1. Names in literary translation : a case study of English versions of the Slovenian tale Martin KrpanDarja Mazi Leskovar, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: This article presents three English translations of the Slovenian tale Martin Krpan z Vrha (1858) by Fran Levstik and focuses on the translation of personal and geographical names with the aim of examining the application of domestication and foreignization translation strategies. The comparative analysis of the English names aims to find out if the cultural gap between the source and the target cultures has been diminishing over the years. The study also highlights the role of the chronotope that gives the work, one of the most frequently translated Slovenian texts, a distinctive cultural character. Keywords: English translations of Martin Krpan, comparative analysis of translated name, domestication and foreignization strategies, chronotope, Slovene literature, literary translation Published in DKUM: 30.11.2017; Views: 1360; Downloads: 168
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2. Is Jamie Oliver “Easy Peasy” in Slovene?Metka Lovrin, 2013, original scientific article Abstract: The research aims to identify the idiolectal features in selected cookbooks by Jamie Oliver (The Naked Chef, Happy Days with the Naked Chef and Jamie’s Ministry of Food), and how they were rendered into Slovene by Oliver’s translators. As a theoretical basis, it relies on Koller’s three– stage model for analyzing the original and the translation. The paper also confronts the problems that arise from cultural differences between Slovene and British culture. Lexical items are layered into independent categories in the form of concentric circles to denote quantity, significance and interconnection. Within these layers, I focus on specific analysis of expressions under the influence of word–formation, pop culture, gender specific language, onomatopoeia, phonetic symbolism, deliberate inaccuracy, comparison, informal and colloquial language, and creative instances such as “the icky factor”, “childish intimacy” and “the Peter–Pan–syndrome”. The translator’s subjective point of view was also taken into consideration. Keywords: Jamie Oliver, Luka Novak, Tadej Zupančič, idiolect, cookbook, comparative analysis, translation Published in DKUM: 16.05.2017; Views: 1539; Downloads: 389
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3. Slovenian Entrepreneurship Observatory 2002Miroslav Rebernik, Dijana Močnik, Jožica Knez-Riedl, Karin Širec, Matej Rus, Polona Tominc, Tadej Krošlin, final research report Abstract: Observatory provides an overview and analysis of the current situation in small and medium-sized enterprises in 2001. The situation in Slovenia was compared to that of SMEs in the European Union. In doing this, data gathered in the Observatory of European SMEs has been used, together with its basic methodology, which consists of three areas: standard topics included in the report every year, special in-depth studies chosen each year, and various other topics that may vary through time or represent a supplement to the existing relevant topics. The publication provides a standard review of Slovenian entrepreneurship in 2001 and a detailed description of tax incentives, administrative burdens for small and medium-sized enterprises in the area of recruitment and social responsibility of SMEs. The survey that was carried out was based on 1,153 analyzed responses, which were acquired by sending out 8,176 questionnaires. Study show that Slovenian small and medium-sized enterprises are more often involved in responsible social activities than European one, but also that almost half of small enterprises do not invest in research and development. Our research has also shown high administrative burdens faced by SMEs. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Business demography, Comparative analysis, Small and Medium-sized enterprises, Social responsibility, Administrative burdens Published in DKUM: 18.01.2017; Views: 1492; Downloads: 195
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4. BEHAVIORAL SHIFTS IN THE TRANSLATIONS OF SELECTED PICTURE BOOKSMetka Lovrin, 2015, master's thesis Abstract: The purpose of the MA thesis was to explore three English picture books (Sometimes I Like to Curl up in a Ball, The Slurpy Burpy Bear and The Gruffalo) and their Slovene translations (Včasih se rad kotalim kakor žoga, Rigajoči medved and Zverjasec) in regard to inappropriate child behavior which is usually deemed socially unacceptable by adults. Therefore, the aim of my qualitative research was to scrutinize such behavioral occurrences by using comparative and hermeneutic analysis, and to provide inductive reasons with thick description as to why these translation shifts occurred. The empirical part, in which I analyzed relevant sample passages in verbal (and visual) context, has led me to three major categories: “Discrepancy between Childish Authenticity and Social Values”, “Politeness” and “Demonization”. These revealed that corrective changes cannot be applied to Slovene picture book translation in general, but are subject to the individual translator’s child image. Keywords: Picture book, translation, comparative analysis, inappropriate behavior, child image. Published in DKUM: 11.08.2016; Views: 1717; Downloads: 158
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5. A CLASH OF WORDS: TRANSLATING AN ALTERNATIVE WORLD FICTIONAndrej Zupanič, 2014, undergraduate thesis Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to determine a comparative stylistic model that can be used in literary translation for analysing texts of a specific genre: alternative world fiction. The model consists of two parts, general stylistic analysis of prose fiction and specific stylistic analysis of alternative world fiction, which depend on the stylistic approaches suggested by Leech and Short, and Sandig and Sowinski, as well as Mandala’s study of language in science fiction and fantasy. This is put to empiric use on the basis of George R. R. Martin’s heroic fantasy A Clash of Kings, translated into Slovene by Branko Gradišnik. The thesis confronts the source text (original) with the target text (translation) from general as well as specific stylistic viewpoints. However, the emphasis of this stylistic analysis lies on the latter part that is text- and/or genre-specific. Within this part of the analysis, attention is directed toward geographic, character and other proper names, text- or genre-specific lexical and grammatical categories, use of archaic forms and language contact. These categories are considered from the translation viewpoint, thus revealing certain problems a translator faces while translating and/or adapting certain terms. The analysis merges literary linguistics with literary translation and confronts these with translator’s creative freedom, an artistic function every literary translator should posses. The thesis thus deals in its separate parts with word-formation, grammatical structures, the lexicon of British and American English, archaisms and fictive languages, and compares them with corresponding translations. These comparisons are then used to yield important stylistic revelations a translator should abide while translating alternative world fiction. Keywords: alternative world fiction, Branko Gradišnik, Boštjan Gorenc, comparative analysis, fantasy, George R. R. Martin, literary translation, style, science fiction Published in DKUM: 15.01.2015; Views: 1982; Downloads: 174
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6. A comparative analysis of adjectives in the novel The Great Gatsby and the historical text A History of WomenJasmina Romanić, 2011, undergraduate thesis Abstract: The theme of this graduation thesis is a comparative analysis of adjectives in the novel The Great Gatsby and the historical text A History of Women. The purpose was to theoretically define and classify adjectives according to position, formation, grading, and semantic grouping; and to use this theory for a comparative analysis. Therefore, the main structure of theoretical part of the thesis is based on Biber’s Grammar of spoken and written English, and Blaganje’s Modern English Grammar. The principal object was to find out differences between adjectives in literary and non-literary texts, in this case between the novel The Great Gatsby and the historical text A History of Women. The results showed that in the selected sample of seven pages of both texts there are 51% more adjectives in The Great Gatsby than in A History of Women, and that in both texts attributive adjectives predominate. A History of Women has 1% more of attributive adjectives than The Great Gatsby. The research was carried out manually, while the statistical results are shown in graphs made by a computer. The methods used in thesis are the descriptive method and causal non-experimenting method. Keywords: position of adjectives, formation of adjectives, grading of adjectives, semantic grouping of adjectives, a comparative analysis of adjectives in The Great Gatsby and A History of Women Published in DKUM: 28.02.2012; Views: 3164; Downloads: 199
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7. Is Jamie Oliver still "easy peasy" in Slovene?Metka Lovrin, 2011, undergraduate thesis Abstract: The thesis aims to determine what are the idiolectal features from selected cookbooks by Jamie Oliver (The Naked Chef, Happy Days with the Naked Chef and Jamie’s Ministry of Food), and how they were rendered into Slovene by Oliver’s translators—Novak and Zupančič. As a theoretical basis, it relies on Koller’s three-stage model of analyzing the original and the translation. The thesis also confronts the problems that arise from the cultural differences between Slovene and British culture, which is nowadays fairly unknown in the (American) globalized world. Specific lexical items are layered into independent categories in the form of concentric circles to denote quantity, significance and interconnection. Within these layers, I devoted myself to specific analysis of expressions under the influence of word-formation, pop culture, gender specific language, onomatopoeia, phonetic symbolism, deliberate inaccuracy, comparison, informal and colloquial language, and creative instances such as “the icky factor”, “childish intimacy” and “the Peter-Pan-syndrome”. Furthermore, a translation is always subjected to the translator’s own idiolect; so, the research also takes this factor into consideration. Keywords: Jamie Oliver, Luka Novak, Tadej Zupančič, idiolect, cookbook, comparative analysis, translation Published in DKUM: 18.11.2011; Views: 3375; Downloads: 257
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