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Balthasar Hacquet in njegova raziskovanja na Slovenskem v 18. stoletju
Ivanka Hirtl, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Balthasar Hacquet, zdravnik, botanik, mineralog, geolog in etnolog, je v slovenskem znanstvenem prostoru premalo poznan. V času svojega delovanja na Slovenskem je pomembno prispeval k razvoju naravoslovja, botanike, mineralogije in alpinizma. Hacquet je bil izrazit razsvetljenec svojega časa in kritičen mislec. Lahko rečemo, da je Hacquet, ki je večino svojega življenja preživel na Kranjskem, glavni raziskovalec v 18. stoletju pri nas. Posebno skrb je namenil zdravljenju zastrupitev z živim srebrom rudarjev v Idriji, saj je tam opravljal službo rudniškega zdravnika, kirurga. Ves prosti čas je porabil za vsestransko raziskovanje kranjske dežele in njene okolice. Izredno pozornost je posvečal planinski flori in tako dopolnjeval Scopolijeve izsledke. Med ljudstvom je pozorno opazoval narodne običaje, ljudsko nošo in gospodarsko delo.
Keywords: Botanika, Scopoli, Balthasar Hacquet, Kranjska, idrijski rudnik, raziskovanja.
Published in DKUM: 13.09.2016; Views: 1608; Downloads: 165
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Halophile vegetation of the Slovenian seacoast : Thero-Salicornietea and Spartinetea maritimae
Mitja Kaligarič, Sonja Škornik, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: Halophile vegetation of the Slovenian sedimentary seacoast have been sampled with the standard Braun-Blanquet procedure. All the 140 collected relevés have been classified using the SYN-TAX 2000 software. The resulting dendrogram separated 5 well-defined clusters, characterized by different dominant species. Two well separated clusters have been further elaborated in this study. The floristically-poor association Suaedo maritimae-Salicornietum patulae Brullo et Funari ex Géhu et Géhu Franck 1984 tend to form monodominate stands with Salicornia europaea s.l. on mudflat hypersaline stands. The association Suaedo maritimae-Bassietum hirsutae Br.-Bl. 1928, with high abundance of Suaeda maritima occupy smaller surfaces on drier stands. Both were classified within halophile annual swards of the class Thero-Salicornietea. Spartina maritima-dominated perennial halophyte salt marshes are represented with association Limonio-Spartinetum maritimae (Pignatti 1966) Beeft. et Géhu 1973 (class Spartinetea maritimae), which colonizes muddy islets, perturbed by high tide and sea turbulence and supports brackish water, which should be rich in nutrients.
Keywords: botanika, fitocenologija, halofitna vegetacija, klasifikacija, severni Jadran, Thero-Salicornietea, Spartinetea maritimae
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1388; Downloads: 40
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Vegetation of the Stjuža coastal lagoon in Strunjan landscape park (Slovenia) : a draft history, mapping and nature-conservancy evaluation
Nina Šajna, Mitja Kaligarič, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: A draft history of the artificial Stjuža coastal lagoon was reconstructed on the basis of old maps (1804 and 1873); and compared with the present-day situation using GIS. The current data were simplified to obtain comparable caregories (landscape units) with old maps. The following major landscape units were distinguished: lagoon, salt marshes, mainland, brackish rivers and estuaries, ditches and canals, salt-pans, embankment, villages and roads. On current map, a total of 47 habitat types according to PHYSIS typology occurring in 206 polygons, which cover an area of 41.6 ha, were identified and described. Habitats with greater nature-conservancy value cover 26.7 ha of the total research area and constitute 40% of the polygons described. 55.6% of these belong to halophilous scrubs - Sarcocornetea fruticosi (= Arthrocnemetea fruticosi) - and 25.9% to annual salt pioneer sward communities, dominated by Salicornia europaea. Mediterranean salt swamps (Juncion maritimi) are present to a small extent only. It could be concluded that the artificial Stjuža lagoon, constructed for fish farming purposes, developed in habitat diverse coastal wetland area after partial abandonment.
Keywords: botanika, vegetacija, biogeografija, obalna laguna, habitatni tipi, kartiranje, obmorska mokrišča, Slovenija, botany, biogeography, vegetation, coastal lagoon, habitat types, Slovenia, mapping, wetlands
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1787; Downloads: 55
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Is variety of species-rich semi-natural Mesobromion grasslands detectable with functional approach?
Mitja Kaligarič, Nina Šajna, Sonja Škornik, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: The aim of the study was to compare how the relevés of species-rich dry grasslands (classis Festuco-Brometea) in Central and Eastern Slovenia differ among each other on the basis of floristic composition and of 11 Plant Functional Traits (PFTs). On the basis of floristic structure and cover values, the relevés were classified in three well separated clusters. In the PCA ordination, the first axes suggested a gradient of soil pH, while the second, floristically based gradient, was interpreted as soil humidity. On the basis of selected traits, 3 PFTs were clustered, but not clearly interpreted. Despite differences in environmental parameters across Slovenia (climate, geographical position, altitude, soil conditions) and variety of land use disturbances - drivers of floristic variety, no discernible difference in vegetation structure in terms of selected plant traits were perceived by PCA ordination. It could be concluded that secondary dry grasslands share rather uniform functional types with not clearly detectable structural differences among them.
Keywords: botanika, vegetacija, biogeografija, travišča, suha travišča, rastlinski funkcionalni znaki, rastlinski funkcionalni tipi, Slovenija, funkcionalni pristopi, botany, biogeography, vegetation, grasslands, dry grasslands, plant functional traits, plant functional types, Slovenia, functional approaches
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1535; Downloads: 43
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Vegetation of silicicolous grasslands of the highlands of North-Eastern Slovenia
Sonja Škornik, Martina Lončar, Mitja Kaligarič, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: Vegetation of the silicicolous grasslands of the highlands of North-Eastern Slovenia has been sampled with standard Braun-Blanquet procedure. All the 102 collected releves have been classified within the order Nardetalia Oberd. ex Preising 1949. The association Homogyno alpinae-Nardetum Mráz 1956 (all. Nardo-Agrostion tenuis Sillinger 1933) has been stated, inside which the typical form and the transitional forms to the heaths with Ericaceae have been distinguished. Chorology, life forms and spontaneous reforestation are discussed and nature-conservancy issue is mentioned.
Keywords: botanika, fitocenologija, silikatna travišča, Slovenija, severovzhodna Slovenija, Twinspan, Pohorje, Kozjak, Smrekovec, botany, phytocenology, silicicolous grasslands, Slovenia, Twinspan, Pohorje, Kozjak, Smrekovec
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1293; Downloads: 48
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Vegetation of tall rush saltmarshes (Juncetea maritimae) and saltmarsh scrubs (Arthrocnemetea fruticosae) on the Slovenian seacoast
Mitja Kaligarič, Sonja Škornik, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: Halophyte vegetation of Slovenian sedimentary seacoast was studied according to Braun-Blanquet method. 140 collected relevés were analysed by cluster analysis and five main clusters were separated. Relevés from the first, fourth and fifth clusters were further elaborated in this study. The Juncus maritimus-dominated tall rush saltmarshes of the class Juncetea maritimi were classified within two associations: Limonio-Puccinellietum represented hygrophilous stands, exposed to tide, while the association Juncetum maritimi-acuti was represented with more closed stands with higher species richness, thriving on rather drier sites. With in the saltmarsh scrubs of the class Arthrocnemetea fruticosi, 3 associations, following the declining moisture/salinity gradient were recognized: Puccinellio-Arthrocnemetum, Puccinellio-Halimionetum and Limonio-Artemisietum.
Keywords: botanika, vegetacija, fitosociologija, halofitna vegetacija, klasifikacija, severni Jadran, botany, biogeography, vegetation, phytosociology, halophyte vegetation, classifcation, North Adriatic
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1543; Downloads: 60
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Functional comparision of the sub-Mediterranean illyrian meadows from two distinctive geological substrates
Nataša Pipenbaher, Mitja Kaligarič, Sonja Škornik, 2008, original scientific article

Abstract: In this paper, floristic and functional approaches to the classification of different types of sub-Mediterranean illyrian grasslands of the association Danthonio-Scorzoneretum villose lalliance Scorzonerion villosae, order Scorzoneretalia villosae, class Festuco-Brometea) are compared. The data set includes table with 30 relevés from SW Slovenia, sampled in two contrasting geological bedrocks - flysch and limestone - and matrix with 18 treits determined for 119 plant species. We also tested an impact of different geological bedrock on the relative proportions of C-S-R plant strategies in the relevés. With DCA ordinetion, relevés from limestone and flysch were clearly divided in two groups. First DCA axis suggested a gradient of soil humidity and pH. On the basis of selected traits, 5 Plant Functional Types were clustered and interpreted with Twinspan analysis. PCA ordination of relevés on the basis of plant functional traits revealed that samples from limestone could be separated from those taken on flysch substrate also with functional approach. Reievés from limestone tend to have bigger shares of species, which propagate by seed and vegetatively, and competitors and herbs. Nevertheless, it could be concluded that there are no major functional differences between meadows from both geological substrates. The positions of all relevés in standard C-S-R temary diagram showed that that the relative proportions of C-S-R functional types were not influenced by different geological bedrock.
Keywords: botanika, vegetacija, travišča, suhi travniki, rastlinski funkcionalni tipi, severni Jadran, C-S-R strategije rastlin, botany, biogeography, vegetation, grasslands, dry grasslands, classifcation, North Adriatic, C-S-R plant strategy
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1681; Downloads: 41
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