1. Določanje učinkov pešcem prijaznejših prometnih režimov na emisije in pretočnost motornega prometa z uporabo mikrosimulacijskih orodijDomen Mlinarič, 2021, master's thesis Abstract: V magistrskem delu smo se podrobneje posvetili uporabnosti programskih orodji za modeliranje prometa v urbanem okolju, natančneje PTV Vissim-u in PTV Vistru. Gre za ene izmed najbolj uporabljenih programskih oprem v prometnem inženirstvu za analiziranje, ocenitev, simuliranje, optimiziranje in napovedovanje prometa.
Z uporabo navedene programske opreme oz. orodji, smo preučili in analizirali odvijanje prometa motoriziranih vozil in pešcev na območjih enega krožnega, dveh nesemaforiziranih in enega semaforiziranega križišča na Osojnikovi in Potrčevi ceste na Ptuju. Najprej smo s pomočjo znanih podatkov iz prometne študij v programa vnesli ustrezne podatke glede prometnih obremenitev in prometno – tehničnih značilnosti za posamezna križišča. Nato smo izhodne podatke oz. rezultate, kot so čakalne vrste vozil, zamude vozil, emisije vozil, čase prečkanja prehodov za pešce analizirali in na podlagi le teh pripravili idejne rešitve – rekonstrukcije primarnih ureditev križišč s ciljem izboljšati dobljene rezultate iz analiz obstoječih stanj. Keywords: modeliranje prometa, analiza in rekontrukcija križišč, pešci v križiščih, PTV Vissim, PTV Vistro, zamude in čakalne vrste vozil, emisije vozil, analiza prečkanja prehodov za pešce Published in DKUM: 02.11.2021; Views: 1020; Downloads: 119 Full text (2,78 MB) |
2. Ocenjevanje emisij motornega prometa z uporabo orodij za modeliranje prometa in izpustov (vissim, enviver)Ingrid Fišer, 2019, master's thesis Abstract: V magistrski nalogi smo se osredotočili na oceno pričakovanih emisij, ki postaja pomemben izziv načrtovalne stroke in vse pomembnejši dejavnik pri sprejemanju prometno političnih odločitev in načrtovanju prometne infrastrukture.
S pomočjo modeliranja in simulacij smo preučili, kako vplivajo različni hitrostni režimi in ukrepi za umirjanja prometa v urbanem območju, na obseg emisij, ki jih povzroča motorni promet.
Za bistveno razumevanje praktičnega dela, so v nalogi opisani aspekti in delovanje programskih orodij VISSIM in ENVIVER, ki so bili glavni pripomočki, za ocenjevanje emisij.
Magistrska naloga prikazuje model krajšega odseka Koroške ceste v Mariboru, v katerem smo izvajali različne spremembe simulacije prometnega toka in ukrepov za umirjanje prometa. Analiza rezultatov prikazuje nihanje količine emisij, ki jih povzročajo ukrepi za umirjanje prometa in povečanje prometnega toka v urbanih območjih. V nalogi smo se omejili na oceno emisij NOX, PM10 in CO2. Keywords: modeliranje prometa in izpustov, Vissim, Enviver, ocenjevanje emisij motornega prometa Published in DKUM: 20.03.2019; Views: 1476; Downloads: 173 Full text (4,96 MB) |
3. Analysis of the influence of car-following input parameters on the modelled travelling timeIrena Ištoka Otković, Tomaž Tollazzi, Matjaž Šraml, 2013, other scientific articles Abstract: The calibration process is a basic condition of traffic model application in local conditions. The choice of input parameters, which are used in calibration process, influences the success of the calibration process itself; therefore, the goal is to choose parameters with a larger influence on the modelling process. This paper offers a detailed analysis of car-following input parameters and their influence on the modelled travelling time. The experimental basis was a one-lane roundabout, and the tool used for traffic simulation was the VISSIM microsimulation traffic model. The results show that the car-following input parameters should be a part of the set of input parameters, which will enter the process of calibration. The examined car-following input parameters affect the capacity of intersections and results show that it is necessary to revise the range of input values of one of the observed car-following input parameters. Keywords: car-following input parameters, input parameters for the process of calibration, VISSIM Published in DKUM: 11.07.2017; Views: 1284; Downloads: 155 Full text (680,10 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Using neural networks in the process of calibrating the microsimulation models in the analysis and design of roundabouts in urban areasIrena Ištoka Otković, 2011, dissertation Abstract: The thesis researches the application of neural networks in computer program calibration of traffic micro-simulation models. The calibration process is designed on the basis of the VISSIM micro-simulation model of local urban roundabouts.
From the five analyzed methods of computer program calibration, Methods I, II and V were selected for a more detailed research. The three chosen calibration methods varied the number of outgoing traffic indicators predicted by neural networks and a number of neural networks in the computer program calibration procedure. Within the calibration program, the task of neural networks was to predict the output of VISSIM simulations for selected functional traffic parameters - traveling time between the measurement points and queue parameters (maximum queue and number of stopping at the roundabout entrance). The Databases for neural network training consisted of 1379 combinations of input parameters whereas the number of output indicators of VISSIM simulations was varied. The neural networks (176 of them) were trained and compared for the calibration process according to training and generalization criteria. The best neural network for each calibration method was chosen by using the two-phase validation of neural networks.
The Method I is the calibration method based on calibration of a traffic indicator -traveling time and it enables validation related to the second observed indicator – queue parameters. Methods II and V connect the previously described calibration and validation procedures in one calibration process which calibrates input parameters according to two traffic indicators.
Validation of the analyzed calibration methods was performed on three new sets of measured data - two sets at the same roundabout and one set on another location. The best results in validation of computer program calibration were achieved by the Method I which is the recommended method for computer program calibration.
The modeling results of selected traffic parameters obtained by calibrated VISSIM traffic model were compared with: values obtained by measurements in the field, the existing analysis methods of operational roundabouts characteristics (Lausanne method, Kimber-Hollis, HCM) and modeling by the uncalibrated VISSIM model. The calibrated model shows good correspondence with measured values in real traffic conditions. The efficiency of the calibration process was confirmed by comparing the measured and modeled values of delays, of an independent traffic indicator that was not used in the process of calibration and validation of traffic micro-simulation models.
There is also an example of using the calibrated model in the impact analysis of pedestrian flows on conflicting input and output flows of vehicles in the roundabout. Different traffic scenarios were analyzed in the real and anticipated traffic conditions. Keywords: traffic models, traffic micro-simulation, calibration of the VISSIM model, computer program calibration method, neural networks in the calibration process, micro-simulation of roundabouts, traffic modeling parameters, driving time, queue parameters, delay Published in DKUM: 02.06.2011; Views: 5471; Downloads: 384 Full text (13,21 MB) |
5. UPORABA SIMULACIJ V PROMETNI TEHNIKIDavid Mohr Salkič, 2011, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomska naloga opisuje uporabo simulacij v prometni tehniki. Opisana so področja uporabe, delitev simulacij na mikroskopske, makroskopske in mezoskopske modele, diplomska naloga je predvsem osredotočena na mikroskopski koncept simuliranja prometa. Na kratko je predstavljenih pet najbolj razširjenih programskih paketov za izvajanje prometnih simulacij, to so AIMSUN, DRACULA, Paramics, SISTM in VISSIM. V sami diplomski nalogi je še prikazana praktična uporaba mikroskopskega simulacijskega programskega paketa PTV VISSIM, s pomočjo tega programskega paketa je bil izdelan model prometnega omrežja centra mesta Lenart ter izvedba alternativne rešitve, umestitve krožnega krožišča v omrežje.
Uporaba simulacij je pomembna pri modeliranju prometa. S svojim širokim spektrom aplikacij omogočajo zelo natančno simuliranje različnih tipov prometnih omrežij iz realnega okolja. Na podlagi računskih rezultatov in vizualne animacije gibanja prometnih tokov po omrežju omogočajo reševanje prometnih problemov ter implementacijo različnih rešitev v modele prometnih omrežij, še preden so te rešitve vpeljane v realno okolje. Keywords: Prometna tehnika, simulacije, mikroskopske prometne simulacije, PTV VISSIM programski paket za simuliranje prometa Published in DKUM: 14.01.2011; Views: 3205; Downloads: 330 Full text (13,89 MB) |