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2. EMASManuela Ingaldi, Dorota Klimecka-Tatar, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: The companies operating within the so-understood environment, affecting it, have led its degradation. Therefore, to prevent further pollution, a number of laws, policies and strategies were introduced. The article briefly describes all the most important rules. According to the Polish and EU legislation, these companies must take care of the environment and properly manage waste generated during the production process (Ingaldi 2013a).
The waste management is particularly a major challenge for small and medium sized company mainly due to the costs connected with adaptation to the existing legislation. Not every company can afford such changes. Very often the companies prefer to pay the penalty because, from the economic point of view, it is lower than these costs. Very often, it also appears that investments in the environmental protection repeatedly exceed the amount of any possible benefits that can be achieved. However, despite of the situation on market there are a lot of companies for which the natural environment is a priority (Ingaldi 2013b).
One of the most important element is environmental management is recycling of secondary raw materials. It helps to reduce raw materials, which in turn contributes to the protection of natural resources of the earth. It also reduces the amount of space in landfills. The use of waste, which are carriers of energy, is a component of efficient energy management (Lestyánszka Škůrková, Ingaldi 2014; Ingaldi Borkowski 2014).
Management systems, especially environmental management systems, are very helpful tools in environmental management in companies. A management system is the framework of processes and procedures used to ensure that an organization can fulfil all tasks required to achieve its objectives. The environmental management system enables organizations to improve their environmental performance through a process of continuous improvement. It is therefore important to convince managers of companies to be interested in such systems.
The object of this chapter is to help a reader to find summary about main standards of management systems, e.g.: EMAS, ISO 14000, ISO 9000 and ISO 26000. Keywords: environmental management systems, environmental standards, EMAS, ISO 14000, ISO 9000, ISO 26000 Published in DKUM: 10.05.2018; Views: 1482; Downloads: 55
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3. KAKOVOST V PROIZVODNJI PODJETJA PALOMA PREVALJE D.D. S POUDARKOM NA SISTEMU KAKOVOSTI ISO 9001:2000Peter Rener, 2010, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Pojem kakovosti ni nekaj novega v delovanju organizacij. Na eni strani jih v doseganje kakovosti silijo kupci, ki hočejo kar največ za njihov denar, na drugi strani pa konkurenca, ki poskuša biti boljša. Potem je tu še gledanje organizacije, kako bolje delovati na trgu. Šele nekaj desetletij nazaj se je pojavilo vprašanje, kako sistematično doseči kakovost s povezovanjem vseh deležnikov, ki sodelujejo v procesu zagotavljanja storitev oz. proizvodov za končne odjemalce. Standard sam ne zagotavlja kakovosti proizvoda ali storitve ampak je samo napotek kako korak za korakom voditi oz. optimizirati procese delovanja organizacije. V Sloveniji je tak splošni sistem kakovosti standard ISO 9001.
V diplomski nalogi smo predstavili sistem kakovosti v proizvodnem podjetju Paloma Prevalje d.d.. Ta je že leta 1996 začela z uvajanjem sistemom kakovosti v delovanje ter ga je vse do sedaj tudi dograjevala ter posodabljala (leta 2000 ter 2008). Opisali smo tudi cilje, ki so si jih zastavili za poslovno leto 2008 ter poslovno leto 2004. Vsi ti cilji sledijo naravnanosti organizacije sledenju kakovosti. Začne se pri planiranju oz. postavitvi samih ciljev ter določitvi aktivnosti kako jih doseči. Ker je eno od načel standardov kakovosti nenehno izboljševanje procesov, smo na koncu tudi podali nekaj predlogov za prihodnje delovanje organizacije pri zasledovanju doseganja kakovosti. Keywords: sistem kakovosti, TQM, ISO 9000 ter ISO 9001, kakovost v proizvodnji, zadovoljstvo odjemalcev, audit, vodenje dokumentacije Published in DKUM: 05.05.2011; Views: 2847; Downloads: 309
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