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The use of image-spectroscopy technology as a diagnostic method for seed health test and variety identification
Martina Vrešak, Halkjaer Olesen, René Gislum, Franc Bavec, Ravn Jørgensen, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Application of rapid and time-efficient health diagnostic and identification technology in the seed industry chain could accelerate required analysis, characteristic description and also ultimately availability of new desired varieties. The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential of multispectral imaging and single kernel near-infrared spectroscopy (SKNIR) for determination of seed health and variety separation of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and winter triticale (Triticosecale Wittm. & Camus). The analysis, carried out in autumn 2013 at AU-Flakkebjerg, Denmark, included nine winter triticale varieties and 27 wheat varieties provided by the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences Maribor, Slovenia. Fusarium sp. and black point disease-infected parts of the seed surface could successfully be distinguished from uninfected parts with use of a multispectral imaging device (405%970 nm wavelengths). SKNIR was applied in this research to differentiate all 36 involved varieties based on spectral differences due to variation in the chemical composition. The study produced an interesting result of successful distinguishing between the infected and uninfected parts of the seed surface. Furthermore, the study was able to distinguish between varieties. Together these components could be used in further studies for the development of a sorting model by combining data from multispectral imaging and SKNIR for identifying disease(s) and varieties.
Keywords: Fusarium sp., SKNIR, multispectral imaging, varieties, wheat, organic farming
Published in DKUM: 19.06.2017; Views: 1431; Downloads: 214
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Martina Vrešak, 2015, master's thesis/paper

Abstract: Razvoj ponovljive in časovno učinkovite metode diagnostike zdravstvenega stanja in identifikacije semena v programu žlahtnjenja lahko pripomore k povečanju razvoja novih kultivarjev. Cilj študije je bil oceniti potencial multispektralne metode prikazovanja (ang. multispectral imageing) in bližnje infrardeče refleksijske (NIR) spektroskopije posameznega semena (SKNIR) za določljivost bolezni semena in razločevanje sort ozimne pšenice in tritikale. Ti metodi bi lahko bili aplicirani tako v konvencionalni kot tudi v ekološki program žlahtnjenja. V analizo je bilo vključenih devet sort tritikale in sedemindvajset sort ozimne pšenice. Z uporabo multispektralne metode smo lahko uspešno prikazali detekcijo in separacijo neokuženega in okuženega dela povrhnjice semena s Fusarium spp. SKNIR smo uporabili za zaznavo in diferenciranje med vsemi šestintridesetimi vključenimi sortami, in sicer na osnovi spektralnih razlik, ki so posledica razlik v kemični sestavi semena različnih sort. Raziskava nas je privedla do zanimivih spoznanj, ki bi lahko s kombiniranjem podatkov iz obeh večspektralnih metod koristila nadaljnjim študijam za razvoj klasifikacijskega modela za analize kakovosti semen in separacijo sort.
Keywords: pšenica, Triticum aestivum L., multispektralno prikazovanje, SKNIR, žlahtnjenje
Published in DKUM: 02.11.2015; Views: 1736; Downloads: 141
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