1. An Assessment of food value chains to identify gaps and make recommendations for further development: ǂA ǂ Slovenian case studyJernej Prišenk, Jernej Turk, Karmen Pažek, Črtomir Rozman, Andreja Borec, Nejc Zidar, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The content of this paper presents the research results of a three-year research project in
which a multi-criteria evaluation model (according to the DEX methodology) was developed for
the evaluation of three different food sectors (represented by a cattle breeding chain, a pig farming
chain, and a milk production chain) with added value in Slovenia. Indicators for the assessment
of the economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable development of food chains were
taken into account. The data for the analysis, such as prices and costs of food, wage levels by sector,
food miles and others, were obtained from various public services between 2020 and 2023. The
final qualitative assessment of the food sectors was uniform (“average”), while the longest analysis
of the results using the plus-minus-1 analysis method showed the reasons for such an assessment
in individual sectors (such as the ratio between the price of agricultural products and the price of
agricultural inputs is poor, the ratio between average gross salary in the individual food sector and
gross salary in the agricultural sector is poor, etc.). In addition to the results already mentioned,
recommendations or suggestions for building a sustainable food chain were made using the results of
the modelling. The research results contributed to a better understanding of the importance of stable
relationships between different groups of indicators and later showed their importance for improving
the functioning of agri-food chains. The results of the research will help various stakeholders (such
as the agricultural advisory service, decision-makers at the level of agricultural policy, researchers
in further analyses, and especially the international professional public interested in various case
studies from EU countries) to further analyse and plan for the organisation of the agricultural sector. Keywords: food sectors, value added, DEX methodology, plus-minus-1 analysis, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 29.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 8
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2. Mapping users' experience of a family history and genetic risk algorithm tool in primary careŠpela Miroševič, Kaja Krajc, Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš, Polona Selič-Zupančič, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Introduction: The development of a family history (FH) questionnaire (FHQ) provides an insight into a patient's familiarity of a trait and helps to identify individuals at increased risk of disease. A critical aspect of developing a new tool is exploring users' experience.
Objective: The objective of this study was to examine users' experience, obstacles and challenges, and their views and concerns in the applicability of a new tool for determining genetic risk in Slovenia's primary care.
Methods: We used a qualitative approach. The participants completed a risk assessment software questionnaire that calculates users' likelihood of developing familial diseases. Audio-taped semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted to evaluate their experience. There were 21 participants, and analyses using the constant comparative method were employed.
Results: We identified 3 main themes: obstacles/key issues, suggestions for improvements, and coping. The participants were poorly satisfied with the clarity of instructions, technical usability problems, and issues with the entry of relatives' data. They expressed satisfaction with some of the characteristics of the FHQ (e.g., straightforward and friendly format, easy entry, and comprehension). They suggested simpler language, that the disease risk should be targeted toward the disease, that the FHQ should include patient-specific recommendations, and that it should be part of the electronic medical records. When discussing what would they do with the results of the FHQ, the participants used different coping strategies: active (e.g., seeking information) or passive (e.g., avoidance).
Discussion/conclusion: User experience was shown to be a synthesis of obstacles, overcoming them with suggestions for improvements, and exploration of various coping mechanisms that may emerge from dealing with the stressor of "being at risk." Keywords: primary healthcare, family history, qualitative methodology Published in DKUM: 01.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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3. Understanding cognitive transport mode choice structures : means-ends chains as a type of second-order cyberneticsTomaž Kolar, Iztok Kolar, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Purpose: This paper aims to inform the promotion of sustainable modes of transport. For this purpose, it deploys a means-ends framework as a type of second-order cybernetics and uses it to explore cognitive transport mode choice structures.
Design/methodology/approach: The empirical study relies on a purposive sample and a qualitative research methodology known as laddering. It is aimed at the identification and comparative analysis of the cognitive means-ends structures of transport users.
Findings: The results reveal more positive and complex associations for the car than for public transport. Two main positive means-ends structures are identified for public transport, one related with the relaxation and the other with doing useful things while travelling. Dominant positive structures for the car are related with self-confidence, satisfaction and personal freedom. Negative means-ends structures in addition reveal important justifications and rationalizations for car use.
Practical implications: Based on the identified distinct means-ends elements and structures, this study holds important implications for developing a communications strategy and policy interventions seeking to promote public transport.
Originality/value: Means-ends theory is proposed as an integrative cybernetic framework for the study of stakeholders' (customers') mental models. The empirical study is the first to concurrently and comparatively examine positive and negative means-ends chains for the car and for the public transport modes. Keywords: public transport, second-order cybernetics, laddering methodology, means-ends theory, private car, mental models, personal values, marketing, consumer Published in DKUM: 27.08.2024; Views: 93; Downloads: 11
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4. Methodology for estimating the effect of traffic flow management on fuel consumption and CO2 production : a case study of Celje, SloveniaBorut Jereb, Ondrej Stopka, Tomáš Skrúcaný, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The manuscript discusses the investigation of vehicle flow in a predesignated junction byan appropriate traffic flow management with an effort to minimize fuel consumption, the productionof CO2, an essential greenhouse gas (hereinafter referred to as GHG), and related transport costs.The particular research study was undertaken in a frequented junction in the city of Celje, located in the eastern part of Slovenia. The results obtained summarize data on consumed fuel and produced CO2 amounts depending on the type of vehicle, traffic flow mixture, traffic light signal plan, andactual vehicle velocity. These values were calculated separately for three different conditions of traffic flow management. Amounts of fuel consumed were experimentally investigated in real traffic situations, whereas CO2 production was calculated by applying the actual European standardentitled EN 16258:2012 associated with a guideline for measuring emission values, as well as by examining specific traffic flow parameters. The key objective of the manuscript is to present multiple scenarios towards striving to minimize environmental impacts and improve transport operation's economic consequences when implementing proper traffic flow management. As for crucial findings, we quantified fuel consumption and CO2 emissions based on real data on the number and type of vehicles crossing the examined intersection and traffic light switching intervals. The results show that most of the CO2 was produced while waiting and in the accelerating phase in front of traffic lights, whereby in the running phase through the intersection, significantly less fuel was used. This study represents a mosaic fragment of research addressing endeavors to reduce CO2 production in urban transport. Following the experiments conducted, we can see a notable contribution towards reducing CO2 production with known and tested interventions in the existing transport infrastructure. A procedure embracing individual research steps may be deemed as an approach methodology dealing with traffic flow management with an aim to decrease the environmental and economic impacts oftraffic and transport operation; this is where the novelty of the research lies. Keywords: traffic flow management, urban transport, CO2 production, greenhouse gas, fuel consumption, methodology, logistics, crossroads Published in DKUM: 19.08.2024; Views: 82; Downloads: 9
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5. A conceptual model for measuring a circular economy of seaports: a case study on Antwerp and Koper portsRebeka Kovačič Lukman, Kristijan Brglez, Damjan Krajnc, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: This paper introduces a conceptual model for evaluating seaports’ acceleration towards the circular economy. The model is based on the identification and definition of circular economy indicators, weighted according to the 9 R-strategy transitions towards the circular economy. We have employed the analytical hierarchy process for weight detection and further calculations of the final seaport circularity value. Our results suggest conceptual validity and provide a detailed insight into the circular activities of the seaports from the indicators, as well as 9 Rs and sustainability perspectives. Keywords: circular economy, ports, methodology, circular economy indicators, Koper, Antwerp Published in DKUM: 19.06.2024; Views: 174; Downloads: 8
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6. Influence of Al2O3 nanoparticles addition in ZA-27 alloy-based nanocomposites and soft computing predictionAleksandar Vencl, Petr Svoboda, Simon Klančnik, Adrian But, Miloš Vorkapić, Marta Harničárová, Blaža Stojanović, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Three different and very small amounts of alumina (0.2, 0.3 and 0.5 wt. %) in two sizes (approx. 25 and 100 nm) were used to enhance the wear characteristics of ZA-27 alloy-based nanocomposites. Production was realised through mechanical alloying in pre-processing and compocasting processes. Wear tests were under lubricated sliding conditions on a block-on-disc tribometer, at two sliding speeds (0.25 and 1 m/s), two normal loads (40 and 100 N) and a sliding distance of 1000 m. Experimental results were analysed by applying the response surface methodology (RSM) and a suitable mathematical model for the wear rate of tested nanocomposites was developed. Appropriate wear maps were constructed and the wear mechanism is discussed in this paper. The accuracy of the prediction was evaluated with the use of an artificial neural network (ANN). The architecture of the used ANN was 4-5-1 and the obtained overall regression coefficient was 0.98729. The comparison of the predicting methods showed that ANN is more efficient in predicting wear. Keywords: ZA-27 alloy, Al2O3 nanoparticles, nanocomposites, wear, response surface methodology, artificial neural network Published in DKUM: 20.03.2024; Views: 239; Downloads: 11
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7. Implementing a business idea: an example of a business model for a digital marketing agencyTomaž Gjergjek, 2022, undergraduate thesis Abstract: In the diploma thesis, we researched the process of implementing a business idea, mainly because we live in a rapidly changing digital world, where more and more individuals opt for entrepreneurship, yet many business ideas remain unrealized due to lack of knowledge about the implementation process. We prepared a business model for the development and implementation of our business idea, namely the establishment of a digital marketing agency where we will provide services related to support in digital marketing and IT solutions. In the first part of the thesis, we defined the development and generation of business ideas in more detail, presented the ways to assess business opportunities, defined the importance of a properly designed business model, presented the models for assessing the value of business ideas, defined the general importance of a business plan, presented different types of business structures and possible ways of obtaining financial resources when starting a new company. In the following, we analyzed modern methods of developing a new business referring to the lean start-up method which is currently considered an innovative approach to business development in the world of entrepreneurship. We then compared the lean start-up method with the traditional business planning approach, analyzed key arguments, and formed an opinion on an approach that is suitable for the implementation of our business idea. In the empirical part, we developed our business idea according to the "lean" canvas business model with the corresponding financial plan. With the help of this model, we tested the viability of our business idea. In each segment of the "lean" canvas business model, we wrote down in detail the factors that we obtained from the research. We found that the lean start-up method with associated financial plan is a suitable method for developing our business idea. The reason for this is that we will be operating in a global market where the competition is very high, which consequently makes our business idea time sensitive. We have also found that the financial plan used in the traditional approach should not be completely neglected, mainly because of the insight into costs, revenues, and possible opportunities for obtaining external funds. With the help of the mentioned method and the analysis of the financial side of our business idea, we found that our business idea will be profitable, and that the business idea can be realized with the set investment. Keywords: business idea, business model, lean start-up methodology, digital marketing. Published in DKUM: 30.11.2022; Views: 955; Downloads: 90
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8. Corporate governance of slovenian and german telecommunications companiesNatalija Pauman, 2019, master's thesis Abstract: In the master’s thesis we researched corporate governance and the quality of corporate governance. Corporate governance and management of organizations stem from the need and the desire for the existence and development of an organization. It is necessary to establish certain kind of monitoring and controlling in organizations, which we define with the term “corporate governance”. Corporate governance is the system of regulating and controlling corporate conduct and of balancing interests of all shareholders and other stakeholders to which company has influence. The interests of directors and shareholders may be in contrast. The purpose of corporate governance is to find a way to satisfy the interest of both, the board of directors and the shareholders, and at the same time to create long-team and sustainable growth for the company. Corporate governance is extremely important for individual organizations and, consequently, for their business. Compering different organizations, their corporate governance is done in different ways. Corporate governance in developed countries and leading economies is certainly different than in smaller and less developed countries. In this case, arises a question what kind of corporate governance can be labelled as “good” or “first-class” corporate governance. In order to improve corporate governance practices, various legal regulations and other forms of binding and less binding rules, recommendations, codes and standards have been developed. Quality is extremely important for organizations, therefore several methods, methodologies and indexes for measuring the quality of corporate governance have been developed. The purpose of methods is to evaluate and compare the quality of corporate governance between individual companies and between different countries. The results can serve for developing measures to improve corporate governance practices. At the same time, findings can serve to modify and supplement existing legislation and recommendations. The corporate governance index, as a measure of the quality of corporate governance processes, can also be one of the important indicators of the company's potential in order to access to new sources of capital and to reduce the capital´s costs in comparison with other companies. The main purpose of the master's thesis is to study corporate governance and its impact on the business of Slovenian and German telecommunication companies. We make comparison between following companies: Telekom Slovenije, d.d., A1 Slovenija, d.d., Deutsche Telekom AG and Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG. The quality of corporate governance in selected companies was measured with the SEECGAN methodology and index. The methodology was designed to measure the quality of corporate governance. It ensures transparency and provides a structured overview of the main areas of corporate governance between different companies. In empirical part of master’s thesis, we found out that Telekom Slovenije, d.d. has "first-class" quality of corporate governance, A1 Slovenia, d.d. has a "good" quality of corporate governance, Deutsche Telekom AG has a "first-class" quality of corporate governance and Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG has a "good" quality of corporate governance. We found out that both countries have companies with “first-class” and “good” corporate governance. The quality of corporate governance is not related to the national origin or country of operation of the company. One of the main finding of the analysis is that there are no significant differences between the quality of corporate governance in specific areas of SEECGAN index in Slovenian and German companies. Keywords: corporate governance, quality of corporate governance, telecommunication companies, public stock companies, SEECGAN index and methodology, measuring the quality of corporate governance Published in DKUM: 24.10.2019; Views: 1226; Downloads: 114
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9. The development of sustainable mobility plan (SUMP), example for city of Sinj, CroatiaAnđelo Marunica, 2019, master's thesis Abstract: SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan) is an innovative way of planning urban traffic in order to meet the needs of citizens in a sustainable way. Unlike the traditional approach to traffic planning, SUMP places a special emphasis on citizen and other stakeholders involvement and participation, in which different decisions regarding various sectors such as traffic, spatial planning, economic development, social activities, health, safety, energy, etc. are coordinated . The SUMP concept for the city of Sinj proposes 30 measures compiled in 6 themed packages, which are expected to greatly improve the quality of traffic in the city, in addition to reducing air pollution and improving the quality of life for residents of Sinj, while simultaneously, to a certain extent, stimulating economic growth and reversing demographic decline which is currently affecting the municipality of Sinj. Keywords: SUMP, city of Sinj, sustainable mobility plan, sustainable mobility, sustainable mobility planning methodology Published in DKUM: 23.09.2019; Views: 1168; Downloads: 111
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10. Systems methodology for strategic decision-making in complex healthcare systemTadeja Jere Lazanski, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: Systems methodology as a support for strategic decision- making will be discussed in the paper. A society will be presented as a complex system, which is comprised of many smaller, complex systems as its component parts. The healthcare system is one of them. The support to the strategic decision-making in a healthcare system will be shown through systems thinking and systems modelling. We will develop models of a healthcare system in frame of a systems dynamics; a qualitative causal loop diagram (CLD), which helps us to discuss the challenges categorically and a quantitative model, which is a simulation model. Both models illustrate the discussed methodology. Keywords: systems methodology, healthcare system, strategic decision-making, systems thinking, modelling Published in DKUM: 09.10.2018; Views: 1565; Downloads: 76
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