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Parallel self-avoiding walks for a low-autocorrelation binary sequences problem
Borko Bošković, Jana Herzog, Janez Brest, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: A low-autocorrelation binary sequences problem with a high figure of merit factor represents a formidable computational challenge. An efficient parallel computing algorithm is required to reach the new best-known solutions for this problem. Therefore, we developed the sokol solver for the skew-symmetric search space. The developed solver takes the advantage of parallel computing on graphics processing units. The solver organized the search process as a sequence of parallel and contiguous self-avoiding walks and achieved a speedup factor of 387 compared with lssOrel, its predecessor. The sokol solver belongs to stochastic solvers and cannot guarantee the optimality of solutions. To mitigate this problem, we established the predictive model of stopping conditions according to the small instances for which the optimal skew-symmetric solutions are known. With its help and 99% probability, the sokol solver found all the known and seven new best-known skew-symmetric sequences for odd instances from to . For larger instances, the solver cannot reach 99% probability within our limitations, but it still found several new best-known binary sequences. We also analyzed the trend of the best merit factor values, and it shows that as sequence size increases, the value of the merit factor also increases, and this trend is flatter for larger instances.
Keywords: low-autocorrelation binary sequences, self-avoiding walk, graphic processor units, high performance computing
Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 45; Downloads: 3
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Creating playing cards "War" : diplomsko delo
Stefan Aleksoski, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Playing cards stand as remarkably versatile tools, serving as a universal medium for social engagement, drawing individuals together in various settings. In this diploma, we discussed the process of creating a full deck of playing cards, their function and purpose, their elements, their packaging and printing. We analyzed successful deck of cards. In the practical part, we went through the process of creating the deck of playing cards and its packaging.
Keywords: graphic design, playing cards, packaging, illustration, typography
Published in DKUM: 03.06.2024; Views: 247; Downloads: 43
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Flexible test stands based on LabVIEW
Tadej Tašner, Darko Lovrec, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: Research departments and laboratories, as well as industry itself need to become more flexible. They need to adopt new trends and technologies as quickly as possible. It is obvious however, that any hardware should be changed minimally in order to reduce costs and the complexities of any changes necessary. Therefore, any update has to be made mainly by software changes. This article introduces a concept of a transmission test ]stand modified into a hydraulic test ]stand, using the same equipment and changed software based on LabVIEW. LabVIEW uses G programming language with block diagrams which is, compared to a text-based program, easier to understand and update.
Keywords: LabVIEW, test-stand, transmission, hydraulics, graphic programming
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 1445; Downloads: 55
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Tine Tertinek, 2012, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit beschäftigten wir uns mit dem Medium Comic. Dabei wurden einige der wichtigsten Bereiche dieses Mediums behandelt – von der eigentlichen Entstehung bis hin zu der Comic-Adaption, die im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit stand. Die Schwerpunkte der Arbeit stellten aber noch die Comic-Rezeption und die Comic-Elemente dar. Das Ziel der Diplomarbeit war es nämlich zu zeigen, dass der Comic ein literarisches Werk adaptieren und den Inhalt erzählerisch und visuell vermitteln kann, da er über die visuellen Darstellungsmittel, die Comicsprache und auch über Elemente des Films verfügt. In dem theoretischen Teil der Arbeit wurde zunächst ein geschichtlicher Überblick skizziert, wobei Vorläufer des Comics und die Comic-Entwicklung in Amerika und Europa näher besprochen wurden. Es folgte die Definition des Comics und des Cartoons und es wurde dabei noch deren Unterschied erläutert. Da der Comic in verschiedenen medialen Formen verbreitet wird, sind auch diese genannt worden und es wurde vor allem erklärt, was eine Graphic-Novel ist, da es sich bei dem analysierten Werk um diese Gattung handelt. Abschließend wurde noch beschrieben, wie der Comic rezipiert wird, wie er Geschichten erzählt und es wurden die einzelnen Elemente des Comics genannt, die der Rezipient kennen muss, um die Aussage des Comics zu verstehen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde schließlich die Comic-Adaption Die Verwandlung von Eric Corbeyran und Richard Horne analysiert, um zu zeigen, wie sie den Inhalt von Kafkas Erzählung erzählerisch und visuell vermitteln kann.
Keywords: Comic, Cartoon, Graphic-Novel, Kameraeinstellungen (Film), Adaption
Published in DKUM: 27.02.2012; Views: 3069; Downloads: 157
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Simon Zelič, 2010, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu so predstavljene osnove operacijskega sistema Android. Opisane so osnovne komponente, potrebne pri razvoju aplikacij za operacijski sistem Android. Podrobneje sta opisani grafični knjižnici Scalable Graphic Library in OpenGL ES. V praktičnem delu diplomske naloge je predstavljena igra Tetris in naša implementacija igre za operacijski sistem Android. Na podlagi implementirane igre je narejena primerjava uporabe grafičnih knjižnic pri razvoju 2D iger. Za primerjavo učinkovitosti delovanja grafičnih knjižnic so bile opravljene tudi meritve.
Keywords: grafične knjižnice, Scalable Graphic Library, OpenGL ES
Published in DKUM: 06.12.2010; Views: 2027; Downloads: 192
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