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A spatial decision support system for traffic accident prevention in different weather conditions
Danijel Ivajnšič, David Pintarič, Jaša Veno Grujić, Igor Žiberna, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Natural conditions play an important role as determinants and cocreators of the spatiotemporal road traffic accident Hot Spot footprint; however, none of the modern commercial, or open-source, navigation systems currently provides it for the driver. Our findings, based on a spatiotemporal database recording 11 years of traffic accidents in Slovenia, proved that different weather conditions yield distinct spatial patterns of dangerous road segments. All potentially dangerous road segments were identified and incorporated into a mobile spatial decision support system (SLOCrashInfo), which raises awareness among drivers who are entering or leaving the predefined danger zones on the street network. It is expected that such systems could potentially increase road traffic safety in the future.
Keywords: GIS, mobile application, spatial databases, spatial patterns, traffic safety
Published in DKUM: 20.08.2024; Views: 63; Downloads: 11
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Revealing the spatial pattern of weather-related road traffic crashes in Slovenia
Danijel Ivajnšič, Nina Zver, Igor Žiberna, Eva Konečnik Kotnik, Danijel Davidović, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Despite an improvement in worldwide numbers, road traffic crashes still cause social, psychological, and financial damage and cost most countries 3% of their gross domestic product. However, none of the current commercial or open-source navigation systems contain spatial information about road traffic crash hot spots. By developing an algorithm that can adequately predict such spatial patterns, we can bridge these still existing gaps in road traffic safety. To that end, geographically weighted regression and regression tree models were fitted with five uncorrelated (environmental and socioeconomic) road traffic crash predictor variables. Significant regional differences in adverse weather conditions were identified; Slovenia lies at the conjunction of different climatic zones characterized by differences in weather phenomena, which further modify traffic safety. Thus, more attention to speed limits, safety distance, and other vehicles entering and leaving the system could be expected. In order to further improve road safety and better implement globally sustainable development goals, studies with applicative solutions are urgently needed. Modern vehicle-to-vehicle communication technologies could soon support drivers with real-time traffic data and thus potentially prevent road network crashes.
Keywords: GIS, hot spot analyses, traffic safety, spatial modelling, weather patterns
Published in DKUM: 20.08.2024; Views: 92; Downloads: 9
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The use of intelligent transport systems in the operation of driving schools : master's thesis
Nikola Božinić, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: The aim of the master's thesis was to conduct research on the use of intelligent transport systems in the current training of future drivers and their knowledge of the content and also knowledge of the content of employees in teh field of training of future drivers The current methods of driver training in individual countries are presented, with a more detailed description of their implementation and the method of testing the acquired knowledge. At the same time, the survey was conducted in the Republic of Croatia and the information on how well people are generally familiar with the knowledge of intelligent transport systems, how they apply them and what do they consider as usable intelligent systems were collected. The research was also conducted among employees in the field of training of future drivers, also in the Republic of Croatia, where were obtained on what changes employees believe have to be done, or how changes in the automotive industry could affect their work, such as is the phenomenon of autonomous driving. After that, a comparison of driver training nowadays wth the proposal of future training with the use of intelligent transport systems is presented.
Keywords: novice drivers, traffic safety, driving education, intelligent vehicle systems, autonomous driving
Published in DKUM: 29.08.2022; Views: 533; Downloads: 44
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Analysis of safety inspections on pedestrian crossings from the road lighting point of view : master's thesis
Matea Šepoval, 2020, master's thesis

Abstract: In this master's thesis we will analyse traffic safety at pedestrian crossings from the lighting point of view. The focus of the work will be on Croatia and Slovenia. Accidents at pedestrian crossings are the most common forms of accidents involving pedestrians, and although these countries are equal members of the European Union, their attitude towards road users may be different. Road accidents are one of the main indicators of road safety in every country and, based on statistics, suggestions for improvement will be made. By analysing the type of pedestrian crossings and the types of street lighting, we will identify and show their weaknesses. We will first present an analysis of traffic accidents involving pedestrians for certain periods for Slovenia and Croatia. This analysis is an indicator of actual traffic conditions related to pedestrian safety and non-motorized traffic. The statistical data presented in this master’s thesis were obtained from the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia and the website of the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Road Safety, which is available with a large amount of data and analyses of traffic safety on a daily basis. Slovenian regulations clearly show the types and methods of designing pedestrian crossings, while Croatia lags behind in the details and explanations of the elements. In the end, an example of a comparison of pedestrian crossing lighting in the Republic of Croatia and Slovenia at locations in Bjelovar and Maribor will be presented. I will compare the brightness of pedestrian crossings and give an analysis of current traffic safety. Finally, solutions to improve the situation will be offered.
Keywords: traffic safety, pedestrian road crossing, traffic accident, traffic lighting
Published in DKUM: 01.10.2020; Views: 1161; Downloads: 112
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Comparison of criteria for road safety barrier installation in some countries of the European union
Leonid Ljubotina, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: In the master thesis we will analyze regulations which define the criterion for vehicle restraint system installment in certain countries of the European Union. We will focus mostly on Slovenia, Italia and Croatia. Even though all of the three states are members of the European Union, have common borders and the “Mediterranean” TEN corridor passes through these countries, it is possible to conclude that the passive safety equipment on the road infrastructure in those states is not harmonized. There are also big differences between the installation conditions of the traffic safety barriers and category selection of the safety barriers. Analyzing regulations regarding traffic safety barrier installation, we will try to define the differences in equipping roads with safety barriers, depending on road category, definition of black spot and the category of the safety barrier.
Keywords: traffic, traffic safety, vehicle restraint system, Mediterranean corridor, guidelines
Published in DKUM: 26.09.2019; Views: 1078; Downloads: 105
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Introduction of the concept of "Rescue Sheet" in road traffic
Vanna Boroša, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: In this master's thesis, an analysis was made of the way fire departments operate in rescuing injured passengers from vehicles in an event of a car accident. In order to make it easier to understand the core of master's thesis, the paper defines terms such as the "golden hour", which is essential for the survival of injured passengers in a car accident. The analysis also includes information on the construction designs of the car and how the construction of the car could make it difficult for the firefighting units to operate. Some examples of interventions done by fire brigades and the problems encountered in everyday work on modern cars are also provided. In the concluding part of the thesis we have presented how fire departments can become more efficient, safer, faster, and economical in their daily work while rescuing passengers from vehicles. We have explained in more detail the notion of a “rescue sheet” and how it can be better implemented in the future. At the end of the paper, we have suggested the optimal ways of rescue sheet usage and have outlined the advantages and disadvantages of these uses.
Keywords: Traffic accident, Firefighters, Traffic safety, Golden hour, Rescue sheet
Published in DKUM: 23.09.2019; Views: 1005; Downloads: 92
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Analysis of road traffic safety in Minna Niger State, Nigeria
Adebayo Owolabi Oyetubo, Oluwaseyi Joseph Afolabi, Muhammed Etudaiye Ohida, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: Road traffic accident is one of the major causes of death in Nigeria. Road accidents have taken away so many lives in Nigeria today that hardly does any single disease match its mortality prowess. People have died prematurely and properties worth several millions of Naira have been lost as a result of road traffic accident. This paper gives a full discussion on road traffic safety issues and the methodology used were through the collection of data using questionnaire and accident information from the Nigeria Police Force, FRSC etc. The primary information for this research was sourced through the use of structured questionnaire, personal observation and interviews of road users in the study area. Secondary data emanated from published and unpublished sources such as government records, internet, journals, books etc. The findings were presented in descriptive and inferential form using frequencies, percentages, tables, mean and chi-square analytical techniques. The findings from the study revealed among many others; that Male involved more in road accident compare to female counterpart in Minna Niger State. Private car had more accident compare to Taxi, The number of accident in each zone does not depend on the population of that zone, etc.
Keywords: accident, traffic, fatalities, safety, vehicle
Published in DKUM: 25.04.2018; Views: 1129; Downloads: 336
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Road traffic safety in conjunction with in-vehicle ITS
Darja Topolšek, Suzana Hribar, Marjan Sternad, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: Interest in Intelligent Transportation Systems comes from the problems caused by traffic congestion, road accidents and air pollution. Traffic congestion continues to grow worldwide as a result of increased motorization, population growth, changes in population density and urbanization. Interest in ITS can also be attributed to reducing road accidents and increasing traffic safety. The most common causes for road accidents are excessive speed, inattentive driving and ignorance of the right-of-way rules. To eliminate these causes, experience, knowledge of traffic regulations and a new car are not enough % vehicle safety systems have to take part as well. Therefore, the European Union issued a directive on the installation of intelligent systems, whose functions are active support during driving, warning the driver in dangerous situations and alerting passengers of the car in case of irregularities in motor function or actions carried out by the driver that may cause danger, such as swerving while falling asleep. These systems help drivers to avoid accidents, and in the event of a collision, an emergency call is automatically made. Furthermore, they can be used to regulate traffic patterns or to reduce engine performance, which would reduce pollution. With these benefits in mind, the EU has indicated to the automotive industry that installation of these new Intelligent Transportation Systems should be mandatory in their new vehicles.
Keywords: traffic, road traffic, road safety, road accidents, intelligent systems, directives, regulations
Published in DKUM: 17.07.2017; Views: 2332; Downloads: 218
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Traffic safety of older drivers in various types of road intersections
Tomaž Tollazzi, Marko Renčelj, Vlasta Rodošek, Borut Zalar, 2010, review article

Abstract: In industrialized countries people over 50 years of age represent a rapidly growing part of population. Their lifestyle is also becoming more active, which means that the percentage of older drivers in the population of all drivers is also increasing. Many different studies have shown that elderly drivers are more frequently involved in specific types of accidents, especially at intersections. In the past 15 years there was a trend of increasing popularity of roundabouts in Slovenia. Their introduction was generally supported by the arguments of increased traffic-flow capacity and traffic safety as well. The studies on which these arguments are based were performed with an “ideal” type of driver in mind; the one that fully understands new rules and reacts correctly in all situations that may occur at such intersections, where there are no light signals to guide them. An elderly person does not necessarily conform to that ideal and if the percentage of elderly drivers became significant, the premises of the above mentioned studies may not be correct anymore which in turn implies that their results could also be questioned. The present study concentrated on the evaluation of traffic safety of elderly drivers, at various types of intersection, from their own perspective. Various statistical analyses of obtained data were performed. The most important finding was that we may claim, with high degree of probability, that the average person of the age of over 60 feels more unsafe at double-lane roundabouts than they would feel had the same intersection been equipped with traffic lights. Elderly traffic participants will always cause more accidents or participate in them due to hazardous factors. Challenge, arising from many different studies and researches, is in studying what measures and solutions can reduce the risk for elderly participants.
Keywords: traffic safety, road intersections, roundabouts, elderly people
Published in DKUM: 06.06.2017; Views: 1692; Downloads: 457
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System dynamic model of measures for reducing the number of road accidents due to wrong-way movement on motorways
Darja Topolšek, Martin Lipičnik, 2009, other scientific articles

Abstract: This paper provides a system dynamic model for reducing the number of motorway accidents due to wrong-way driving. Motorway accidents are often fatal due to high speeds. It is therefore necessary to carry out all the possible countermeasures in order to achieve adequate traffic management. One of the reasons for motorway accidents is driving in the wrong direction. Based on the analysis of the data on motorway accidents caused by driving in the wrong direction and based on the knowledge of individual project elements of junctions and slip roads, this paper will focus on this area. The possible countermeasures, presented here for preventing drivers from driving in the wrong direction on motorways drastically reduce the number of U-turn maneuvers that result in driving in the wrong direction and influence the level of safety on motorways. With the help of this model of system dynamics the countermeasures for reducing the number of such drivers will be confirmed and their effects will be shown.
Keywords: traffic safety, motorway, direction, road accidents, measures, system dynamics
Published in DKUM: 06.06.2017; Views: 1421; Downloads: 1614
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