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What is the tendency in biology virtual field trips? : the case of Maribor island trail
Miro Puhek, Matej Perše, Andrej Šorgo, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: There is no doubt any more that virtual worlds are suitable for school environment. It was shown by various researchers that they can contribute in supplying students with additional information, help them to visualise subjects, respond with answer on demand or even in some cases supplement the real materials. Based on the real experience, the virtual field trail Walk on Maribor Island was developed for biology and natural science classes in lower secondary school. The trail is presented through eight exercises that differentiate not only in theme, but also in difficultness, fun, background idea etc. In spring 2011, 133 eighth grade students worked on the virtual field trail during the biology class. After the work on exercises, students were asked to analyse the exercises regarding the level of difficultness, level of interest and level of proficiency. The main aim of the study was to present the tendency in biology virtual field trips that should be taken into consideration before the development of new exercises.
Keywords: education, biology teaching, field trip, field work
Published in DKUM: 19.12.2017; Views: 1731; Downloads: 100
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Students' perceptions of real and virtual field work in biology
Miro Puhek, Matej Perše, Andrej Šorgo, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: The outdoor education is a method of learning with the exposure to (not exclusively) the natural environment that combines all human senses. Students tend to acknowledge a very positive effect of this kind of learning. It is easier and more memorable to connect the theory with practice, when they see things in nature, rather than to just hear about them in the classroom. Despite its popularity, teachers face various obstacles when they take their students outdoors. Although the outdoor education is included in the Slovenian primary and lower secondary school curriculum, the percentage is not high enough, which depends on various reasons. Teachers defined lack of time, suitability of area around the school, not enough instruments for field work and to expanded curriculum as the main reasons for not including field work in the classes. Some of these obstacles could be solved by implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) into the biology and ecology classes. In this research the results of 192 students' point of view on the importance of field work, obstacles of that kind of work and the ICT as a solution to support or replace the real field works are presented. All questioned students were prospective teachers, so sooner or later majority of them will face issues connected to the field work and possibilities to solve them with the help of ICT.
Keywords: education, biology teaching, ICT, obstacles
Published in DKUM: 19.12.2017; Views: 1475; Downloads: 103
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Language-independent virtual biology exercise for the development of key competences for lifelong learning
Miro Puhek, Andrej Šorgo, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: Natural sciences in Slovenia are not as popular as we would like them to be. Biology teaching and learning in great part consist of memorizing the facts and not so much of developing competences. Laboratory and field work are recognized as methods where students can achieve subject specific and generic competences, as recommended by different international organizations. Such key competences are mathematical competence and competences in science and technology, and digital competences. Although competences cannot be learned but have to be achieved, the task seems epical when students can hardly find computer supported didactical tools in their own language. On the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics virtual biology exercise Mendelian Genetics with a translational tool was developed. Teachers have the possibility to translate it into desired foreign language. Virtual exercise is interactive and encourages the critical thinking approach to reach the high level cognitive skills and development of different competences.
Keywords: education, biology teaching, virtual laboratory, laboratory work, competences, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 15.12.2017; Views: 1334; Downloads: 95
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Apacer: a six-step model for the introduction of computer-supported laboratory exercises in biology teaching
Andrej Šorgo, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: This article describes a six-step approach used for the introduction of computer-supported laboratory exercises in Biology teaching. Following the model students will be guided from recognizing a problem question to the end report in a series of active tasks. The model was named APACER as an acronym of the six steps: Ask, Predict, Act, Comment, Evaluate and Report. The model was tested with 15-18-year-old secondary school students as group and individual work over a time span of ten years and several hundred students performing laboratory exercises in Biology. Work on development of the model can be described as reflective classroom practice. By observation of students' work, grading of their reports and evaluation of results from exams, it was recognized that students achieved much higher grades because of better knowledge and improved reports. Transfer of the model to other Science subjects is suggested.
Keywords: education, biology teaching, computer-supported laboratory, laboratory work, ICT, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 12.12.2017; Views: 1678; Downloads: 124
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Information and communication technologies (ICT) in biology teaching in Slovenian secondary schools
Andrej Šorgo, Tatjana Verčkovnik, Slavko Kocijančič, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: About two-thirds of Slovene secondary schools received computers equipped with dataloggers and sensors to be used in teaching Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Later it was recognized that only a couple of Biology teachers were using the donated equipment in their classrooms or laboratories. The questionnaire, intended to investigate the situation, was posted to schools which had received a donation. Based on the answers, it was possible to assign computer applications from one of the three groups. In the first group were these applications (word processing, e-mail and internet use) towards which teachers have positive attitudes and that they do use for school work. The common element is that teachers can work at home and then use the materials in the classroom. In the second group were applications (presentations, use of data loggers, computer programmes and virtual laboratory) towards which attitudes are positive, but which teachers do not use because of the overloaded curriculum, lack of equipment, and inappropriate training. In the third group are applications (computer games and programming), about which attitudes are negative and which teachers do not use. The introduction of such applications into teaching is at the moment far from realistic.
Keywords: education, biology, biology teaching, computers, ICT, secondary schools
Published in DKUM: 07.06.2012; Views: 2178; Downloads: 79
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In search of good science teaching with hands-on and minds-on computer-supported activities
Andrej Šorgo, 2011, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: In maximizing the effect of emerging technologies pre-service teachers should receive assistance in building complex knowledge of how to meaningfully integrate content, pedagogy and technology into the construct of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCTK). Teaching by design was found to be a promising strategy in order to support prospective teachers in finding ways to introduce hands-on and mind-on computer-supported activities into their teaching practice.
Keywords: education, science, biology teaching, computer-supported learning
Published in DKUM: 07.06.2012; Views: 2375; Downloads: 38
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False reality or hidden messages: reading graphs obtained in computerized biological experiments
Andrej Šorgo, Slavko Kocijančič, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: Information and communication technology (ICT) has become an inseparable part of schoolwork and a goal of education to prepare scientifically literate and digitally competent citizens. Yet the introduction of computers into school work has been much slower than its introduction in other spheres of life. Teachers' lack of knowledge/skills and difficulty in integrating ICT into instruction affect the realization of computer-related goals in schools. Another hidden obstacle that can affect the introduction of computers into the Biology laboratory can be discomfort with the interpretation of graphs obtained by data-loggers. We can group these difficulties with graph outcomes into 4 areas: 1) Explanations of the curves that lie beyond the domain of Biology, in Physics, Chemistry or some other discipline; 2) Hardware properties; 3) Unknown properties of experimental components; 4) Occasional equipment breakdowns or crashes.
Keywords: education, biology, biology teaching, computer-supported laboratory, ICT, laboratory work
Published in DKUM: 07.06.2012; Views: 1885; Downloads: 71
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