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Epistemologija škodljivih prepričanj : med spoznavno hibo, argumentacijo in zavajajočo retoriko
Niko Šetar, 2024, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Ta disertacija se ukvarja z mehanizmi širjenja spoznavno škodljivih vsebin v javnem, medijskem in političnem diskurzu skozi preučitev vloge spoznavnih hib, argumentacijskih hib in zavajajoče retorike v teh mehanizmih in procesih. Prvi del disertacije se osredotoča na opredelitev treh različnih vrst hib. Prve izmed teh so spoznavne hibe, ki so v splošnem konceptualno opredeljene kot nasprotje spoznavnih vrlin. Relevantno podpoglavje pregleda več pristopov k definiciji spoznavnih vrlin in hib kot splošnih pojmov, naravo več razširjenih posameznih hib, ter argumentira izbrano opredelitev glede narave in lastnosti spoznavnih hib za namene te disertacije. Sledi podroben pregled teorije argumentacijskih hib in posameznih neformalnih logičnih zmot kot primerov tovrstnih hib ter opredelitev glede pristopa k obravnavi tovrstnih hib v nadaljevanju. Tretje podpoglavje prvega dela vpelje koncept jezikovne hibe kot vrste zavajajočega govora na podlagi kršitev pragmatičnih načel učinkovite konverzacije. Nazadnje zaključni del prvega poglavja utemeljuje osnovne povezave med vsemi tremi vrstami hib. Naslednji štirje deli naloge se osredotočajo na štiri vrste spoznavno škodljivih vsebin: teorije zarote, psevdoznanosti, anti-intelektualistična prepričanja in lažne novice kot manifestacijo splošnega pojava tako imenovane »kulture post-resničnosti«. Vsak izmed omenjenih odsekov analizira motivacije in spoznavne hibe, prisotne pri akterjih v nastanku spoznavno škodljivih vsebin, se pravi osebah ali skupinah, ki tovrstne vsebine proizvajajo. Sledi analiza argumentacijskih hib, ki jih taisti akterji bodisi nevede zagrešijo, bodisi namerno uporabljajo v opisu in utemeljevanju teh vsebin, in pa analiza jezikovnih hib kot retoričnih figur, ki se jih poslužujejo v javnem sporočanju omenjenih vsebin. Šesti in zadnji del disertacije preuči splošne odnose med vsemi tremi vrstami hib pri akterjih v izvoru oz. nastanku spoznavno škodljivih vsebin, nato pa pozornost analize preusmeri na posameznike in skupine, ki tovrstna prepričanja sprejemajo kot resnična. V ta namen preuči različne faktorje, ki vplivajo na sprejem teh vsebin; na podlagi teh faktorjev določi spoznavne hibe sprejemnikov ter faktorje in hibe, ki vplivajo na nadaljnje širjenje relevantnih prepričanj med sprejemniki. Nazadnje poveže in izpostavi najpogostejše kombinacije hib tako akterjev v izvoru kot sprejemnikov, ki pogojujejo mehanizme širjenja in sprejemanja spoznavno škodljivih vsebin.
Keywords: Spoznavne hibe, argumentacija, pragmatika, teorije zarote, psevdoznanost, anti-intelektualizem, lažne novice.
Published in DKUM: 04.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 55
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Green techniques for preparation of red beetroot extracts with enhanced biological potential
Dragana Borjan, Vanja Šeregelj, Darija Cör Andrejč, Lato Pezo, Vesna Tumbas Šaponjac, Željko Knez, Jelena J. Vulić, Maša Knez Marevci, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Red beetroot is well known for its high proportion of betalains, with great potential as functional food ingredients due to their health-promoting properties. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of processing techniques such as Soxhlet, cold, ultrasound and supercritical fluid extraction on the betalains content and its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antihyperglycemic activities. Whilst Soxhlet extraction with water has provided the highest yield, the highest content of total phenolics was found in an extract prepared using Soxhlet extraction with 50% ethanol. Amongst eight phenolic compounds detected in the extracts, protocatechuic acid was the most abundant. The concentrations of total phenolics ranged from 12.09 mg/g (ultrasound extraction with 30% methanol) to 18.60 mg/g (Soxhlet extraction with 50% ethanol). The highest anti-inflammatory activity was observed for cold extraction with 50% methanol extract. The high radical scavenging activity of supercritical fluid extracts could be a consequence of nonphenolic compounds. The chemometrics approach was further used to analyse the results to find the “greenest” method for further possible application in the processing of beetroot in the food and/or pharmaceutical industry. According to the standard score, the best extraction method was determined to be Soxhlet extraction with 50% ethanol.
Keywords: red beetroot, supercritical fluid extraction, antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory activity, antihyperglycemic activity, chemometric approach
Published in DKUM: 18.08.2023; Views: 436; Downloads: 40
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Immunocastration in adult boars as a model for late-onset hypogonadism
Nina Batorek Lukač, Kevin Kress, Marjeta Čandek-Potokar, Gregor Fazarinc, Martin Škrlep, Klavdija Poklukar Žnidaršič, Raffael Wesoly, Volker Stefanski, Milka Vrecl, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: While immunocastration has been studied in male pre-pubertal pigs, data on older, sexually mature animals are limited. To understand the physiological effects of androgen deprivation in the late sexual development phase, we compared mature immunocastrated boars (n = 19; average age = 480 days) to young male immunocastrated pigs (n = 6; average age = 183 days) and young entire males (n = 6; average age = 186 days) as positive and negative controls, respectively. Objectives: We hypothesized that the timing of gonadotropin-releasing hormone suppression (early or late sexual development phases) influences the extent of reproductive function inhibition, histological structure of testicular tissue, and expression levels of selected genes related to steroid metabolism. Materials and methods: Antibody titer, hormonal status, and histomorphometric analysis of testicular tissue were subjected to principal component analysis followed by hierarchical clustering to evaluate the immunocastration effectiveness in mature boars. Results: Hierarchical clustering differentiated mature immunocastrated boars clustered with young immunocastrated pigs from those clustered with entire males. Although all mature immunocastrated boars responded to vaccination, as evidenced by the increased gonadotropin-releasing hormone antibody titers (p < 0.001), decreased serum luteinizing hormone concentrations (p = 0.002), and changes in testicular tissue vascularization (lighter and less red testicular parenchyma; p ≤ 0.001), the responses were variable. Sharp decreases in testes index (p < 0.001), Leydig cell volume density (p < 0.001), Leydig cell nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio (p < 0.001), and testosterone concentration (p < 0.001) were observed in mature immunocastrated boars clustered with young immunocastrated pigs compared with those that clustered with entire males. Additionally, mature immunocastrated boars clustered with young immunocastrated pigs showed lower hydroxysteroid 17-beta dehydrogenase 7 expression than entire males (p < 0.05). The young immunocastrated pigs group showed higher folliclestimulating hormone receptors than the entire males and mature immunocastrated boars, lower steroidogenic acute regulatory protein expression levels compared with entire males, and mature immunocastrated boars clustered with entire males (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The two-dose vaccination regime resulted in progressive but variable regression of testicular function in adult (post-pubertal) pigs; however, it was insufficient to induce a complete immunocastration response in all animals.
Keywords: response to immunocastration, pigs, anti-GnRH, morphometry, testicular mRNA expression
Published in DKUM: 16.08.2023; Views: 490; Downloads: 79
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Transient neonatal myasthenia gravis: case report
Sara Sitar, Milena Treiber, 2023, other scientific articles

Keywords: acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, anti-AChR antibodies, management, neonatal weakness, transient neonatal myasthenia
Published in DKUM: 18.07.2023; Views: 331; Downloads: 53
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Prikaz van life življenjskega stila in konstrukcija turističnega pogleda na Instagramu
Marija Pristaš, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V zaključnem delu se ukvarjamo z van lifom kot novo obliko življenjskostilne mobilnosti, ki je na družbenem omrežju Instagram postala nadvse popularna. Zanima nas, kako se skozi van life objave na Instagramu konstruira turistični pogled. Natančneje, ugotoviti želimo, kakšne so ustaljene vizualne konvencije uprizarjanja van life življenjskega stila na Instagramu ter kakšne so prevladujoče semiotične kode v teh objavah in kaj sporočajo. Pri raziskavi smo opravili kvantitativno in kvalitativno analizo. V kvantitativno analizo vsebine objav smo zajeli 158 enot analize (fotografij in posnetkov), objavljenih na treh javno dostopnih in popularnih Instagram profilih v izbranem časovnem obdobju. Kvalitativno oz. semiotično analizo, v kateri smo se ukvarjali s samimi pomeni podob, pa smo opravili na izboru reprezentativnih fotografij van life. Ugotavljamo, da podobe narave in antiselfiji/antisebki prikazujejo hedonizem, svobodo, avanturo in skupaj kreirajo romantični turistični pogled. Ustaljene vizualne konvencije so predvsem elementi narave in antisebki. Prevladujoči semiotični znaki in kode so nasmejani obrazi, uživanje v minimalizmu in preprostih stvareh ter nevsakdanje aktivnosti. Podobe komunicirajo ključne vrednote van life življenjskega stila, kot so hedonizem, povezanost z naravo, svoboda in avantura ter tako konstruirajo romantični turistični pogled.
Keywords: van life, Instagram, semiotika, fotografija, turistični pogled, anti-sebek, narava
Published in DKUM: 09.12.2021; Views: 974; Downloads: 115
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Kakovost življenja bolnikov s starostno degeneracijo makule
Nina Bezjak, 2020, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Starostna degeneracija makule (SDM) je pogosta bolezen, ki postopoma uničuje centralni vid in je eden od vodilnih vzrokov za slabovidnost in slepoto v svetu. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako vlažna SDM vpliva na vsakodnevno življenje in kako vplivajo redni pregledi ter zdravljenje z intravitrealno aplikacijo zaviralca rastnih dejavnikov za žilni endotel (anti-VEGF) na kakovost življenja teh bolnikov. Raziskovalne metode: V raziskavi smo uporabili deskriptivno in kvantitativno metodo dela. Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo strukturiranega vprašalnika s 24 vprašanji. Anketirali smo 100 bolnikov z vlažno SDM, in sicer 50 z enostransko in 50 z obojestransko okvaro vida, ki se zdravijo ambulantno v enem izmed univerzitetnih kliničnih centrov Slovenije. Rezultati: 54 % bolnikov živi s partnerjem, 27 % pa samostojno. 19 % je zaradi težav z vidom odvisnih od pomoči drugih v vsakdanjem življenju. 36 % bolnikov potrebuje pomoč pri branju, 56 % ne more voziti avta, 18 % se ne znajde v nepoznanem okolju. Več težav v vsakdanjem življenju imajo bolniki z obojestransko okvaro vida. Pogosti pregledi in zdravljenje bolnikom ne predstavljajo večje obremenitve. Kar 73 % anketiranih čuti strah pred popolno izgubo vida, kljub temu, da 58 % opaža stabilizacijo vida s pomočjo anti-VEGF terapije. Diskusija in zaključek: Kljub slabši vidni funkciji in težavah bolniki s SDM v večji meri ohranjajo samostojnost v vsakdanjem življenju. Nuditi jim moramo potrebno pomoč in podporo saj jim s tem omogočamo boljšo kakovost življenja. Pomembo je, da se bolniki zavedajo pomena pregledov in zdravljenja, saj s tem ohranjamo njihov vid in posledično boljšo kakovost življenja.
Keywords: strukturiran vprašalnik, vlažna SDM, enostranska SDM, obojestranska SDM, zdravljenje SDM, anti-VEGF
Published in DKUM: 30.10.2020; Views: 1076; Downloads: 80
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Lastnosti grafov Hanojskega stolpa
Eva Zmazek, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: Hanojski grafi $H_p^n$, $n \geq 1$, $p \geq 3$, so modeli predstavitve problema Hanojskega stolpa z $n$ diski in $p$ nosilci. Njihova rekurzivna konstrukcija vodi do izpeljave nekaterih lastnosti. Kromatično število $\chi(H_p^n)$ Hanojskega grafa $H_p^n$ je na primer enako številu nosilcev $p$ prirejenega problema Hanojskega stolpa, kromatični indeks $\chi'(H_p^n)$ tega Hanojskega grafa pa je enak njegovi maksimalni stopnji vozlišč $\Delta(H_p^n)$. Vsi Hanojski grafi so Hamiltonovi, $(p-1)$-povezani, nekateri med njimi so tudi ravninski. \end{sloppypar} \begin{sloppypar} Barvanje povezav $c: E(G) \to [k]$ je mavrica, če za poljubni različni povezavi $e,f \in E(G)$ velja $c(e) \not= c(f)$. Anti-Ramseyevo število na paru grafov $G$ in $H$ je najmanjše tako število $n$, za katerega pri vsakem barvanju $c$ povezav grafa $G$ z natanko $n$ barvami, obstaja $H$-podgraf grafa $G$, za katerega je zožitev $c|H$ mavrica. V magistrski nalogi si ogledamo anti-Ramseyeva števila $\ar(H_p^n,H_q^m)$, $p,q \geq 3$, $n,m \geq 1$, na paru Hanojskih grafov, kjer je $m=n=1$ in $q=3$, in na paru Hanojskih grafov, kjer je $p=q$. Za anti-Ramseyevo število $\ar(H_p^n,H_3^1)$, $p \geq 3$, $n \geq 1$, izpeljemo rekurzivno zvezo. Pokažemo tudi, da je anti-Ramseyevo število $\ar(H_4^2,H_3^2)$ omejeno navzdol s $30$ ter navzgor s $34$.
Keywords: Hanojski graf, Hanojski stolp, anti-Ramseyevo število, mavrica
Published in DKUM: 05.11.2019; Views: 1048; Downloads: 121
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A new method for testing the anti-permeability strength of clay failure under a high water pressure
Fu-wei Jiang, Ming-tang Lei, Xiao-zhen Jiang, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: It is difficult to judge the failure of clay seepage under a high water pressure.This paper presents a new method to assess clay failure based on the anti-permeability strength, which is the critical water pressure to destroy the clay. An experiment is designed to test the value that avoids the problem of the time-consuming, traditional method to test clay seepage deformation. The experimental system and the process of testing are introduced in this paper. With a self-designed experimental system and method, 18 groups of sample were tested. The results show that the clay thickness and the seepage paths influence the anti-permeability strength. It also indicates that water infiltrates into the clay under the condition that its pressure exceeds a minimum value (P0).
Keywords: clay failure, seepage deformation, anti-permeability strength, high water pressure
Published in DKUM: 15.06.2018; Views: 1410; Downloads: 168
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Impact of various types of anti-hail nets on light exposure in orchards and quality parameters of apples : a review
Marinka Brglez Sever, Stanislav Tojnko, Tatjana Unuk, 2015, review article

Abstract: The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been designed to shrink funds that Hungarian agricultural reform will in Nowadays, anti-hail nets are a part of basic equipment in a modern apple orchards. They decrease the risks of apple production and thus allow regular and quality apple harvest. Colours of nets differently obstruct the passing of light through the net, which directly affects some quality parameters of the yield, especially the fruit skin colour. The article includes a brief overview of studies associated with the impact of light exposure under different types of anti-hail nets on quality of apple fruits, as well as investigations which deal with adaptation of various technological measures, such as the use of reflective ground foil. A part of data from the existing literature explains the effect of anti-hail net usage on forming a microclimate under the net, and consequently, its effect on the development and dynamics of diseases and pests.
Keywords: anti-hail net, light, microclimate, apples, yield quality
Published in DKUM: 14.11.2017; Views: 1528; Downloads: 279
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Thought Experiments, Fiction, and Literary Genres
Tadej Todorović, 2017, master's thesis

Abstract: The thesis explores the relationship between thought experiments and fiction. It argues that thought experiments should be looked at as a sub-category of fiction, as this would enable fiction to be regarded as a source of knowledge and simultaneously preserve the special status of thought experimenting in philosophy. Furthermore, the thesis explores how the notion of thought experiments as a sub-category of fiction can illuminate and resolve certain issues in the classification of the literary genre utopia. Namely, it focuses on how to differentiate between eutopias, anti-utopias, and dystopias. By splitting the category of thought experiments into constructive and destructive thought experiments, it shows that eutopias can be perceived as being built upon constructive thought experiments, and anti-utopias and dystopias as being built upon destructive thought experiments, which suggests that dystopia is a sub-category of anti-utopia. Moreover, the developed theory is tested by showing how Le Guin’s The Dispossessed, Huxley’s Brave New World, and Atwood’s Maddaddam series, examples of anti-utopias and dystopias, are built upon destructive thought experiments, which substantiates our claim extensively.
Keywords: literary cognitivism, thought experiments, fiction, utopia, eutopia, dystopia, anti-utopia
Published in DKUM: 19.10.2017; Views: 1366; Downloads: 207
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