1. Webinar: Data Management and EthicsMilan Ojsteršek, Matjaž Divjak, 2024, scientific film, scientific sound or video publication Abstract: Video recording and presentation slides of a lecture by Milan Ojsteršek and Matjaž Divjak for the HybridNeuro webinar "Data Management and Ethics", which was held online on April 8th 2024 at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Slovenia.
More info including additional materials (slides, example dataset): https://www.hybridneuro.feri.um.si/webinars/data_management_and_ethics.html
The HybridNeuro project combines the expertise of leading European partners in the field of Neural Interfaces to set up new pathways of analyzing human motor system and human movements and transfer the academic research into clinical and industrial practice. Link: https://www.hybridneuro.feri.um.si/
This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under GA No. 101079392, as well as UK Research and Innovation organisation (GA No. 10052152).
This video is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Keywords: HybridNeuro project, webinar, presentation, data management, data annotation, open science, open access, data repository, FAIR data, metadata Published in DKUM: 09.05.2024; Views: 201; Downloads: 6 Full text (5,54 MB) This document has many files! More... |
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3. Analysis of Selected Aspects of Entrepreneurship Support on the Level of European UnionMartina Repnik, 2021, master's thesis Abstract: Entrepreneurial activity contributes various benefits to a country, one of the most impactful gains being the growth of GDP. Because of that, it is important for policymakers to put in place policies, which encourage and foster entrepreneurial activity- both on a national as well as international level. On an international level, the EU plays a major role in supporting entrepreneurial activity in Europe. For that purpose, the EU institutions are enforcing entrepreneurship-related policies and are establishing programs and funds, which benefit European enterprises. Special emphasis is placed on supporting the entrepreneurial activities of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are the backbone of the economy. SMEs represent more than 99% of all enterprises in a country, and they create two out of three jobs. Because of their importance, the EU strives to provide a suitable environment and support for them to grow and exist in the long run. EU member countries exploit the offered support to different extents, which means that the EU support affects European companies and member countries in different ways. In this thesis, we explored the role of the EU in connection to entrepreneurial support and activity.
Based on our research, we found very noticeable differences between more and less developed EU countries in terms of the amount of exploited EU support. We discovered that most of the time, more developed EU countries tend to exploit EU entrepreneurial support to a bigger extent, than less developed countries do. That is because less developed countries often lack the ability to set up suitable programs that could qualify for EU funding. We also discovered that less developed countries tend to have higher levels of early-stage entrepreneurial activity than more developed countries do. We have found that this is because citizens in these countries often create their businesses out of necessity, not so much because they perceived a good business opportunity. In less developed countries, where the economical state of the country is less stable and there is a lack of available job offers, citizens are pushed to entrepreneurship out of necessity in order to survive. Related to that, we also discovered that less developed countries dedicate more of their EU funds to SMEs than more developed countries do. But as they lack the proper entrepreneurial ecosystem, these enterprises often fail. Because of that, as it most often occurs out of necessity, high levels of entrepreneurial activity in a less developed country do not quite indicate a well-established national entrepreneurial system. Finally, based on all the data we collected and analyzed in this thesis we have found that entrepreneurial support offered by the EU has been increasing over the years. That is because in the last decades there has been a big increase in the number of programs and funds being established, which focus specifically on SMEs. The same can be seen with the number of entrepreneurial policies being enforced by the EU, as entrepreneurship became one of the main EU priorities. Keywords: entrepreneurial support, entrepreneurship activity, EU funding, access to finance, economic development Published in DKUM: 23.12.2021; Views: 789; Downloads: 79 Full text (2,33 MB) |
4. Uvedba informacijske rešitve za turistično kmetijoJan Duler, 2021, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Podjetja morajo danes slediti tehnološkim in informacijskim trendom, če želijo ostati konkurenčna na trgu. Medtem ko obstaja na trgu ogromno informacijskih rešitev za klasična proizvodna in storitvena podjetja, ostajajo v ozadju malo manj konvencionalna podjetja, in sicer kmetije. Kmetije imajo sicer na razpolago nekaj informacijskih rešitev, vendar so pri izbiri bistveno omejeni predvsem zaradi diferenciacije delovanja posameznih kmetij.
V nalogi si bomo pogledali primer uvedbe informacijske rešitve za turistično kmetijo X. Najprej si bomo ogledali digitalno transformacijo na splošno, nakar bomo analizirali trenutno poslovanje kmetije in ovire, s katerimi se soočajo. Analizirali bomo trg informacijskih rešitev, na osnovi analize pa bomo izbrali najustreznejšo informacijsko rešitev za turistično kmetijo. Rešitev bomo na koncu še uvedli in predstavili uspešnost uvedbe. Keywords: Turistična kmetija, digitalna transformacija, informacijska rešitev, ERP rešitev, podatkovna baza, Microsoft Access Published in DKUM: 09.11.2021; Views: 864; Downloads: 65 Full text (1,04 MB) |
5. Razvoj programske rešitve za razpored oddaj lokalne TVAleš Ravnik, 2021, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo obravnava razvoj programske rešitve za lokalno televizijo Bled TV. Glavni cilj je delujoča aplikacija, ki uporabnikom omogoča, vodenje evidence oddaj v arhivu, izdelavo razporeda oddaj in obdelavo podatkov za različne namene.
Podrobno smo analizirali dokumente, ki jih televizija uporablja pri pripravi poročil, opisali smo potek načrtovanja in razvoja podatkovne baze ter izdelave uporabniškega vmesnika. Aplikacijo smo razvili v orodju Microsoft Access 2016.
Na koncu smo razvito programsko rešitev v celoti testirali in ocenili s pomočjo SWOT analize. Keywords: MS Access, baza podatkov, razvoj aplikacije, grafični uporabniški vmesnik Published in DKUM: 26.08.2021; Views: 1080; Downloads: 88 Full text (1,99 MB) |
6. Webinar “Tools supporting academic integrity”Július Kravjar, Milan Ojsteršek, Oliver Trevisiol, scientific film, scientific sound or video publication Abstract: Webinar “Tools supporting academic integrity” with presentations on:
Experiences in Establishing National Plagiarism Detection Systems
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism on Slovenian Academic Institutions (Ojsteršek Milan)
The Slovenian open access infrastructure consists of Slovenian universities repositories, a repository for research organisations, a repository for standalone faculties and a national portal (http://openscience.si/) that aggregates content from the repositories and other Slovenian archives (dLib.si, videolectures.NET, digital library of Ministry of Defence, Social Science data archive, ScieVie repository…). The national portal provides a common search engine, recommendation of similar publications, and similar text detection. During the setting up of the national open access infrastructure, the rules and processes for mandatory submissions of electronic theses, dissertations, research publications and research data were defined. One of the features is the use of software for plagiarism detection during the process of submitting electronic theses, dissertations and research publications. Technical characteristics of the plagiarism detection system used in the Slovenian national open access infrastructure will be presented. We will also describe established processes for awareness, prevention and detection of plagiarised documents. Finally, we will present chronologically organised data about the similarity of documents from the test corpus of documents, published on the internet after the year 2000.
Nationwide Barrier to Plagiarism is Bearing Fruit (Kravjar Július)
Plagiarism is a phenomenon that existed in the past, exists today and will exist in the future. Slovakia with its population of 5.4 million is confronted with plagiarism like other countries. The dynamics of changes in higher education, in ICT and internet penetration while at the same time a low level of ethics, copyright and intellectual property rights awareness in our country, contributed to the spread of plagiarism – an unwanted kind of “creativity“ after the year of revolutionary changes (1989). And there was an inherent lack of systemic action to create a barrier for future growth of plagiarism. The absence of a broader discussion of academic ethics (AE) had its consequences: the members of the academic community and the general public do not fully understood the importance of AE, hence they were less sensitive to the violations of AE. There were 13 higher education institutions (HEIs) in Slovakia in 1989, the number has now grown to 39, the number of students increased from 63 thousand to about a quarter of million and the teaching staff growth was insignificant. In 2008 MinEdu decided to acquire a plagiarism detection system (PDS) and create a central repository of theses and dissertations (CR) for all Slovak HEIs. It was the milestone for the nationwide CR and for PDS – both systems are known under the name SK ANTIPLAG. The preparation of the legislative environment (the amendment to the Higher Education Act, 2009) represented the fundamental prerequisite for the breakthrough in the fight against plagiarism and created an important step towards the implementation of the CR and PDS. The use of SK ANTIPLAG has been mandatory for all Slovak HEIs operating under Slovak legislation since April 2010. It is an example of an unparalleled and unprecedented implementation of such a system on a national level on a worldwide scale.
Educational Resources for Plagiarism Prevention. Practical Work with Examples (Trevisiol Oliver)
The participants will get to know, test, and review educational resources for plagiarism prevention.
Examples are:
- Exercises and tasks for courses (How, with which methods and conceptual formulation can I teach students about referencing and good scientific practice?);
- Reviewed educational videos (Which video may I use in class?);
- Examples of myths and rumours about plagiarism (Which questions and perception do students have? How can I react to typical notions and answer frequent questions?), such as the strange rule of “you need to cite more than 3 words in a row”.
Keywords: plagiarism, open access, text matching software, plagiarism prevention, educational resources Published in DKUM: 16.10.2019; Views: 1634; Downloads: 36 Link to full text This document has many files! More... |
7. Workshop - Avoiding Plagiarism - Pubmet 2017Milan Ojsteršek, Koos Kruithof, unpublished invited conference lecture Abstract: Plagiarism is defined as the “wrongful appropriation” and “purloining and publication” of another author’s “language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions,” and the representation of them as one’s own original work. Plagiarism is not a crime per se but in academia and industry it is a serious ethical offense and cases of plagiarism can constitute copyright infringement.
The Slovenian open access infrastructure consists of Slovenian universities repositories, a repository for research organisations, a repository for standalone faculties and a national portal (http://openscience.si/) that aggregates content from the repositories and other Slovenian archives (dLib.si, videolectures.NET, digital library of Ministry of Defence, Social Science data archive, ScieVie repository, etc.). The national portal provides a common search engine, recommendation of similar publications, and similar text detection. During the setting up of national open access infrastructure rules and processes for mandatory submissions of electronic theses, dissertations, research publications and research data were defined. One of the features is the use of software for plagiarism detection during processes of submitting electronic theses, dissertations and research publications. Technical characteristics of the plagiarism detection system used in the Slovenian national open access infrastructure will be presented. We will also describe established processes for awareness, prevention and detection of plagiarised documents. Finally, we will present chronologically organised data about the similarity of documents from test corpus of documents, published on the internet after year 2000.
Definitions of plagiarism can often vary widely from institution to institution and from sector to sector. This interactive workshop, during which participants will be encouraged to share their experiences will aim to draw parallels between academic integrity and research integrity as elements of the same journey as scholars move from academia to research and commercial publishing. Whilst there is often a focus on the negative consequences of plagiarism we should also not lose sight of the positive attributes of academic integrity and how this can affect a proactive approach to both study and scholarly research. The workshop will share good practice examples from academia and the publishing sector and attempt to consider the elements to consider in case processing. Keywords: plagiarism, academic writing, open access, plagiarism prevention, text matching software Published in DKUM: 15.10.2019; Views: 1356; Downloads: 16 Link to file |
8. Funkcionalne specifikacije materialnega poslovanja za proizvodnjo in servisiranje letalAljoša Sekulič, 2018, master's thesis/paper Abstract: Manjša podjetja pogosto nimajo veliko interesa, časa ali sredstev za vlaganje v svojo informacijsko tehnologijo. Podjetje MAG letalstvo, d. o. o., nima ustreznega programa za spremljanje in vodenje materialnih zalog. Trenutno zaloge vodijo v programu Microsoft Excel, saj na trgu ni primerne programske opreme, ki bi jim ustrezala. Potrebujejo preprost program z osnovnimi funkcionalnostmi, ki jih finančno ne bi preveč obremenil. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil razviti lasten program za materialno poslovanje, ki bi ustrezal zahtevam proučevanega podjetja. Na osnovi teoretičnega znanja, pridobljenega iz baz podatkov in materialnega poslovanja, ter raziskave problemskega stanja v podjetju smo s pomočjo programa Microsoft Access razvili prototipno rešitev. Predstavili smo jo vodstvu in se pogovorili o možnostih za njeno vpeljavo. Določili smo testno obdobje, ki bo prineslo povratne informacije uporabnika. Do konca leta bomo odpravili še morebitne napake in pomanjkljivosti, s čimer bo program pripravljen za uporabo z začetkom novega leta. Namen magistrske naloge ni bil le izpostaviti probleme podjetja, temveč tudi predstaviti naš novi sistem kot funkcionalno orodje za pomoč podjetjem, ki so se srečala s podobnimi težavami. Keywords: atribut, entiteta, materialno poslovanje, baze podatkov, Microsoft Access Published in DKUM: 04.12.2018; Views: 1154; Downloads: 175 Full text (1,85 MB) |
9. Optimizacija procesa recenzije projektov in njen vpliv na kadre v mikro podjetjuSaša Otrin, 2018, master's thesis/paper Abstract: V magistrskem delu smo optimizirali potek organizacije recenzije projektov v podjetju z izvedbo aplikacije. V uvodu smo predstavili cilje, namen in metode dela. V nadaljevanju so opisane teoretične osnove, kjer se dotaknemo kadrov, sprememb v podjetju, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih in prenove poslovnega procesa. S prikazom obstoječega stanja smo predstavili podjetje in potek recenzij projektov. Ugotovili smo, da je obstoječe stanje organizacije recenzije zamudno in neorganizirano. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili potek raziskave. Najprej smo izdelali aplikacijo s programskim orodjem Microsoft Access. S pregledom arhiva smo določili koliko časa je potrebno za organizacijo recenzije posamezne skupine. Po testiranju aplikacije smo ocenili, koliko časa prihranimo z uvedbo aplikacije. V nadaljevanju so aplikacijo testirali vsi zaposleni. Z anketnim vprašalnikom smo preverili zadovoljstvo zaposlenih z organizacijo recenzije pred in po uporabi aplikacije. Na podlagi odgovorov in njihove analize, smo rezultate primerjali ter v zaključku podali odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja. Keywords: projektantsko podjetje, organizacija recenzije, optimizacija, aplikacija z Microsoft Access, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih Published in DKUM: 28.11.2018; Views: 1064; Downloads: 102 Full text (1,99 MB) |
10. Statistical analysis of the development indicators' impacts on e-commerce of individuals in selected European countriesKsenija Dumičić, Ivana Skoko Bonić, Berislav Žmuk, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyse the influence of the development level indicators on the e-commerce, i.e. on the online purchase by individuals, in selected European countries in 2013. In the analysis, the main variable under study and all the independent variables are included as standardised. Based on nine variables, the principal component analysis with varimax rotation was performed and the two extracted factors were used as the regressors in the multiple regression analysis. In the regression model both components, Factor 1, which includes seven variables, called Prosperity, Investing in Education and IT Infrastructure, and Awareness, and Factor 2, comprised of two variables, called IT Skills, are statistically significant at the significance level of 1%. Both factors show a positive correlation with the online purchase of individuals. Inclusion and analysis of distributions and impacts of even nine independent variables, which make up two distinct factors affecting the e-commerce, make a new contribution of this work. Keywords: e-commerce, broadband access to the Internet, factor analysis, multiple regression analysis Published in DKUM: 10.10.2018; Views: 1313; Downloads: 373 Full text (343,31 KB) This document has many files! More... |