decision support, STEM education, sustainability
Published in DKUM: 02.08.2023; Views: 346; Downloads: 20
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Perspectives on Teacher Education and Development

Keywords: education, professional development, teachers, pre-school educators, multidisciplinarity, competencies
Published in DKUM: 20.03.2023; Views: 838; Downloads: 81
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Qualitative research of expected competencies in logistics
Sonja Mlaker Kač, Maja Fošner, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: logistics, competencies, companies, qualitative research, quantitative research
Published in DKUM: 09.05.2018; Views: 1405; Downloads: 103
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The importance of intercultural competencies in logistics
Irena Gorenak, Bojan Rosi, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: logistics, intercultural competencies, efficiency, effectiveness, economic utility, companies
Published in DKUM: 09.05.2018; Views: 1212; Downloads: 107
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Personality: blessing or curse? : the entrepreneur’s path from personal to leadership competencies
Michael Forster, Philipp Parrer, Nina Maria Wöss, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper is based on a study which investigates the relevance of management competencies in Austrian organizations, focusing on start-ups. The study as well as the existing literature confirms that personal competencies such as ambition, selfconfidence or assertiveness are perceived as more important by start-ups than by established companies. However, further results of the paper show that especially leadership competencies play a major role in developing a growing start-up whereas personal competencies fade into the background and can even have a negative impact on turnover growth. In general, the paper discusses special characteristics of competence classes for start-ups and examines differences and similarities in comparison to established companies. As it has already been indicated, the evidence leads to different and surprising considerations for entrepreneurs and growing start-ups.
Keywords: classes of competencies, entrepreneurship, start-up
Published in DKUM: 04.05.2018; Views: 1345; Downloads: 245
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The influence of personality characteristics on individual competencies of work group members : a cross-cultural study
Georg Kodydek, Ronald Hochreiter, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: In this article, we investigate how college students and graduates with diverse backgrounds experience working in groups by focusing on their perceptions regarding group work, attribution of leader coaching, and self-perspectives of personality traits. Moreover, this article explores relationships between personality factors (using the Big Five factors) and selected individual competencies from Bartram’s Great Eight Competencies (2005). We furthermore review current management research on competency management, personality, and also identify current trends for young professionals who are about to enter the job market. This study was conducted in an experimental setting at a large European business school. Participants were 80 business students from Austria, Turkey, China, and the United States of America with a fairly even gender split who had to work on tasks in homogeneous and heterogeneous settings. We assess participants’ ratings following Rammstedt and John’s Big Five Inventory (2007) and a modified version of Wageman, Hackman and Lehman’s Team Diagnostic Survey (2005) that we enhanced accordingly. Results are analyzed and discussed with relation to global challenges and developments regarding competencies, diversity, and group work.
Keywords: competency management, personality factors, individual competencies
Published in DKUM: 22.01.2018; Views: 1542; Downloads: 186
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Using chemical models for developing natural science competences in teaching chemistry : from pupils as model assemblers to pupils as creators of self-made models
Darinka Sikošek, Mateja Žuželj, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Chemical models are indispensable tool in chemistry class and enable secondary school pupils to develop complex thought processes and spatial concepts, both of which are necessary to improve their understanding of chemical concepts. In this research, special emphasis is given to complex competencies not only their acquisition, but rather how pupils develop them. For this purpose, a learning strategy has been developed, called learning by self-generating chemical models. Pupils learn individually on their own models, which are made from easily accessible, low-cost materials. The impact of workable models was investigated (assembly of commercial models and production of self-made models) on the (1) learning success using simple molecule shapes and (2) the degree of competence development which realized through the implemented activities. The study involved first-year secondary school-pupils, defined as self-creators of paper- and -wire models (experimental group) and assemblers of commercial models (called the control group). The appearance of the molecules being studied took the form of geometric shapes and structures, which pupils present by making of ball-, called wire-models from plasticine and wire or paper created, called paper models. Based on the results of statistical processing of the data, we found that self-creation of models (as an innovative approach) leads to better understanding and to subsequently sustained knowledge for the pupil. It should also be noted that pupils who were self-generators in comparisons to those who merely assembled the models, generally developed many complex skills in the areas of problem solving, practical competence, mathematical competence and critical thinking skills. The knowledge so acquired was also better understood.
Keywords: education, chemical models, competencies, chemistry, self-made models
Published in DKUM: 19.12.2017; Views: 1436; Downloads: 73
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Implementation of process-targeted activities of prospective chemistry teachers during continuous teaching practice : a rational comparative analysis of teaching methods according to the expressed competencies
Darinka Sikošek, Kornelia Žarić, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: The main aim of the teacher study program is to ensure the proper role of teaching practice, which is included in initial teacher training courses. It is necessary that teachers of chemistry gain or develop learner competencies for appropriate teaching/ learning in the chemistry subject by using innovative teaching methods. In terms of activities and methods correction of the continuous teaching practice model for prospective chemistry teachers in Pedagogical study program of 2nd degree "Educational Chemistry" which would ensure the creation of a competent chemistry teacher (active and innovative). The main result of the study is a list of potential competencies by prospective chemistry teachers using innovative teaching methods. These competencies can be developed and produced in the performance of activities defined by using continuous teaching practice, particularly in the areas of testing and assessment, experiential and collaborative learning, and experimental (laboratory and field) work. Each of these components is separately assessed by activity and competence.
Keywords: education, innovative teaching methods, competencies, chemistry
Published in DKUM: 15.12.2017; Views: 1118; Downloads: 118
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Integrating management competencies development with an organizational culture formation
Karel Pavlica, Eva Jarošová, Robert Kaiser, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper presents the first results of the IGA/2012/7 project “Versatility of Organizational Management and its Reflection in the Area of Organizational Culture“. The paper tries to answer in particular a question if there exist and what are the relations between a process of management competencies development and process of organizational culture creation and change. The research is based upon two methods: (1) Leadership Versatility Index® (LVI ®) and Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS). The research data are presented in a form of two cases. Qualitative analysis of these data has led to two preliminary conclusions: (1) Some of the research expectations concerning an existence of the relations between organization´s management versatility and organizational culture might be confirmed in a future; (2) DOCS data can bring a new light on the LVI ® results and on the process of management competencies development. They help managers to understand that a change and development of their management competencies is not their personal business but a need with important strategic consequences for the whole organization. Reliable answers to all research questions and hypothesises are conditioned by a statistical analysis of the data collected in more organizations, however.
Keywords: leadership, management, versatility, organizational culture, competencies development
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2017; Views: 1230; Downloads: 345
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