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Perceptions of didactic strategies among pupils and teachers in primary school
Monika Mithans, Joca Zurc, Milena Ivanuš-Grmek, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The quality of educational work is inextricably linked to many factors at the system, school, teacher, and student levels. This research was carried out within the project ‘Education of Teachers as a Factor of Providing High-quality Life-long Learning in the Learning Society/The Society of Fast Socio-economic Changes and Unsure Future’, funded by the Slove-nian Research Agency. This paper provides a basic overview of the char-acteristics of open instruction, an umbrella term that combines active and learner-centred didactic strategies. The empirical section focuses on the use of didactic strategies. The survey was carried out with 1,536 primary school4 pupils in Grades 7 and 9 and 263 of their teachers. Both pupils and teachers cited problem-based learning and research-based learning as the most commonly used didactic strategies, while project-based learning was the least frequently used. Despite the agreement on the most and least frequently used didactic strategies, there are statisti-cally significant differences between pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of all selected didactic strategies. Teachers reported that they used these strategies more often than was perceived by their pupils. We also found a statistically significant impact of better learning performance on the perception of certain didactic strategies. The results of the study raise new research questions, especially in the design of more detailed analy-ses of the use of didactic strategies in pedagogical practice.
Keywords: academic performance, didactic strategies, primary school, pupil activity
Published in DKUM: 14.08.2024; Views: 76; Downloads: 13
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Plants are not boring, school botany is
Nataša Kletečki, Dario Hruševar, Božena Mitić, Andrej Šorgo, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The quality of botanical education depends on the quality and interests of the teacher. The aim of our paper was to conduct an initial study on the attitudes of primary and secondary school teachers about plants and botany. We initiated a study in which 211 biology and 168 teachers of different subjects, from primary to secondary schools in Croatia, participated on a voluntary basis. Statistical analysis was processed using jamovi 2.3 software. Teachers of all profiles (biology and others) had similar attitudes: high opinion about the importance of plants for life and education but not about school botany; botany was in the middle of their scale for potential exclusion from education. The last part of the survey referred only to biology teachers and their interests and suggestions for increasing the attractiveness of botany as a subject. The results showed that botany was the least popular, and within it, teachers were most interested in ecology and horticulture. They suggested that botany would be more interesting with active teaching methods and references to everyday contexts; however, it remains unclear why that is so, as the level of autonomy they are given does enable them to introduce such changes.
Keywords: botanical education, Croatia, plant awareness, plant blindness, primary and secondary school teachers
Published in DKUM: 06.02.2024; Views: 348; Downloads: 21
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A collection of magical tales in upper primary school EFL classroom : master's thesis
Špela Kukec, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: Nobody knows for certain where and when people started telling stories; however, people of all ages enjoy them. It has been proven that stories can be useful in any classroom as they are a powerful teaching tool. Language teachers are known for using them frequently, since they do not just motivate the students but also develop their reading skills. Stories can be used as stand-alone study material that provides everything for teaching a topic, or they can be additional material that enriches the lesson. Teachers are more likely to work with pre-prepared materials that are readily available than to make their own. As a future English teacher, I would like to incorporate my love for books into my lessons; therefore, I have researched the appropriateness of J.K. Rowling’s The Tales of Beedle the Bard for teaching EFL in upper primary schools in Slovenia. First, I presented theoretical background about stories, Slovenian primary schools, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and choosing an appropriate story for classroom use. In the practical section, I analysed the appropriateness of The Tales of Beedle the Bard for teaching EFL and prepared some lesson plans for teaching EFL with The Tales of Beedle the Bard.
Keywords: EFL, primary school, tales, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, magic
Published in DKUM: 07.10.2022; Views: 595; Downloads: 40
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Approaches to Teaching Political Correctness to Slovene Primary School Students
David Najžer, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: The M.A. thesis focuses on political correctness as a concept in today's society and seeks practical approaches to teaching its linguistic aspects as part of English classes in the primary school. The thesis consists of an overview of the history of political correctness, its elements, its implementation in educational institutions; an overview of a similar implementation in Slovenia (Faculty of Arts at the University of Ljubljana) and its reaction; and an overview of theoretical and practical approaches to teaching political correctness. In the practical section, Touchstone, a series of English as a foreign language course books, written by a Slovene author, are reviewed, examples of content related to political correctness and the content that may potentially be perceived as politically incorrect are presented and analyzed. In the empirical section, a questionnaire was conducted. The participants were teachers of English from primary and secondary schools and English student teachers. Based on the results, we attempted to determine the general attitude towards political correctness and teaching political corrects in English as a foreign language classes; experiences participants have with teaching topics related to political correctness; and the level of importance participants believe political correctness has in peer and class relations. The conclusion is based on the findings from the theoretical, practical and empirical segment and suggestions on how political correctness could be implemented in English as a foreign language classes are provided.
Keywords: English language, political correctness, primary school, education
Published in DKUM: 12.10.2021; Views: 1153; Downloads: 81
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Challenges of teaching primary school migrant students basic English
Patricija Obrovnik, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: Educational institutions carry an immense responsibility as the key institutions where migrant children start their integration process. Educational workers at schools are the ones that actualize government policies in their classrooms and directly influence migrant students’ integration process and monitor their progress. Teachers need proper education, training, and support to be able to work with migrant students successfully. Our master thesis focused and researched issues and problems teachers encounter when teaching migrant students English in the first triennium of primary school. In the first part of our thesis we defined migrant students and presented legislation and national guidelines surrounding migrant student integration. We introduced the immigration situation in Slovenska Bistrica, where a proportionally large Kosovo minority lives, and the two primary schools where we conducted our research. In the empirical part of our thesis, we interviewed four teachers that teach English in the first triennium of primary school about their experience with teaching in multicultural classrooms. Teachers rely on visual aids and mime to teach English through group activities where students actively participate through song, dance and games. The analysis of interviews showed that even though all English lessons are conducted in English, migrant students’ lack of Slovenian knowledge and their lack of socialization present the biggest problems interviewed teachers face.
Keywords: migrant students, migrant student integration, challenges of migrant student integration in the English classroom, English in the first triennium of primary school, English teachers
Published in DKUM: 27.07.2021; Views: 1295; Downloads: 70
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Pomen izobraževanja osnovnošolcev s področja temeljnih postopkov oživljanja
Marko Kukovec, 2020, master's thesis

Abstract: V Sloveniji je stopnja nudenja temeljnih postopkov oživljanja ljudem, ki doživijo srčni zastoj, zelo nizka. Eden izmed razlogov, da se očividci raje umaknejo, je njihovo neznanje. Zato marsikje po svetu učijo osnovnošolce temeljnih postopkov oživljanja in uporabe avtomatskih zunanjih defibrilatorjev. S tem želijo skozi leta izobraziti čim večje število populacije.
Keywords: TPO, temeljni postopki oživljanja, oživljanje, prva pomoč, osnovna šola, defibrilator, CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first aid, basic life support, defibrillator, teach CPR, primary school, elementary school.
Published in DKUM: 10.02.2021; Views: 1319; Downloads: 174
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Use of animated songs in early teaching of English and German
Janja Stariha, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: This MA thesis deals with animated songs and their use in early foreign language teaching. In the theoretical part I have described child development, first and second language acquisition, multimedia, foreign language teaching and the use of songs in the classroom. As the literature on animated songs has not yet been developed, I have turned to theory on multimedia, music and art to formulate a set of criteria for easier choice of animated songs for use in class. In the empirical part I have chosen some high quality, didactically apropriate animated songs. Content, sound, music, text, design, animation, multimedia learning theories, art theory and didactics were taken into account. The final part of the paper shows the results of a questionnaire that was forwarded to Slovenian teachers who teach children aged 3–11 to see to what extent they know and use animated songs. Nowadays acces to songs is no longer a problem so it is important for teachers to know how to evaluate multimedia materials. There are both favorable opinions and cautions regarding technology use in childhood, so good judgement is needed. The choice and use of animated songs in the young learner classroom should be didactically justified.
Keywords: animated songs, songs, young learners, foreign language teaching, English, German, multimedia, modern technology, didactics, preschool, primary school
Published in DKUM: 25.10.2019; Views: 1537; Downloads: 178
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Cardiorespiratory fitness in primary education pupils : the association with anthropometric characteristics
Matea Gašparović, Vilko Petrić, Vesna Štemberger, Marija Rakovac, Iva Blažević, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: The goal of this research was to determine cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) among primary school male and female pupils and its association with their anthropometric characteristics. The sample consisted of 112 boys and 136 girls, primary school pupils, aged 7 to 10. The Eurofit test battery was used to evaluate anthropometric characteristics (body height, body mass, body mass index (BMI)) and CRF (Beep test to estimate maximal oxygen uptake). The results indicate stagnation in the CRF with chronological age, in both sexes. A statistically significant association (p = 0.001) was shown for all CRF variables and anthropometric variables except for body height, which was not significantly associated with CRF. An increase in body mass and BMI was associated with a significant (p = 0.001) decrease in male and female pupils' CRF.
Keywords: health, primary school, maximal oxygen uptake, body height, body weight
Published in DKUM: 23.04.2018; Views: 1424; Downloads: 116
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The integration of the subject environmental studies with other subjects : the teachers' views
Vlasta Hus, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: The author of the present paper first theoretically describe the didactic concept of integrated lessons, then layout the discussions on integrating lessons in subject Natural and social studies (now Environmental studies) with lessons in Slovene subject. In the empirical part she demonstrate the attitude of teachers in the first triad toward integrated lessons and how the subject Environmental studies is included into this concept. The findings show that the teachers included in the sample had different opinions about integrated lessons. They saw one of the basic advantages of integrated lessons compared to classical ones in the linking of the lessons with the pupils' lives. In the integration of the subject Environmental studies with other subjects, the subject Slovene language plays an important role. Teachers, however, cannot find connections with some of the subjects, despite the fact that they are defined in the national curriculum. The teachers claim they have greatest difficulties in the phase of planning integrated lessons.
Keywords: education, primary education, integrated lessons, elementary school, environmental studies
Published in DKUM: 19.12.2017; Views: 1291; Downloads: 162
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Slovene teachers' attitudes of arts and cultural education in primary school
Olga Denac, Barbara Sicherl-Kafol, Branka Čagran, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: Primary school teachers (342 in total) from all over Slovenia were questioned on their attitude towards arts and cultural education. The results of the study show that the teachers were most unanimous in regard to the importance of team planning in educational work in the field of the arts and the importance of cultural education for the life of an individual and society; this was followed by measures for raising the quality of arts and cultural education in primary school and the content of teacher training programs. Statistically significant differences in the teachers’ attitudes occurred with respect to their age and teaching position (class teacher and subject teacher). Unlike their younger colleagues and subject teachers, older teachers and class teachers expressed a more positive view of arts and cultural education.
Keywords: art education, cultural education, primary school, teachers' attitudes
Published in DKUM: 19.12.2017; Views: 1581; Downloads: 112
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