1. English and Italian in the Frame of Genre-based Research and Foreign Language LearningIvo Fabijanić, 2020 Abstract: The publication focuses on English and Italian in the context of genre-based research in foreign language learning, with five contributions focusing on language, namely the position of abbreviations in the Italian business context, the English language in tertiary education using the LanGuide platform, the compilation of the Shakespeare's Dictionary, the attitude of young learners towards the introduction of the first foreign language and the strategies used in translating administrative texts into a minority language. In her contribution, Lenassi discusses the principle of economy in the language usage in business Italian correspondence, and focuses on the similarities and differences in the use of abbreviations. Kompara Lukančič and Fabijanić present a different approach to learning and teaching foreign languages, and they emphasise the role of language acquisition and multilingualism. Kompara Lukančič also discusses the micro- and macrostructure of the Shakespeare’s Dictionary. In his contribution, Smajla discusses the attitudes of Slovenian language learners to the introduction of the first foreign language. In the last part of the monograph Paolucci writes about his study from 2019 in which he examined source and target-oriented strategies in the translation of normative and informative administrative texts for the Italian minority in Slovenia. Keywords: language learning, first foreign language, legal languages, business communication, lexicography. Published in DKUM: 10.09.2020; Views: 1161; Downloads: 0 |
2. Students' attitudes towards the use of Slovene as L1 in teaching and learning of business English at tertiary levelNataša Gajšt, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: Over the past decades, the monolingual (English-only) approach to English language teaching and learning has prevailed. In recent years, however, the trend of using students' first language (L1) in teaching and learning English as a foreign language has re-emerged. However, the research on the use of L1 in teaching English for specific purposes is far from extensive. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of Slovene as the students' L1 in teaching and learning Business English at tertiary level. The specific objectives were to determine the students' attitudes towards the teachers' and the students' use of Slovene during Business English lessons and the students' use of Slovene in learning Business English. The present study was quantitative, with data gathered via a questionnaire. The results show that, on the one hand, there is some inclination towards the use of L1 both in class and during their study of Business English. On the other hand, the preference towards the use of predominantly (or exclusively) English in class is also present and is positively correlated with the level of students' knowledge of English. The results are of value to English language teachers as they suggest the contexts in which students' L1 could be used in the process of teaching and learning English for specific purposes. Keywords: business English, foreign language study and teaching, Slovenian language, native language, didactics Published in DKUM: 09.08.2017; Views: 1866; Downloads: 370 Full text (128,59 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. English modal verbs in modal verb phrase structures and lexical associations of modality in "standard terms and conditions of sale"Nataša Gajšt, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: This paper presents the findings of a corpus-based analysis of English modal verbs and semi-modals in modal verb phrase structures as well as lexical association of modality in ʼstandard terms and conditions of saleʼ, which are legally binding documents in the domain of commerce and whose purpose is to govern the obligations and rights of sellers and buyers in the transaction of goods for payment. Our research has established that the most frequent modal verbs in these documents are shall, will, may, must and can, and that the most common modal verb phrase structures in are ʼmodal+infinitiveʼ and ʼmodal+be+past participleʼ. We found 718 different lexical verbs that indicate actions, states and conditions associated with commercial transactions. These results correspond with the definition of these documents. Our findings are a demonstration of how language expresses the characteristics of a legal text type in a professional domain of commerce/trade. Keywords: English, business language, commercial language, standard terms and conditions of sale, modal verbs, corpus linguistics Published in DKUM: 18.05.2017; Views: 1454; Downloads: 338 Full text (701,02 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. MODEL ZA DINAMIČNO ADAPTIVNO KONTEKSTNO OBVLADOVANJE IZJEM PRI IZVAJANJU POSLOVNIH PROCESOVJurij Laznik, 2016, doctoral dissertation Abstract: V tej doktorski disertaciji predlagamo od jezika za izvajanje poslovnih procesov neodvisen model za upravljanje in obvladovanje nepričakovanih izjem v poslovnih procesih. Model omogoča dinamično adaptivno kontekstno definiranje izjem v času izvajanja poslovnih procesov. Predlagani teoretični model sledi smernicam, kako izdelati učinkovito ogrodje za dinamično upravljanje izjem v stroju za izvajanje poslovnih procesov in sicer v času izvajanja poslovnih procesov. Ravno tako omogoča učinkovito upravljanje znanj o izjemah. Njegova zasnova omogoča porazdeljeno uporabo znanj o izjemah med stroji za izvajanje poslovnih procesov. Nenazadnje njegova lahka razumljivost omogoča hitro učenje in zmožnost implementacije modela v različnih specifičnih strojih za izvajanje poslovnih procesov. Teoretični model preverimo s pomočjo simulacije barvnih Petrijevih mrež. Na osnovi teoretičnega modela izvedemo implementacijo na specifičnem stroju za izvajanje poslovnih procesov, WS-BPEL. Implementacija baze znanj o rešitvah je izvedena s pomočjo semantičnega spleta in ontologije, ki smo jo definirali. Preverjanje modela izvedemo z izvedbo eksperimenta, kjer preverimo vpliv na kompleksnost in fleksibilnost poslovnih procesov ter obseg podpore dodatnih vzorcev za upravljanje izjem. Definiramo model, ki na osnovi empiričnih meritev omogoča ovrednotiti vpliv predlagane rešitve na izvajanje poslovnih procesov. S tem podkrepimo učinkovitost predlagane rešitve za dinamično adaptivno kontekstno definiranje izjem pri izvajanju poslovnih procesov. Keywords: načrtovanje poslovnih procesov, prilagodljivost poslovnih procesov, dinamično adaptivno kontekstno definiranje izjem, Web Services Business Process Execution Language, semantični splet, ontologije, barvne Petrijeve mreže, vzorci upravljanja izjem Published in DKUM: 17.10.2016; Views: 1961; Downloads: 186 Full text (4,24 MB) |
5. Market leader : upper intermediate business EnglishDavid Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent, 2001, higher education textbook Keywords: linguistics, English, business language, reading, skills, communication, international marketing, interpersonal relations, business successfulness, success of business operation, career success, job satisfaction, work, satisfaction, risk, electronic commerce, team work, financial business operation, consumer, customer, services, risk management, takeovers, mergers, business, future, textbooks, cases, case study, vocabularies Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2684; Downloads: 78 Link to full text |
6. Market leader : upper intermediate business EnglishBill Mascull, 2001, higher education textbook Keywords: linguistics, English, business language, communication, international marketing, interpersonal relations, business successfulness, success of business operation, career success, job satisfaction, work, satisfaction, risk, electronic commerce, team work, financial business operation, consumer, customer, services, risk management, takeovers, mergers, business, future, manuals, teaching, teaching methods, cases, case study, vocabularies Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2750; Downloads: 57 Link to full text |
7. Market leader : intermediate business EnglishDavid Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent, 2001, higher education textbook Keywords: linguistics, English, business language, reading, skills, communication, international marketing, interpersonal relations, business successfulness, success of business operation, career success, job satisfaction, work, satisfaction, risk, electronic commerce, team work, financial business operation, consumer, customer, services, risk management, takeovers, mergers, business, future, textbooks, cases, case study, vocabularies Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2698; Downloads: 59 Link to full text |
8. The business of ecommerce : from corporate strategy to technologyPaul May, 2000, manual Keywords: new economy, enterprises, corporations, electronic commerce, interactions, virtual reality, retail sale, competition, customer, globalization, information technology, computer networks, internet, World Wide Web, HTML, Hypertext Markup Language, client/server, models, application, business strategy Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2499; Downloads: 55 Link to full text |
9. A comparison of BPMN notation and natural language understandabilityJernej Huber, Aleš Živkovič, Marjan Heričko, 2011, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: In this paper, we explored the understandability of BPMN notation as compared with the understandability of natural language. We conducted an experiment in which we examined the results of students who were completing two different types of questionnaires. Students from the first group analyzed BPMN diagrams, while others analyzed an unstructured text. The text and BPMN diagrams were from identical problem domains and both groups of students answered the same questions. We compared the results and conducted a statistical analysis using a t-test with independent samples. Because we were able to classify students according to their prior knowledge of BPMN notation, we also conducted a one-way ANOVA test and performed a detailed analysis of the collected data. Keywords: business processes, BPMN diagrams, natural language Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 1975; Downloads: 77 Link to full text |