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The impact of plug-in hybrid vehicles in low-voltage distribution systems using a Monte Carlo simulation
Evica Smilkoska, Vasko Zdraveski, Jovica Vuletić, Jordančo Angelov, Mirko Todorovski, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The growing presence and randomness of renewable-based Distributed Generation, such as solar, photovoltaic, and wind power, and heavy Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle loads in residential distribution grids result in both a higher degree of imbalance and a wide range of voltage fluctuations. When increasing the number of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles that are simultaneously charged, the additional unpredicted load may cause several problems to the current grid in terms of voltage deviations, thermal overloads, power losses, increased aging of transformers and lines, decreased quality of supply, and power outages. This paper proposes an approach that models Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles’ behaviour and performs power flow analysis on CIGRE low voltage benchmark grid to investigate the impact on the current distribution grid.
Keywords: plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, power quality, non-deterministic approach, voltage deviations, power losses, distribution systems
Published in DKUM: 11.10.2023; Views: 464; Downloads: 6
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Sile na plug med oranjem
Luka Pajk, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: Med oranjem s traktorjem vlečemo plug in obračamo prst. Prst s silo deluje na plug in ga zavira, zato moramo s traktorjem delovati na plug z vsaj tolikšno silo, da se plug premika naprej. To silo imenujemo vlečna sila. S plugom v prsti ustvarimo napetost med delci prsti, ki se povečuje z večanjem sile. Ko povečujemo silo, dosežemo največjo napetost v prsti (mejo trdnosti) in povzročimo trajno deformacijo prsti. Na velikost vlečne sile vplivajo fizikalne lastnosti prsti, oblika orodja in način premikanja skozi prst. V magistrskem delu se posvečamo vplivu hitrosti na velikost vlečne sile. Za merjenje vlečne sile uporabljamo namensko narejen silomer. Merimo na 5 različnih parcelah z različno sestavo prsti in rezultate prikazujemo na grafu vlečne sile v odvisnosti od hitrosti. Izmerimo linearni odziv in iz prilagoditvenih premic za vsako parcelo izračunamo sorazmernostni koeficient med vlečno silo in hitrostjo. Najmanjše sile izmerimo v prsti s pretežno organsko strukturo, največje pa v prsti z velikim deležem ilovice.
Keywords: plug, sila, silomer, hitrost, prst
Published in DKUM: 10.04.2019; Views: 1326; Downloads: 97
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Rheological properties of marine sediments from the port of Koper
Jasna Smolar, Matej Maček, Ana Petkovšek, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Subaqueous, fine-grained, cohesive sediments are continuously fluidized by waves and other disturbances that cause their movement, which can be described with numerical models incorporating rheological parameters. The rheological behaviour depends on the soil (solid) type, the volume concentration, the salinity and the testing methods. In this study, rheological investigations of marine sediments from the Port of Koper were carried out by using two coaxial cylinder rheometers (DV3T HB, Brookfield and ConTec Viscometer 5). The influence of the specimen volume, the size of the gap and the type of measuring spindles were analysed and compared. The measured data were evaluated using the Bingham model. For each data set, the boundary between the sheared (“fluid”) and the un-sheared (“solid”) material was calculated and then the calculated boundary was used instead of the outer radius of the cylinder for the evaluation of the rheological parameters, where necessary. A good comparison of the results was found when using this approach. The results are also in agreement with the literature data. The ConTec Viscometer 5, primarily designed for mortars and concrete, was shown to be also suitable for the investigation of sediments.
Keywords: marine sediments, Bingham model, yield stress, plastic viscosity, coaxial cylinder rheometer, plug flow, Bay of Koper
Published in DKUM: 18.06.2018; Views: 1252; Downloads: 80
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Tadej Junger, 2016, master's thesis

Abstract: Naloga predstavlja idejno rešitev zasnovane nove tipologije, s katero želimo revitalizirati degradirano območje. Prinaša sodoben pristop in zagotavlja kvalitetne bivanjske pogoje. Zagovarjamo, da z novo tipologijo prinesemo kakovost in razgibano arhitekturo, ki se lahko spreminja ter prilagaja glede na območje, ki ga obdelujemo. Dokazujemo, da se zaradi svoje fleksibilnosti primerno vključuje v okolico.
Keywords: eksperimentalno naselje, tranzicijsko naselje, plug in naselje, degradirano območje, prenova, vrtljiva tipologija, katalog enot, revitalizacija, mejni prehod Šentilj-Spielfeld
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2016; Views: 1452; Downloads: 398
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The plug-in concept : technology and aesthetics of change
Peter Šenk, 2013, review article

Abstract: The architecture concept of plug-in is based on the duality of the infrastructure system and units or elements connected to it. In the context of megastructures, the concept was most vividly characterised by works of Archigram and Japanese Metabolists in the 1960s and early 1970s. Blurring the boundary between the building and the city, the plug-in concept outgrew architectural boundaries and was slowly transformed into an urbanistic concept. The paper presents the cultural context relevant to contemporaneity, which influenced specific development of the technology-driven concept of plug-in in the British Archigram Group and Japanese Metabolists. Based on the aesthetics of change and incompleteness, which was characterised by similar architectural manifestations despite entirely different cultural backgrounds, the plug-in concept foreshadowed social transformation based on freedom, individualisation and mobility in an utopian manner and held a promise of urban development with adaptability to unpredictable needs and desires of residents, who would become its co-creators with an active approach. Although the revolutionary sixties are quite some time behind, the plug-in concept in its commodified form has become and remained operational and relevant at least on the metaphorical level; in the contemporary space it is evident primarily in urbanism and not as much in its original architectural form.
Keywords: plug-in, clip-on, Reyner Banham, Archigram, Metabolism
Published in DKUM: 21.12.2015; Views: 1150; Downloads: 89
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Modeliranje vlečne sile pri oranju z nevronsko mrežo
Martin Kraner, 2015, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V uvodu sem opisal, zakaj sem se odločil za izdelavo nevronske mreže za izračun sil pri oranju. V nadaljevanju sem predstavil fizikalni proces pri oranju. Opisal sem enostaven približek pluga ter vlečne sile, ki se pojavljajo pri oranju, torej vlečno silo na plužno telo, lemež in rezilo. Nato sem opisal zgradbo nevronske mreže in uporabo modela nevronske mreže. Da bi lahko izračunali sile pri danih parametrih, sem nevronsko mrežo učil iz podatkov pridobljenih iz literature. Prav tako sem v nadaljevanju naredil preizkus s podatki oziroma meritvami iz literature. Nato sem primerjal rešitve in dobil zanimive rezultate, ki se jih lahko še dodela z vnovičnim učenjem nevronske mreže! Diplomska naloga tako predstavlja teoretični uvod k izdelavi učinkovite aplikacije za kmetovalce in proizvajalce plužnih teles za izračun sil na plužna telesa pri izbranih parametrih!
Keywords: plug, plužno telo, nevronska mreža, sile na plužno telo
Published in DKUM: 27.07.2015; Views: 1848; Downloads: 160
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Vpliv tlaka v pnevmatikah na zdrs koles in porabo goriva pri oranju : diplomsko delo
Alen Kacijan, 2010, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: traktor, gorivo, zdrs, oranje, plug, tlak, pnevmatike
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1130; Downloads: 65
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Konstrukcija traktorskega pluga za drenažo
Blaž Hrovatič, 2014, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomska naloga prikazuje konstruiranje traktorskega pluga za izdelovanje drenaže. Glavna naloga priključka je, da v zemlji naredi rov, ki bo pripomogel k hitrejšemu odtekanju ali zadrževanju vode na kmetijskih površinah. Na podlagi zahtev, ki smo jih zastavili, je najprej potekala idejna zasnova celotne konstrukcije po posameznih segmentih. Dimenzioniranje in modeliranje priključka je bilo opravljeno v programu CATIA V5R16, kakor tudi izdelava tehniške dokumentacije in simulacije obremenitve celotne konstrukcije. V zadnjem delu naloge so napisana navodila za uporabo in vzdrževanje ter izračun približnih stroškov razvoja celotnega priključka.
Keywords: konstruiranje, dimenzioniranje, traktorski priključek, drenaža, drenažni plug, prototip, strojništvo
Published in DKUM: 05.02.2014; Views: 1670; Downloads: 285
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An integrated strategy for the hierarchical multilevel MINLP synthesis of overall process flowsheets using the combined synthesis/analysis approach
Nataša Iršič Bedenik, Bojan Pahor, Zdravko Kravanja, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper describes an integrated strategy for a hierarchical multilevel mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) synthesis of overall process schemes using a combined synthesis/analysis approach. The synthesis is carried out by multilevel-hierarchical MINLP optimization of the flexible superstructure, whilst the analysis is performed in the economic attainable region (EAR). The role of the MINLP synthesis step is to obtain a feasible and optimal solution of the multi-D process problem, and the role of the subsequent EAR analysis step is to verify the MINLP solution and in the feedback loop to propose any profitable superstructure modifications for the next MINLP. The main objective of the integrated synthesis is to exploit the interactions between the reactor network, separator network and the remaining part of the heat/energy integrated process scheme.
Keywords: multilevel MINLP, MINLP synthesis, attainable region, economic attainable region, concentration attainable region, continous stirred tank reactor, plug flow reactor, recycle reactor, nonlinear programming, mixed integer nonlinear programme
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2805; Downloads: 110
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