The Etymology, Use and the Meaning of the Word FuckAleš Horvat, 2016, undergraduate thesis
Abstract: Different words have been considered as obscene, immoral, forbidden, taboo, indecent or incendiary at different times throughout our still short civilized human history. From religious profanity (such as damn) to taboo words that were considered sacred and forbidden to even think about. Not so long ago such words as leg (the proper substitute for the word was limb) and all other words for parts of the human body were forbidden and shocking. And even though it seems that today we are pretty much every day using the so called F-word or simply fuck and it is very easy to find it in most places, the word still has some kind of taboo aura around it, since it is still censored on television, some or most papers refuse to print it in its true form, but rather use some kind of substitute (fudge) or even censor it with asterisks (f**k) and the radio bleeps it out or replaces it with a modified sound when it appears in songs. But what is true is that fuck is one of the most useful, versatile, one of the most fun words with wonderfully polymorphous possibilities in the whole English language or as Peter Silverton puts it in his book Filthy English:
"The beginning, the very moment of creation, the starting point for both life and fun: fuck! Or perhaps: sexual intercourse! We all do it. Well, most of us. Our ancestors did it, too – not when they were fishes perhaps but not long after ... And yet the simplest, most direct and longest serving English language word for this most ontologically essential of human acts has, for most of its life, been considered so rude, so disturbing, so nasty, so condemnably yeeeurgh that people have been arrested, tried and jailed for speaking it or writing it. The OED wouldn't even give it page room until 1972. All I can say to that is: fuck! Or: fucking hell! Or: fuck me! Or: how fucking stupid!" (Silverton, 2010, p.20)
In this work I am going to discuss the etymology of the word fuck, its meaning with examples, use as nouns, verbs, idioms, interjections, verbal phrases, acronyms, abbreviations and the way society has viewed fuck and tried to mask it through censorship and alternatives in the media and about the frequency of use.
Keywords: Fuck, etymology, meaning of fuck, use of the word fuck, abbreviations and censorship.
Published in DKUM: 13.06.2016; Views: 3458; Downloads: 160
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