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Diplomatic protection of dual nationals : magistrsko delo
Zala Heric, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: This master’s thesis presents a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the concept of diplomatic protection of dual nationals. It primarily draws upon the ILC’s Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection, with a particular emphasis on Articles 6 and 7. Additionally, it considers the case law of international courts and tribunals as a secondary source of insight. Although the concept of diplomatic protection and dual nationality are not novel in the context of international law, the relationship between them has recently attracted greater scrutiny due to the influence of evolving geopolitical and social factors. Accordingly, the master’s thesis examines the notion of diplomatic protection and its relationship to dual nationals, with particular emphasis on pivotal turning points and rulings that have shaped contemporary perceptions of the issue. The concept of diplomatic protection as defined by international law enables a State to assert the rights of its citizens who have suffered injury abroad as a result of an infringement of international law. This is predicated on the connection between the nationality and the State, as well as the injured individual, since the right to diplomatic protection is usually extended to the State of nationality of an individual. Furthermore, the prerequisite of exhaustion of local remedies must be satisfied. In the case of diplomatic protection of dual nationals, two options are available under Draft Articles: a claim can be made against a third State in which the individual does not hold nationality, or against the other State of nationality. Article 7 of the Draft Articles stipulates that a State of nationality is precluded from providing diplomatic protection to a dual national against another State of nationality unless the former State’s nationality is predominant. In determining the factors that shape the predominance of one’s nationality, the Merge case is instructive. These factors include individual residence, family ties and the centre of one’s interest. With regard to claims for diplomatic protection against a third State, Article 6 of the Draft Articles stipulates that both States of nationality may jointly exercise diplomatic protection against a third State in which the dual national does not hold nationality, relying on the Salem case. Furthermore, in the absence of a genuine link to a State of nationality, third States are unable to contest the claims.
Keywords: diplomatic protection of dual nationals, dual nationality, the Nottebohm case, the Flegenheimer case, the Merge case, the Salem case, the Canevaro case, diplomatic protection, ILC Draft articles on Diplomatic Protection, Article 6, Article 7, nationality of the claim, predominant nationality
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 26
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Life cycle management in supply chains : integrating environmental life cycle thinking into supply chain management
Matevž Obrecht, 2020, reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook

Keywords: supply chain management, life cycle management, environmental protection, sustainable logistics, green logistics
Published in DKUM: 08.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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Exploring the neglected voices of children in sustainable tourism development : a comparative study in six european tourist destinations
Marko Koščak, Mladen Knežević, Daniel Binder, Antonio Pelaez-Verdet, Cem Işik, Vladimir Mićić, Katarina Borisavljević, Tina Šegota, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: For years, sustainable tourism has commanded the attention of academics and practitioners given its achievement through participatory planning. However, much research in the area has neglected to consider all voices of those (i.e., children) affected by tourism. This study, employing a post-test only experimental design, addresses this gap by including the voices of 498 children from six diverse European destinations concerning perceptions of tourism. Results show that children are willing to express their opinions given the opportunity. Moreover, their attitude towards tourists is negative, while they perceive locals to hold a subordinate position to tourists. In general, this study offers insight into children's attitudes to tourism from the host perspective, demonstrating that there is a unique insider's perspective that needs further research.
Keywords: tourism, sustainable development, environmental protection, children, sustainable tourism, resident attitudes, experiment, involvement
Published in DKUM: 27.08.2024; Views: 95; Downloads: 14
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Sustainable developement in logistic : a strategy for management in terms of green transport
Dorota Klimecka-Tatar, Manuela Ingaldi, Matevž Obrecht, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Supply chain management is one of the most important elements of sustainable development. And due to the fact that the world market is driven by supply and demand, and the determinant of access to products is regional and international logistics, this paper focuses on the possibilities of implementing a green transport strategy in the context of sustainable development in logistic enterprises. This paper presents the results of the SWOT anal-ysis pointing out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats of green vehicles market for the transport enterprises. It was noticed that the situation on the green vehicles market for the transport enterprises is charac-terized by the advantage of strengths and these strengths should be used to maximize the use of green vehicles. It emphasized that subsidies for green vehicles would allow to invest in a modern fleet, new solutions (e.g. own charging stations) can have an impact on the greater energy efficiency (self-sufficiency), increase of social aware-ness would force enterprises to take appropriate actions in the field of environmental protection and develop-ment of publictransport based on green vehicles.
Keywords: logistic enterprises, green transport strategy, green vehicles, SWOT analysis, environmental protection, sustainable development, green logistics, sustainability
Published in DKUM: 27.08.2024; Views: 66; Downloads: 6
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The importance of autonomy of European Union member states with regard to the use of genetically modified organisms on the right to healthcare : an analysis of judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union
Katja Meško Kuralt, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The European Union Member States (hereinafter: EU MS) have the possibility of restricting or banning the cultivation of GMOs under the Directive 2015/412 but under certain conditions. EU MS must also pay attention to the provisions of the Treaty on the Functioning of the Euro-pean Union or Treaty Establishing the European Community (hereinafter: TFEU), the provi-sions relating to the free movement of goods, which is one of the key objectives of the func-tioning of the European Union. This contribution is based on the data obtained from an analy-sis of Court of Justice of the European Union (hereinafter: CJEU) cases concerning the use of genetically modified organisms (hereinafter: GMO(s)). The analysis highlights the link between environmental risk assessment and the right to healthcare. The purpose of this paper is to make the individual aware of the possibilities they have regarding the use of GMOs.
Keywords: Directive 2001/18, Directive 2015/4120, Directive 2018/350, high level of protection of human life and health, possibility of restricting or prohibiting the production of GMOs, free movement of goods, environmental risk assessment
Published in DKUM: 26.06.2024; Views: 144; Downloads: 20
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Cyber (in)security of personal data and information in times of digitization
Miha Dvojmoč, Mojca Tancer Verboten, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: In an employment relationship, work and pay are no longer the only important aspects, as importance is increasingly shifting toward obligations concerning the protection of personal data and privacy arising from the prohibition of causing harm to the employer and the duty of loyalty to the employer. The article deals with the constitutionally protected right to privacy and the protection of personal data from the point of view of ensuring cyber security at the employer. The employer is obligated to protect the right to privacy by legal provisions, whereas from the point of view of ensuring the protection of privacy and information, the employer must protect, first and foremost, the personal data of employees. The main purpose of the legal protection of personal data is the lawful and fair processing of the personal data of individuals. Employers are thus facing an increasing number of risks related to the safety of employees and the security of business processes, and it is therefore important to establish comprehensive corporate security to ensure adequate security across all levels.
Keywords: cyber security, protection of personal data, protection of privacy, cyber threats, protection of business secrets
Published in DKUM: 11.06.2024; Views: 150; Downloads: 16
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Eco-finishing of cotton with chitosan and giant goldenrod (Solidago gigantea Aiton) aqueous extract for development of antioxidant and UV protective textiles
Sebastijan Šmid, Anja Verbič, Lidija Fras Zemljič, Marija Gorjanc, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Giant goldenrod (S. gigantea Aiton) is considered an invasive weed in Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. In this research, the untreated and chitosan-treated cotton fabrics were functionalized with goldenrod inflorescences aqueous extract, at room temperature and 95°C. Zeta potential of fabrics was determined as a function of pH and the results showed an increased isoelectric point from 2.50 to 5.25 and amphoteric character of the chitosan-treated sample. The antioxidant activity (AA) of extract and functionalized fabrics was determined using DPPH analysis, while color and ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) were determined spectroscopically before and after wash and lightfastness testing. The chitosan pretreatment and dyeing of cotton at higher temperature increased AA (from 41.19 ± 0.28 to 56.08 ± 0.25), UPF (from 33.05 to 51.59) and color strength (K/S) (from 1.74 to 2.21), providing dyed cotton with excellent UV protection and a free radical inhibition activity. The samples had good wash fastness in terms of color (ΔEab* < 1), but not in terms of UV protection (UPF value decreased after washing to 23.47). The overall lightfastness was good to excellent (the UPF values of chitosan and dyed samples did not change much after lightfastness test (UPF = 51.75).
Keywords: Goldenrod, invasive plant, eco-functionalisation, cotton, antioxidant activity, UV protection
Published in DKUM: 25.03.2024; Views: 255; Downloads: 20
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