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Low Code Programming with APEX : How to and Practical Cases

Abstract: This textbook introduces Oracle Application Express (APEX), a low-code platform for building data-driven web applications. It aims to equip readers with the skills to fully utilize APEX for real-world business challenges. Part I covers the basics of APEX in twelve chapters, including environment setup, database preparation, navigation, data exchange, application creation, report and form management, and team collaboration. Part II presents twelve business cases that provide a comprehensive understanding of application development from a business, data, and user interface perspective. Each case includes business views, problem definitions, use cases, data models, and application interfaces. The textbook is designed for approximately 75 hours of study and is suitable for both experienced developers and beginners. It includes additional material such as exported applications, scripts, data and video tutorials to enhance learning.
Keywords: low-code programming, application development, web applications, Oracle APEX, practical examples
Published in DKUM: 01.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 10
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A spatial decision support system for traffic accident prevention in different weather conditions
Danijel Ivajnšič, David Pintarič, Jaša Veno Grujić, Igor Žiberna, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Natural conditions play an important role as determinants and cocreators of the spatiotemporal road traffic accident Hot Spot footprint; however, none of the modern commercial, or open-source, navigation systems currently provides it for the driver. Our findings, based on a spatiotemporal database recording 11 years of traffic accidents in Slovenia, proved that different weather conditions yield distinct spatial patterns of dangerous road segments. All potentially dangerous road segments were identified and incorporated into a mobile spatial decision support system (SLOCrashInfo), which raises awareness among drivers who are entering or leaving the predefined danger zones on the street network. It is expected that such systems could potentially increase road traffic safety in the future.
Keywords: GIS, mobile application, spatial databases, spatial patterns, traffic safety
Published in DKUM: 20.08.2024; Views: 63; Downloads: 11
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Analysis and evaluation of user experience in mobile applications with modern interaction methods : magistrsko delo
Katja Frančič, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Mobile devices, seamlessly weaving artificial intelligence into their applications, have become indispensable for millions of people in their daily lives. In our master’s thesis, we explored methods for evaluating user experience, focusing on those suitable for modern mobile applications. In the applied phase, participants evaluated three mobile apps using distinct questionnaires. This affirmed the positive correlation between user interface simplicity and enhanced UX, alongside modern interaction methods fostering increased user loyalty. Our findings confirm that post-task questionnaires offer deeper insights into UX, with users showing a preference for completing them. While gender may influence user experience, it's not the sole determinant.
Keywords: user experience, mobile application, modern interaction methods
Published in DKUM: 01.07.2024; Views: 159; Downloads: 57
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Identifying key activities, artifacts and roles in agile engineering of secure software with hierarchical clustering
Anže Mihelič, Tomaž Hovelja, Simon Vrhovec, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Different activities, artifacts, and roles can be found in the literature on the agile engineering of secure software (AESS). The purpose of this paper is to consolidate them and thus identify key activities, artifacts, and roles that can be employed in AESS. To gain initial sets of activities, artifacts, and roles, the literature was first extensively reviewed. Activities, artifacts, and roles were then cross-evaluated with similarity matrices. Finally, similarity matrices were converted into distance matrices, enabling the use of Ward’s hierarchical clustering method for consolidating activities, artifacts, and roles into clusters. Clusters of activities, artifacts, and roles were then named as key activities, artifacts, and roles. We identified seven key activities (i.e., security auditing, security analysis and testing, security training, security prioritization and monitoring, risk management, security planning and threat modeling; and security requirements engineering), five key artifacts (i.e., security requirement artifacts, security repositories, security reports, security tags, and security policies), and four key roles (i.e., security guru, security developer, penetration tester, and security team) in AESS. The identified key activities, artifacts, and roles can be used by software development teams to improve their software engineering processes in terms of software security.
Keywords: secure software development, security engineering, agile methods, agile development, software development, software engineering, software security, application security, cybersecurity, cyber resilience
Published in DKUM: 29.11.2023; Views: 417; Downloads: 10
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Uporaba paketa DBMS_LDAP za vzdrževanje LDAP imenika
Miha Berdik, 2022, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Raziskava temelji na projektu, katerega namen je bil upravljanje identitet na imeniškem strežniku (OpenLDAP) s pomočjo spletne aplikacije, izdelane v orodju Oracle application Express (APEX). V tem primeru baza podatkov Oracle služi kot primarni vir za vzdrževanje imenika uporabnikov. Na kratko so prikazane značilnosti imeniških strežnikov, ki uporabljajo protokol LDAP, ter primer odprtokodne rešitve OpenLDAP. Opisane so nekatere lastnosti baze podatkov Oracle, sistemskega paketa DBMS_LDAP ter malokodnega orodja za razvoj spletnih aplikacij APEX. V eksperimentalnem delu so prikazani priprava razvojnega okolja z dvema virtualnima strojema (APEX in OpenLDAP), paket PIIS_SYNC, ki uporablja funkcije DBMS_LDAP, ter spletna aplikacija za upravljanje zapisov v strežniku LDAP. V nalogi so bile nekatere funkcije paketa DBMS_LDAP preizkušene v testnem okolju, vendar bi ob primerni zaščiti omrežnega prometa paket lahko prenesli tudi v produkcijsko okolje.
Keywords: upravljanje identitet, strežnik LDAP, Oracle application Express, DBMS_LDAP
Published in DKUM: 30.06.2022; Views: 682; Downloads: 45
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Design and development of a mobile application for configuring and using wildlife trackers : master's thesis
Vid Rajtmajer, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: The number of Internet of Things devices has been increasing rapidly in the recent few years, which opens possibilities for many new use cases. One of those is tracking assets, specifically for the conservation of endangered animals. This is the main goal of the OpenCollar tracking device. Its features and communication technologies are described in this master’s thesis. The device supports a variety of configuration options enabling users to tweak it for their specific usage. The main focus of the thesis was to design, implement, and test a cross-platform mobile application that would simplify the configuration process of such a device. All aspects of the application are described with a focus on the communication protocol. In the end, we present the results and conclude that the implemented application greatly simplifies the management of OpenCollar devices.
Keywords: Internet of Things, mobile application, Bluetooth low energy, Long Range
Published in DKUM: 28.01.2022; Views: 1023; Downloads: 65
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Relationship of the Brussels I Regulation vis-à-vis legal remedies provided by national enforcement laws
Damjan Orož, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: Article discuss the impact of the Brussels I and Brussels I bis Regulations on Slovenian enforcement proceedings. The aim of the Brussels I bis Regulation is to ensure creditors a simpler but mostly quicker access to enforcement in case a judgment must be enforced in a state other than the Member State of origin. The new regulatory framework will certainly facilitate quicker access to enforcement for creditors. However, this can only be ensured categorically in the first phase of enforcement, i.e. the seizure of assets (distraint). In subsequent enforcement phases successful enforcement in favour of the creditor could be stayed if the debtor decides to enforce grounds used to challenge the enforceability of a foreign judgment. A major distinction is that the control of enforceability will only proceed if and when the debtor so requests.Prispevek obravnava vpliv Uredb BU I in BU I bis na slovenski izvršilni postopek. Namen BU I bis je upniku zagotoviti lažji, predvsem pa hitrejši dostop do izvršbe v primeru, da je treba sodbo izvršiti v drugi državi kot v državi izvora. Gotovo bo nova ureditev upniku zagotovila hitrejši dostop do izvršbe, vendar to lahko kategorično zagotovimo le za prvo fazo izvršbe, to je rubež premoženja. V kasnejših fazah izvršitve pa se utegne upniku uspešna izvršba odložiti, če se dolžnik odloči uveljavljati razloge, s katerimi bo nasprotoval izvršljivosti tuje sodne odločbe. Pomembna razlika je ta, da se bo kontrola izvršljivosti opravila le ko in če bo dolžnik to zahteval.
Keywords: enforcement in the Member State of enforcement, foreign judgment, application for refusal of enforceability, objection against the enforcement order, creditor
Published in DKUM: 15.01.2021; Views: 895; Downloads: 69
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Spletna aplikacija za prevozno podjetje
Nejc Rudolf, 2020, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Zaključno delo obravnava problem prevozniškega podjetja. To za svoje delovanje potrebuje veliko količino podatkov in stalno komunikacijo med zaposlenimi. Podatki se čez dan lahko večkrat spremenijo, to pa predstavlja glavno težavo za nemoteno delovanje delovnega procesa. Da ta teče brez zapletov, morajo uporabniki imeti možnost čim enostavnejšega spreminjanja obstoječih podatkov. Prav tako pa morajo imeti vpleteni v proces pregled nad vsemi spremembami, ki so jih naredili drugi uporabniki. V teoretičnem delu so podrobneje opisana vsa orodja, s katerimi je bila aplikacija izdelana, in orodja, ki bi v končni fazi omogočila implementacijo programa v produkcijo podjetja. Predstavljen je tudi način razvoja relacijskega modela baze podatkov. Največji poudarek pa je na predstavitvi komponent, ki jih vsebuje Oraclovo orodje za hiter razvoj Application Express. Opisani pa so tudi jeziki tretjih oseb, ki so lahko uporabljeni znotraj Application Expressa za izboljšanje delovanja izdelanih aplikacij. Praktični del poskuša rešiti omenjeno težavo z izdelavo aplikacije v Oraclovem orodju za hiter razvoj aplikacij, imenovanem Oracle Application Express. Poleg izdelave aplikacije pa so predstavljeni tudi postavitev Oraclove baze, izdelava entitetnega relacijskega diagrama in različni načini dobre prakse pri razvoju, kot so definiranje omejitev, kreiranje sprožilcev in še nekatere druge možnosti. V zaključku pa so predstavljene tudi možnosti za nadaljnji razvoj aplikacije.
Keywords: Oracle Application Express, vmesniki aplikacijskega programiranja, Oracle SQL Developer, SQL, PL/SQL
Published in DKUM: 15.06.2020; Views: 1322; Downloads: 77
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Alen Krunić, 2020, master's thesis

Abstract: Nowadays, traditional sources are mostly used for energy production, such as fossil and nuclear fuels. Such energy sources have a negative impact on the environment. As a result, trends in energy production are increasingly focused on renewable energy sources. These energy sources are available everywhere and their environmental impact is minimal. Nonetheless, these energy sources cannot be exploited with the same efficiency during the day (the Sun is not present the whole day, in winter, the sunlight days are shorter, the wind is not constant, etc.) or during different periods of the year. The variable amount of energy, produced from these sources and the integration with energy distribution systems, must not be overlooked. This is especially important in power plants, where it is necessary to ensure high energy reserves at excess load, which can be achieved by incorporating an improved energy storage system and higher efficiency of produced electricity. This process contributes to a significant reduction in costs. Direct energy storage systems, described in this master's thesis, are used in applications that require many fast charging and discharging cycles instead of a long-term energy storage in cars, buses, trains and lifts, where they are used for regenerative braking, short-term energy storage or as a primary source of electricity. Supercapacitors are electrochemical double-layer capacitors with low energy density and high power density. They have low series resistance, so they have the ability to emit high current, allowing them to charge quickly and a long lifespan. The goal of the thesis is to determine experimental parameters of supercapacitors and to compare them with theoretical parameters and batteries. With the simulation method of charge and discharge we have proven, that differences in results exists.
Keywords: storage, supercapacitor, application, modelling
Published in DKUM: 02.03.2020; Views: 2195; Downloads: 249
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Razvoj prototipa intranetne aplikacije
Katja Mihelič, 2019, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo obravnava razvoj prototipne rešitve intranetne aplikacije, ki temelji na konkretnem primeru slovenskega podjetja. V podjetju so zaznali problem zastarelosti intranetne tehnologije. Skupaj z naročnikom smo uskladili njihove želje in zahtevane funkcionalnosti, ki jih mora vsebovati razvita aplikacija. Prototip aplikacije smo razvili z razvojnim orodjem za hiter razvoj Oracle Application Express. Razvoj je potekal s prototipno metodo, kjer se razvita verzija aplikacije dograjuje in izpopolnjuje do končnega produkta. Razvita aplikacija je namenjena vsem zaposlenim, omogočene funkcionalnosti pa se glede na njihovo uporabniško vlogo razlikujejo. Glavne funkcionalnosti prototipa so rezervacija sejnih sob, shranjevanje dokumentov, izpolnjevanje in potrjevanje elektronskih obrazcev, oddajanje inovativnih predlogov in inovacij ter objava internih novic in obvestil. Z aplikacijo bodo uporabniki lažje opravljali svoje delo in hitreje prišli do potrebnih informacij za opravljanje delovnih nalog. Z uporabo aplikacije se bo izboljšala interna komunikacija, dodajanje novih funkcij pa bo poenostavljeno.
Keywords: intranet, informacijski sistem, interna komunikacija, prototipni razvoj, aplikacija, Oracle Express Application
Published in DKUM: 05.06.2019; Views: 1358; Downloads: 131
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