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Comparing Shakespeare`s Othello to Three Film Adaptations
Alenka Gomivnik, 2015, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: William Shakespeare's plays have had countless adaptations on stage and film, because his 16th century plays can still be made modern and interesting nowadays. They can be adapted to the modern world or played out in costumes and settings appropriate for their original contexts. This thesis will explore whether the temporal and cultural context alters the way the play is interpreted over decades. That is why the thesis will deal with three films: The Tragedy of Othello: The Moor of Venice, directed by Orson Welles, made in 1952; Othello, directed by Oliver Parker, made in 1995; and O, directed by Tim Blake Nelson, made in 2001. Each screenwriter and director has their own vision of a story they are trying to tell, whether it be an adaptation, appropriation or an original work. This thesis will explore whether the main theme of Othello remained intact across all three adaptations or whether, despite being changed to some extent, the adaptation can still be recognised as Othello.
Keywords: William Shakespeare, Othello, Iago, Desdemona, adaptation, appropriation, film, play, director, Orson Welles, Oliver Parker, Tim Blake Nelson, theme, cultural context, temporal context
Published in DKUM: 04.01.2016; Views: 1742; Downloads: 113
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Benjamin Meglič, 2011, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo vsebuje opis delne realizacije računalniško vodenega triosnega mehanizma. Poudarek diplomskega dela je na izvedbi električnega in programskega dela. Mehanski del, ki trenutno še ni realiziran, bo sestavljen iz linearnih vodil in voden z brezkrtačnimi servo motorji. Električni načrt smo izdelali s programom EPLAN, nato pa smo električno omarico sestavili in med seboj povezali električne komponente. Vodenje mehanizma je izvedeno z uporabo krmilnika vodenja DMC podjetja Galil Motion Control. Programski del smo izdelali s programom LabVIEW, proizvajalca National Instruments. Realizirani programi omogočajo inicializacijo mehanizma, nastavitev PID-parametrov položajnega regulatorja za izbrano os, inkrementalno pomikanje izbrane osi itd. Ti programi so bili nadalje integrirani v kompleksnejšo aplikacijo, ki omogoča vodenje mehanizma z uporabo ukaznih komand v obliki standardne G-kode.
Keywords: 3-osni mehanizem, DMC 2153, Parker Gemini, linear axis, LabVIEW, servo drive Gemini GV, servo krmilnik, krmilnik vodenja, Motion Planer, ePLAN, DMC 2xxx, Parker 404/406 XR, servo motor
Published in DKUM: 02.11.2011; Views: 2601; Downloads: 200
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