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Italian dictionaries of abbreviations and the preparation of entries of the Italian-Slovene dictionary of abbreviations
Mojca Kompara Lukančič, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The present article addresses the two contemporary Italian dictionaries of abbrevia-tions Malossini (1999) and Righini (2001) and outlines the position of the Italian abbreviations in some other Italian dictionaries, namely the monolingual Zingarelli (2000) and Garzanti (2021) and bilingual Slovene-Italian (Šlenc 2006) and Italian-Slovene (Šlenc 1997). The aim of the paper is to give an insight into the compilation of the abbreviation dictionary entries in monolingual Italian, bilingual in tandem with the Slovene language and specialised abbreviation dictionaries; highlight the elements present within the dictionary entries; present the deficiencies in compiling and exam-ples of good practice; with the aim of introducing the outcomes in the compilation of the bilingual Italian-Slovene dictionary entries of the Slovene Contemporary Dictionary of Abbreviations. Within the paper we present the composition of the bilingual dictionary entries giving the reader an insight into the elements of the dictionary entry, namely the usage of language and field qualifi-ers, articulated prepositions, i.e. preposizioni articolate (composed of prepositions and definite articles), official translations and additional descriptions.
Keywords: abbreviations, lexicography, bilingual dictionaries, Italian, Slovene, expantion, dictionary entry, dictionaries, compilation, specialised dictionaries
Published in DKUM: 30.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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Introduction of movement Into classes of the Italian language and an analysis of the most common linguistic issues
Mojca Kompara Lukančič, Darija Omrčen, 2021, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: The aim of the paper was to address the concept of movement and its introduction into tertiary education in classes of the Italian language during COVID-19 times. In the paper we address the importance of introducing movement in language learning giving an insight to the presence of physical activity in educational curricula where examples of good practice are presented. The paper focuses on the concept of language acquisition with the preparation of video resources and how such concept can benefit movement and avoid sedentarism in tertiary education. The survey was composed of an experiment where students from the Faculty of Tourism, University of Maribor prepared videos in the Italian language as part of their study requirements. In this research 14 three-minute-long videos were analysed in terms of language usage and the most common linguistic issues are presented.
Keywords: movement, Italian, language, tertiary education, video
Published in DKUM: 25.01.2024; Views: 272; Downloads: 26
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Bilingualism in Slovenian Istria : Studies and Issues in Its Preservation
Mojca Kompara Lukančič, Nives Lenassi, Sandro Paolucci, 2023

Abstract: The volume starts with an overview chapter of studies on bilingualism and bilingual individuals in general, and the particular aspects and characteristics of bilingualism in Slovenian Istria. It continues with three chapters focusing on Italian in the bilingual area of the Slovenian coast. The second chapter presents surveys on the position of bilingualism, the influence of Italian media, the results of the secondary school leaving exams in Italian, and the status of bilingualism in Slovenian schools in the bilingual Littoral communities. The third chapter offers an analysis of texts and documents translated from Slovenian into Italian; that is, bilingual texts available on the websites of the four bilingual municipalities: Koper, Izola, Piran, and Ankaran. The final chapter presents some detailed aspects of studies carried out on administrative texts of the bilingual municipalities, focusing on selected lexical units and acronyms, and offering translation solutions that guarantee and preserve minority rights and offer uniform terminology.
Keywords: the Italian language, bilingualism, terminology, translation, Slovenian Istria
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2023; Views: 522; Downloads: 79
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Language for specific purposes in the framework of criminal justice and security

Abstract: The scientific monograph is oriented towards LSP for the field of criminal justice and security studies and also focuses on subfields, namely police, law, security, administration, etc. The monograph contains contributions from the field of criminal justice and security studies prepared by Slovenian and foreign authors, namely Jelena Gugić from the University of Pula, Mojca Kompara Lukančič from the University of Maribor, Nives Lenassi from the University of Ljubljana, Dragoslava Mićović from the University of Belgrade, Eva Podovšovnik from the University of Primorska, Jasna Potočnik Topler from the University of Maribor, Vanja Slavuj from the University of Rijeka, and Tilen Smajla from the University of Maribor. The work offers an insight into English and Italian through the prism of contents that focus on the language for specific purpose for the field of criminal justice and security.
Keywords: the English language, the Italian language, criminal justice and security, terminology, LSP
Published in DKUM: 09.12.2022; Views: 635; Downloads: 80
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Loanwords in English from Romance languages
Ana Rutar, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: English has had an interesting history and during its development came into contact with various other cultures and languages. Thus, the present thesis presents English loanwords from the Romance languages, i.e. French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. Each of them came into contact with English during different periods and for different reasons. One of the outcomes of contacts between languages are loanwords. The first part of my diploma paper focuses on theoretical points about historical events that connect English, Romance languages and borrowing, and adds explanations about types of loanwords and reasons for their transference. The second part focuses on the interaction between English and each of the four Romance languages, their mutual historical background, exchanged loanwords, their semantic fields, specific reasons for their borrowing, and changes during assimilation. In addition, an analysis of etymological origin of the chosen loanwords was made for each language specifically. In the last part of the thesis, conclusions are drawn about the aspects that English and the Romance languages have in common and those that historically and sociolinguisticly differentiate them.
Keywords: borrowing, loanwords, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romance languages
Published in DKUM: 12.09.2016; Views: 1300; Downloads: 102
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