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Determination of neutron flux redistribution factors for a typical pressurized water reactor ex-core measurements using Monte Carlo technique
Tanja Goričanec, Bor Kos, Klemen Ambrožič, Andrej Trkov, Luka Snoj, Marjan Kromar, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: In a typical pressurized water reactor, neutron detectors located outside the reactor core monitor reactor power. In addition, they are also used to measure the reactivity of the control rods. A novel approach to calculate the ex-core neutron detector response in a typical pressurized water reactor using the Monte Carlo technique is presented. A detailed ex-core model of the Krško nuclear power plant was developed using the Monte Carlo neutron transport code MCNP. Due to the location of the ex-core neutron detectors, the hybrid code ADVANTG is used to generate variance reduction parameters to accelerte the convergence of the results outside the reactor core. To use ADVANTG, the fixed neutron source had to be reconstructed from the criticality core calculation. This paper presents the sensitivity analysis of the response of the ex-core detectors to the neutron data libraries used, the description of the fixed neutron source and the ADVANTG parameters. It was found that a pin-wise description of the neutron source for at least two rows of fuel assemblies at the core periphery is necessary for accurate results. Our results show the importance of a correct description of the prompt neutron spectra in the high energy region and the impact this has on the response of the ex-core detectors. The method in which the prompt neutron fission spectra for important fission nuclides are weighted by the calculated reaction rates has been shown to be the best approximation, with deviations from the reference calculation within statistical uncertainty. The effect of nuclear data libraries on the response of the ex-core detector was investigated, and the difference between the ENDF/B-VII.0 and the ENDF/B-VIII.0 nuclear data libraries was ∼11%. When the deficient evaluation of the 56Fe isotope included in the ENDF/B-VIII.0 nuclear data library was replaced by the improved evaluation from the IAEA INDEN project, the differences decreased to ∼3.7%. In addition, neutron flux redistributions due to control rod movement were investigated and flux redistribution factors were updated using Monte Carlo particle transport methods. The reaction rate redistribution factors obtained with methods presented in this paper are within 1% agreement with the currently used factors.
Keywords: MCNP, ADVANTG, pressurized water reactor, Monte Carlo neutron transport, control rod, neutron flux redistribution factor, rod insertion, krško nuclear power plant
Published in DKUM: 29.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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Načini omejevanja vstopa v mestna središča : magistrsko delo
Sara Čepin, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Mesta in mestna središča se zaradi povečanega cestnega prometa, prometnih zastojev in onesnaženosti zraka odločajo za uvajanje različnih načinov omejevanja vstopa vozil v mestna središča, med katerimi se najpogosteje pojavljajo območja pristojbin za zastoje in nizko-emisijske cone. Za izbranih 10 mest smo izvedli analizo in primerjavo vpeljanih shem omejevanja dostopa, predvsem s tehničnega vidika in z vidika tehnološke podpore, vključili pa smo tudi ekonomski vidik. Ugotovili smo, da sheme v mestih uspešno zmanjšujejo promet in prometne zastoje ter izboljšujejo kakovost zraka, vendar pa se rezultati razlikujejo glede na mesto. Pristojbine za zastoje so se izkazale kot učinkovite pri zmanjšanju prometa in prometnih zastojev, medtem ko nizko-emisijske cone niso nujno dosegle enakega učinka. So pa po drugi strani zmanjšale število močno onesnažujočih vozil v mestih. Za izboljšanje rezultatov mestnih shem priporočamo kombinacijo obeh načinov omejevanja, pri čemer se prihodki pristojbin usmerijo v razvoj in izboljšave javnega prevoza ter naložbe v infrastrukturo, uvedejo pa se tudi strožje zahteve glede emisijskih standardov. Osrednji del shem mora biti spodbujanje alternativnih oblik prevoza, velik pomen pa je treba nameniti tudi naprednim tehnološkim sistemom, kot so kamere, sistem za samodejno prepoznavanje registrskih tablic (angl. Automatic Number Plate Recognition; v nadaljanjevanju: ANPR) in globalni satelitski navigacijski sistem (angl. Global Navigation Satellite System; v nadaljevanju: GNSS) za učinkovit nadzor vozil in zmanjšanje administrativnih stroškov.
Keywords: sheme omejevanja dostopa, onesnaževanje, omejitve, cestni transport, mestna središča
Published in DKUM: 27.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Varovanje tovora v medskladiščnem transportu : diplomsko delo
Anastasija Kosić, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo je povezano s temo varovanja in pritrjevanja tovora v medskladiščnem transportu. Na začetku je prikazana tematika dela, cilji diplomskega dela in določena raziskovalna vprašanja, ki se bodo obravnavala v diplomskem delu. Raziskovalna vprašanja se nanašajo na odnos med vozniki tovornih vozil in določenimi situacijami v medskladiščnem tovornem prevozu. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljena zakonodaja na področju varovanja in pritrjevanja tovora na področju Slovenije, pomen varovanja in pritrjevanje tovora, tehnike in metode varovanja in pritrjevanja tovora in pripomočki, ki se uporabljajo za varovanje in pritrjevanje tovora v medskladiščnem transportu. V raziskovalnem delu smo opravili anketni vprašalnik za voznike tovornih vozil mase >3,5 t. S pomočjo pridobljenih odgovorov, smo prišli do rezultatov, s katerim smo preverili naša raziskovalna vprašanja in hipoteze. Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov, smo ugotovili, da so privezovalni trakovi najbolj uporabljeno sredstvo za varovanje in pritrjevanje tovora. Raziskava tudi potrjuje, da so starejši vozniki, bolj ozaveščeni o pomenu in načinu varovanja in pritrjevanja tovora in da imajo vozniki z več letnimi izkušnjami, manjše težave pri prilagajanju opreme različnim vrstam tovora. V zadnjem delu diplomskega dela smo še podali možne izboljšave na tem področju, ki se nanašajo na izboljšavo usposabljanja voznikov tovornih vozil in povečanje obsega opreme na tovornem vozilu.
Keywords: medskladiščni transport, pritrjevanje tovora, varovanje tovora, pripomočki za pritrjevanje tovora, tehnike in metode pritrjevanja tovora
Published in DKUM: 27.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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Logistični izzivi gostovanja ekipe NFL v Evropi: primer tekme v Münchnu : diplomsko delo
Marko Oljača, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo z naslovom "Logistični izzivi gostovanja ekipe NFL v Evropi: primer tekme v Münchnu" se osredotoča na raziskavo in analizo logističnih izzivov, s katerimi se srečujejo ekipe ameriškega nogometa pri organizaciji in izvedbi mednarodnih tekem v Evropi. Glavni cilj naloge je identificirati in preučiti ključne logistične izzive, kot so prevoz ekip in opreme, prilagoditev infrastrukture, zagotavljanje ustrezne nastanitve, obvladovanje časovnih zamikov ter organizacija varnostnih ukrepov. Izbrana tekma v Münchnu bo služila kot študijski primer za podrobno analizo teh izzivov. V teoretičnem delu bomo pregledali obstoječo literaturo in teorije s področja logistike v športu, zlasti v ameriškem nogometu. Nadaljevali bomo z analizo specifičnih logističnih izzivov v ligi NFL ter primerjalno analizo med domačimi tekmami v ZDA in mednarodnimi tekmami v Evropi. Pričakovani rezultati raziskave bodo prispevali k boljšemu razumevanju logistike v športni industriji in ponudili konkretne predloge za optimizacijo logističnih procesov pri organizaciji mednarodnih športnih dogodkov. Na ta način bo diplomsko delo prispevalo k razvoju boljših praks in strategij, ki lahko olajšajo izvedbo takšnih dogodkov v prihodnosti ter izboljšajo izkušnjo za vse udeležence.
Keywords: NFL, ameriški nogomet, transport, logistika v športu
Published in DKUM: 26.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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Barriers and influencing factors in the implementation of circular economy in Slovenian road transport
Kristijan Brglez, Mateja Čuček, Andjelko Andy Kober, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The European Union’s commitment to sustainable development, exemplifed by the Green Deal and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, highlights the importance of the circular economy, especially for road transport companies. This study examines the current state of circular economy practices in Slovenian road transport through an inquiry of 151 logistic companies. Utilizing principal component analysis, fve key factors infuencing circular economy implementation were identifed: knowledge and competences, company practices, strategies, regional development, and market presence. Additionally, seven barriers were noted: lack of knowledge, fnancial constraints, time limitations, space constraints, limited technology, management issues, and supply chain coordination challenges. Findings suggest that circular practices are often secondary to business proftability, with fnancially stable companies more likely to adopt these practices. Success in circular economy implementation requires investments in innovative technologies, capacity building, and strong management support. Companies in more developed regions tend to adopt circular practices due to better access to knowledge and incentives. These insights provide a foundation for future research, including comparative studies across transport sector in European Union and globally.
Keywords: circular economy, logistics sector, PCA, barriers, road transport
Published in DKUM: 25.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Koncept vozila za transport palet po neurejenem terenu
Žan Primik, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo zajema načrtovanje in konstruiranje koncepta vozila za transport palet po neurejenem terenu. Pri načrtovanju smo se omejili na zahtevano nosilnost, vrsto transporta in vrsto pogona. V programskem paketu SolidWorks smo modelirali 3D model vozila. Začeli smo s konstruiranjem osnovne konstrukcije, dodali dvižni sistem in zanj izbrali primeren hidravlični sistem. Na vozilo dodamo elektromotorje v pestu kolesa in za pravo izbiro le-teh opravimo izračun celotne potrebne moči. Na koncu preverimo še konstrukcijo z izdelavo simulacije in preverimo napetosti in deformacije, ki se pojavijo v modelu.
Keywords: transport palet, vozilo, 3D modeliranje, elektromotor v pestu, simulacija
Published in DKUM: 17.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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Spatial modelling of modal shift due to COVID-19
Simona Šinko, Klemen Prah, Tomaž Kramberger, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The outbreak of COVID-19 caused many changes in people's life. One of the most significant is the travel behaviour and transport mode choice. This study focus on the changes that the inhabitants of Vienna made in their travel choices because of the virus. The same research about spatial modelling the transport mode choice of commuters in Vienna was completed in 2019 and is a topic addressed in our previous work. Based on our developed methodology, this article indicates that public transport is not a dominant transport mode choice as it was before the virus outbreak.The main result of this paper is geographically defined areas of application of individual alternatives shown on the final map of modal shift in Vienna, which could provide theoretical support for policy-makers and transportation planners. For the city of Vienna, we found that the area of the city where cars are now used has increased, which certainly has a negative impact on air quality and life in the city. The advantage of the methodology is that it can also be applied to other cities in the world.
Keywords: coronavirus, city traffic, urban mobility, transport mode choice, passenger transport, geographical methods, spatial modelling, city logistics, Vienna
Published in DKUM: 14.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 17
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Control model for ground crew scheduling problem at small airports : case of Serbia
Lena Đorđević Milutinović, Dragana Makajić-Nikolić, Slobodan Antić, Marija Živić, Andrej Lisec, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Present-day airline industry is quite a competitive field and crew scheduling represents one of the crucial problems due to significant impact on the airline's cost. The crew scheduling problem is based on the assignment of crew members to operate different tasks of route. The main goal of this paper is to provide an analysis and a solution to one of the biggest problems detected on a small airport in the Serbia - the problem of ground crew scheduling. The paper presents the main characteristics, goals and limitations of a real-life problem identified at this small airport. In order to solve the problem, we developed a dynamic discrete simulation model. The model is developed in a spreadsheet environment of Microsoft Excel. Some of the main limitations found in the development of the model are strong constraints and multiple goals. The model presented in the paper is designed as a useful management tool for smaller airports and is aimed at the improvement of operative processes.
Keywords: crew scheduling problem, modelling, air transport, small airport, management, spreadsheets
Published in DKUM: 01.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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Preračun pogona naprave za transport odrezkov in nadgradnja z namenom zagotavljanja varnosti : diplomsko delo
Žan Kaizer, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu je predstavljen že zmodelirani transportni voz za namen odstranjevanja odrezkov, ki mu je bilo potrebno narediti trdnostno analizo, določiti primerni elektro pogon in zagotoviti večjo varnost zaposlenih v podjetju. V diplomskem delu so najprej predstavljeni transportni vozi: opis transportnih naprav, sestavni deli, uporaba transportnih vozov ter prednosti in slabosti upravljanja z njimi. Sledi trdnostna analiza za ugotavljanje napetosti in povesov transportnega voza v programu PTC Creo. Izdelan je preračun pogona, z namenom izbire primernega elektromotorja in reduktorja. Nato je predstavljena zagotovitev varnosti z vsemi predpisi, ki jih je treba upoštevati, in nevarnostmi, ki se nam lahko pripetijo. Sledi nadgradnja transportnega voza s talnimi označbami in nalepljenimi opozorilnimi trakovi ter svetlobni stolp, ki nam pove, ali je voz pregret in z brenčalom daje zvoke opozarjanja, da je voz v obratovanju. Na koncu pa so v zaključku predstavljeni rezultati našega diplomskega dela.
Keywords: preračun, transport, varnost, pogon
Published in DKUM: 20.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 12
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Understanding cognitive transport mode choice structures : means-ends chains as a type of second-order cybernetics
Tomaž Kolar, Iztok Kolar, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose: This paper aims to inform the promotion of sustainable modes of transport. For this purpose, it deploys a means-ends framework as a type of second-order cybernetics and uses it to explore cognitive transport mode choice structures. Design/methodology/approach: The empirical study relies on a purposive sample and a qualitative research methodology known as laddering. It is aimed at the identification and comparative analysis of the cognitive means-ends structures of transport users. Findings: The results reveal more positive and complex associations for the car than for public transport. Two main positive means-ends structures are identified for public transport, one related with the relaxation and the other with doing useful things while travelling. Dominant positive structures for the car are related with self-confidence, satisfaction and personal freedom. Negative means-ends structures in addition reveal important justifications and rationalizations for car use. Practical implications: Based on the identified distinct means-ends elements and structures, this study holds important implications for developing a communications strategy and policy interventions seeking to promote public transport. Originality/value: Means-ends theory is proposed as an integrative cybernetic framework for the study of stakeholders' (customers') mental models. The empirical study is the first to concurrently and comparatively examine positive and negative means-ends chains for the car and for the public transport modes.
Keywords: public transport, second-order cybernetics, laddering methodology, means-ends theory, private car, mental models, personal values, marketing, consumer
Published in DKUM: 27.08.2024; Views: 93; Downloads: 10
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