Modal verbs can, could and must in the coursebooks for primary schoolTea Žvegla, 2009, undergraduate thesis
Abstract: In my diploma paper I research modal verbs, their functions and types of modality. In the first part I concentrated on all modal verbs, which are the following: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must and ought to or have to. I described the following types of modality: epistemic, deontic and dynamic modality. Then I narrowed my focus on the functions of three most common modal verbs: can, could and must. I defined three functions of can and could, which are ability, permission and possibility, and two functions of must: obligation and logical necessity. At the end of the theoretical part I described some activities, which can help learners to cope with those modal verbs and some characteristics of the curriculum, the syllabus and coursebooks. In the empirical part I analysed the use of modal verbs can, could and must in thirteen coursebooks and thirteen workbooks for the seventh, eighth and ninth grade of primary school in Slovenia.
Keywords: modalni glagoli, tipi modalnosti, funkcije, osnovna šola, učbeniki, delovni zvezki.
Published in DKUM: 19.10.2009; Views: 5330; Downloads: 313
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