1. Razvoj porazdeljenih aplikacij s protokolom gRPC : diplomsko deloBojan Pejkovski, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Glavni cilj tega diplomskega dela je bil raziskati in preučiti zmožnosti gRPC kot ogrodja za gradnjo komunikacije med storitvami, v primerjavi z drugimi arhitekturnimi stili. Analizirali smo med pripravo diplomske naloge ustrezno literaturo/vire, ki so nam zagotovili potrebne informacije za eksperimentalno fazo. Za preverjanje teoretičnih trditev smo zasnovali in implementirali vzorčno aplikacijo z uporabo podanih arhitekturnih stilov. Keywords: gRPC, REST, mikrostoritve, proto, porazdeljenih aplikacij Published in DKUM: 06.10.2023; Views: 420; Downloads: 39 Full text (2,73 MB) |
2. Early Slavic short and long o and eTijmen Pronk, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: The article discusses the development of the Proto-Slavic vowels *o and *e with a neoacute accent. These vowels are reflected as short vowels, diphthongs or long vowels in the modern Slavic languages. Their outcome is conditioned by the origin of the neoacute: if it arose through retraction of the accent from a word-final jer, the newly accented *o or *e became long and was subsequently diphthongized in a number of Slavic dialects. If the neoacute accent arose in a different way, the quantity of the newly accented *o or *e depends on the dialect. Keywords: vowels, neoacute, Proto-Slavic, Slavic languages Published in DKUM: 22.02.2018; Views: 1022; Downloads: 130 Full text (666,15 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Saskia Pronk-Tiethoff. The Germanic loanwords in Proto-Slavic (= Leiden Studies in Indo-European 20). Amsterdam - New York, NY: Rodopi, 2013. 316 seiten (ISBN 978-90-420-3732-8)Georg Holzer, 2014, review, book review, critique Keywords: jezikoslovje, Saskia Pronk-Tiethoff, The Germanic loanwords in Proto-Slavic, germanske sposojenke, praslovanščina, ocene in poročila Published in DKUM: 15.02.2018; Views: 1449; Downloads: 310 Full text (233,44 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Slavic *mokr´, Irish ainmech 'wet, rain'Eric Hamp, 2011, original scientific article Abstract: The author demonstrates the etymological connections among Baltic, Slavic, Albanian, and Celtic for the term ‘wet’, reflected in PIE *mek- (~ *mok-). Keywords: linguistics, Indo-European languages, Proto-Balto-Slavic, Celtic languages, etymology Published in DKUM: 06.02.2018; Views: 1435; Downloads: 383 Full text (310,17 KB) This document has many files! More... |