1. Honey, there´s something on my mind --- : adverse consequences of negative and positive work rumination on attention to the partner, and the advantage of talking about itJulia Schoellbauer, Sara Tement, Christian Korunka, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: In the contemporary 24/7 working society, the separation of work and private life is increasingly turning into an unrealizable ideal. Ruminating about work outside the work context lets work spill over into private lives and afects the dynamics of workers’ private relationships. Although negative work rumination was linked to couples’ reduced relationship satisfaction, little is known about the mechanism of action and the impact of positive work rumination. Drawing on the load theory of selective attention, we hypothesize that both negative and positive work rumination occupy attentional resources and thus reduce workers’ attention to the partner on the same day. Lower levels of attention to the partner, in turn, should relate to lower levels of both partners’relationship satisfaction. However, sharing the work-related thoughts with the partner might support the resolution of the work issue the worker is ruminating about, which releases attentional resources and thus bufers the negative association between rumination and attention to the partner. We conducted a daily diary study and the fndings based on 579 daily dyadic observations from 42 dualearner couples support the proposed cognitive spillover-crossover mechanism and the bufer mechanism of thought-sharing. We conclude that negative and positive work rumination takes up scarce attentional resources and thus jeopardizes relationship quality. However, sharing thoughts with one’s partner seems to be a useful strategy for couples to maintain or even increase their relationship satisfaction in the light of work rumination. Keywords: Diary study, Dyadic research, Relationship quality, Psychological availability, Spillover-crossover, Actor-partner interdependence mode, family conflict, perceptual load, relationship satisfaction, marital, quality, daily-diary, couples, stress, experiences
depression, crossover, Psychology Published in DKUM: 20.02.2024; Views: 333; Downloads: 17
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2. Spillover effects of economic policy uncertainty on adult and youth unemploymentSilvo Dajčman, Alenka Kavkler, Natalia Levenko, Dejan Romih, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The paper studies the effects of foreign (the US, the UK and the Chinese) and domestic economic policy uncertainty (EPU) shocks on unemployment in Germany, France, Italy and Spain. The analysis is run separately for the rates of adult and youth unemployment. Impulse responses derived from vector autoregressive models show that the magnitudes of the responses of the adult and youth segments of the labour market are quite different. Following an uncertainty shock, the youth unemployment rate increases significantly more than the adult unemployment rate. This is the case for France, Italy and Spain. The German labour market seems to be resistant to foreign (except Chinese) and domestic EPU shocks, while the remaining labour markets, foremost the Spanish and Italian ones, are susceptible to uncertainty shocks, especially to the US EPU shocks. Keywords: economic policy uncertainty, youth unemployment, adult unemployment, spillover effects, impulse responses Published in DKUM: 26.09.2023; Views: 370; Downloads: 29
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3. Time pressure, work-related spousal support seeking, and relationship satisfaction : spillover and crossover effects among dual-earner couplesSara Tement, Katarina Katja Mihelič, Bettina Kubicek, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The present study examined how time pressure at work is transmitted to the home domain and how it affects individuals’ (spillover) as well as their partners’ relationship satisfaction (crossover). We examined the role of work-related spousal support seeking and proposed that it serves as a mediator of the spillover as well as the crossover process. We further explored whether the proposed spillover-crossover process is gender-contingent. Using a sample of 308 dual-earner couples, we found support for a positive link between time pressure at work and spousal support seeking. As hypothesized, spousal support seeking served also as a crossover mechanism. However, distinct spillover and crossover processes were found for men and women. These findings not only point to a new spillover and crossover mechanism but also highlight gender-specific patterns in the role of support seeking. As this coping strategy is feasible when job stressors are high, it should be considered a part of stress management trainings and organizational practices. Keywords: spillover, crossover, time pressure, dual-earner couples, work-related spousal support, relationship satisfaction, gender differences Published in DKUM: 13.07.2023; Views: 452; Downloads: 58
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4. IZBIRA NAJUSTREZNEJŠE RAZLIČICE POTEKA HITRE CESTE MED AVTOCESTAMA A1 IN A2Aleš Kovačec, 2012, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Transport je premikanje dobrin in ljudi z enega prostora na drugega. Vlaganje v razvoj infrastrukture je eden izmed bistvenih pogojev gospodarskega razvoja države. Cestna infrastruktura tvori mrežo, tako znotraj države kot tudi s sosednjimi in tudi bolj oddaljenimi državami, zato je dobro, da je vsak njen del smiselno uvrščen v celoto. Iz teh razlogov je potrebno biti izredno previden pri izbiri različice poteka nove ceste, saj je potrebno doseči maksimalno korist ob čim nižjih stroških, čim nižji okoljski škodi in čim višjimi pozitivnimi demografskimi učinki.
Vplivi investicije v novo cestno infrastrukturo na gospodarski razvoj posamezne regije in širše so zelo raznoliki. Ločimo pozitivne in negativne vplive. Kot pozitivni se običajno omenjajo, da so avtoceste pospeševalci gospodarskih tokov in tokov prebivalstva, s čimer pomagamo preprečiti demografsko odmiranje oddaljenih območij. Negativni vpliv predstavlja izguba konkurenčnosti zaledja, saj se resursi in tržišča koncentrirajo bližje novi cesti.
Na podlagi resničnih podatkov smo naredili analizo problema odločanja - izbire najustreznejše različice poteka hitre ceste med prometno zelo obremenjenima odsekoma avtocest v Sloveniji, to sta avtocesta Ljubljana – Maribor in Ljubljana – Zagreb. Trenutne cestne povezave so namreč neprimerne. Odločili smo se za uporabo metode večkriterijskega odločanja, to je metodo analitičnega hierarhičnega procesa. Uporabili smo program Expert Choice.
Pri odločanju o več kriterijih hkrati smo sledili načelom trajnostnega razvoja, zato smo kot kriterije uporabili ekonomski, prostorski in okoljski vidik. Izbirali smo med šestimi alternativami. Pri analizi smo sledili korakom, od strukturiranja odločitvenega drevesa, določitve uteži za kriterije in preferenc do alternativ, do sinteze, s katero smo dobili končne vrednosti. Najustreznejši potek hitre ceste predstavlja različica, ki hkrati povezuje regionalni središči Celje in Novo mesto. Keywords: transport, hitra cesta, investicija, učinki na gospodarski razvoj, spillover učinki, večkriterijsko odločanje, analitični hierarhični proces, AHP, Expert Choice, alternative, kriteriji, izbira Published in DKUM: 10.12.2012; Views: 2171; Downloads: 190
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