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Comparison of different modulation control strategies for wireless power transfer system
Jure Domajnko, Oto Težak, Mitja Truntič, Nataša Prosen, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: When designing a wireless power transfer system, overall system efficiency is one of the key parameters. The efficiency depends on several parameters, which also includes control modulation, used for excitation of the transmitter coil. However, how much the modulation technique impacts the efficiency is studied rarely. In this paper, we compare the three most popular control modulation techniques for transmitter voltage of a wireless power transfer system. First, the theory behind the methods is presented by highlighting the difference between them and their implementation. The methods are implemented, together with a linear PI control scheme, to evaluate the efficiency and performance of each of the methods. Finally, the practical tests were performed, under different output power levels, in order to evaluate the practical performance of each modulation strategy further
Keywords: inductive power transfer, full-bridge inverter, inverter modulation comparison, efficiency comparison
Published in DKUM: 08.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 4
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Energy renovation of Jesenice high school
Boštjan Krošelj, Zdravko Praunseis, 2022, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: energy renovation, thermal bridge, thermal envelope, heating, ventilation
Published in DKUM: 27.10.2023; Views: 340; Downloads: 4
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Allplan bridge za izdelavo geometrijskega in analitčnega modela ter analizo konstrukcije na primeru viadukta Kozarica : magistrsko delo
Jelena Vilotijević, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: V magistrskem delu je predstavljena uporaba programske opreme Allplan Bridge 2022-0-3, preučevana je učinkovitost parametričnega pristopa modeliranja. Izdelava geometrijskega in analitičnega modela ter analiza konstrukcije je izdelana na primeru projekta viadukta Kozarica. Za oceno ustreznosti dobljenih rezultatov nove programske opreme Allplan Bridge smo rezultate primerjali z uveljavljenim programskim orodjem SOFiSTiK. Dodatno smo znotraj programa Allplan Bridge preučevali problem različnega pristopa pri modeliranju prečnega prereza plošče z dvema rebroma za namen računske analize z linijsko in branasto konstrukcijo.
Keywords: gradbeništvo, parametrično modeliranje, Allplan Bridge, geometrijski model, analitični model
Published in DKUM: 27.05.2022; Views: 1191; Downloads: 251
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Cultural complex by the river Morača, Podgorica, Montenegro : master thesis
Filip Radojević, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: The masters’ thesis aims to examine the practice of appropriation of inherent qualities of certain sites in the city and the necessity of their preservation against dramatically developing trend of private real-estate and consumer-capitalism driven land-claim. The latter, in combination with inadequate response from government institutions can contribute to a total loss of areas of public interest in the city. The location of the former ”Kasarna Morača” military barracks in Podgorica makes for a valuable target for the greedy investors, but also to the public, which could benefit from a large mass of greenery in the very centre of the capital next to the Morača river. For this reason, questions have been raised sparking public debates on how this location, currently an asset of the state, ought to be managed. This project aims to develop an urban regeneration solution for the brownfield area by means of two interconnected segments. The first one is the recreation area along the Morača riverbank which incorporates a large part of the existing greenery and extends to the Mausoleum of the Partisan fighter on the Gorica hill. The second is situated at the Eastern edge of the site. With the adaptive reuse of the existing barrack structures and a new adaptable and flexible structural system, it proposes a set of public and cultural programs along the”Vaka Đurovića” boulevard. Both the green belt and the cultural complex are connected via pedestrian and cycling paths which also lead to a proposed pedestrian bridge connecting the public institutions, neighbourhoods and recreational areas along Morača riverbanks.
Keywords: culture, recreation, complex, urban connector, ”weak” architecture, Morača, bridge
Published in DKUM: 01.10.2021; Views: 993; Downloads: 199
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Program Allplan Bridge 2020 - parametrično modeliranje in njegova uporabnost : magistrsko delo
Gorazd Rižnar, 2020, master's thesis

Abstract: V magistrskem delu je predstavljeno parametrično modeliranje in detajliranje s programom Allplan Bridge 2020. Osredotočili smo se na analizo programa ter raziskali povezavo z Allplanom 2020 in RM. V ta namen smo izdelali model na primeru viadukta 6-03 Burčnica. Preverjali smo, kako hitro lahko model spremenimo in ali lahko že ustvarjen model uporabimo za naslednji projekt. V zaključnem delu magistrske naloge smo še preverjali njegovo zmogljivost glede izračuna statične analize ter prikazali uporabnost tega programa pri izdelavi projektantskih risb v Allplanu 2020 in pri izdelavi statične analize v RM-u.
Keywords: gradbeništvo, parametrično modeliranje, viadukt, Allplan 2020, Allplan Bridge 2020
Published in DKUM: 05.11.2020; Views: 1312; Downloads: 158
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Raziskava buildingSMART IFC Bridge in evalvacija AllPlan Bridge na primeru informacijskega modela mostu Marija Gradec
Sebastijan Kelc, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: V magistrskem delu je predstavljen projekt buildingSMART IFC Bridge, katerega rezultat je podatkovna shema IFC 4x2 Draft1. Osredotočili smo se na konceptualne sklope za mostove in preverili skladnost funkcionalnosti aplikacij Allplan in Allplan Bridge s shemo. V ta namen je bil izdelan informacijski model mostu M1 v Marija Gradcu. V zaključnem delu magistrske naloge so predstavljeni predlogi za izboljšave aplikacij Allplan Bridge in Allplan.
Keywords: IFC Bridge, bridges, Allplan Bridge, parametric modelling
Published in DKUM: 11.10.2019; Views: 1392; Downloads: 257
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An estimation of the passive pressure against integral bridge abutments considering arching effects
Mojtaba Movahedifar, Jafar Bolouri Bazaz, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Most civil engineering structures are subjected to cyclic loading during their service life, such as retaining walls, wave loading on offshore structures, seismic loading and the traffic loading of pavements. In the case of an integral abutment bridge (IAB), as an example, the backfill granular material is subject to slow cyclic stress and strain changes under drained conditions. These bridges are constructed so that the top deck is longitudinally continuous. In other words, IABs are joint-less bridges where the superstructure is connected with the abutment. The rigid connection enables the abutment and superstructure to act as a single structural unit, i.e., the expansion joints which are widely used in traditional bridges are removed in IABs. This removal is mainly due to the high costs of maintenance. The behavior of IABs is dominated by the cyclical temperature changes in the bridge deck. This results in the imposition of cyclical horizontal displacements to the backfill soil of the abutments. The present research is an effort to investigate the induced passive pressure on the IABs, using a laboratory model and an analytical approach. The results indicate that the passive pressure distribution is non-linear and its maximum value along the wall is dependent on the magnitude of the wall rotation and number of cycles. It seems that there are two different mechanisms for this behavior. In the above part of the wall, sand behaves as a plastic material. A decline in the passive pressure in the bottom part, however, is the result of arching.
Keywords: integral abutment bridge, cyclic displacement, passive pressure, arching
Published in DKUM: 14.06.2018; Views: 1056; Downloads: 146
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Razvoj dnevnika potovanj s pomočjo AppInventorja in AppInventor Java Bridge-a
Žan Bezjak, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomski nalogi smo proučili in analizirali orodje AppInventor, predstavili njegove osnove podatke, njegove prednosti in na drugi strani tudi slabosti. Poglobili smo se tudi v knjižnico AppInventor Java Bridge, ki deluje na principu že omenjenega orodja, ter v diplomskem delu izpostavili prednosti in slabosti te knjižnice. Skozi nalogo smo zgradili dve enaki aplikaciji, po eno v vsakem izmed omenjenih orodij, in na ta način preučili podobnosti oziroma razlike med orodjem AppInventor ter knjižnico AppInventor Java Bridge.
Keywords: AppInventor, AppInventor Java Bridge, SQLite, Android Studio, Android
Published in DKUM: 23.09.2016; Views: 1364; Downloads: 88
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