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Delovanje erp rešitev v računalniškem oblaku
Nina Margon, 2013, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V 21. stoletju je tehnološki napredek dosegel že zelo veliko. Pojavljati so se začeli vedno novi in novi trendi, ki silijo podjetja k spreminjanju in posodabljanju svojega poslovanja in k novim trendom, ki jih narekuje trg. Podjetja, ki se slabo prilagajajo razmeram na trgu, so običajno tista, ki ne preživijo in jih pokoplje konkurenca. Ravno iz tega razloga je potrebno, predvsem za podjetja, spremljati trg na katerem se nahajajo in se mu prilagajati, zaznati spremembe in jih čim prej odpraviti, da podjetje lahko nemoteno posluje naprej ter jih konkurenca ne prehiti.
Keywords: Računalništvo v oblaku, ERP rešitve, Cloud Computing, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Published in DKUM: 18.10.2023; Views: 436; Downloads: 13
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A Comparison of Traditional and Modern Data Warehouse Architectures : zaključno delo
Rok Virant, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Data has never been as desired or valued as it is today. The value of data and information over the past decade has not only changed trends in business and the IT industry but has also changed the dynamic of work. Enormous amounts of aggregate data offer companies and other corporations the option to explore and study data samples. Data collection and information processing are new dynamic factors, not only for individuals but also for corporations. Companies and corporations who are able to process large amounts of data in the shortest possible time can place themselves in a leading position in certain professions. In this bachelor’s thesis we will describe the basic concepts and factors that have shaped new, cloud-based data warehouse technologies. At the same time, we also emphasize why and how these technologies are used. We focus on how the changing technology influenced the users and their consumption of data, the changing dynamics of work as well as the changes of data itself. In the practical part, we created two DWH environments (on-premises and cloud) that we compare with each other. In the experiment, we underlined the fact that CDWHs are in certain situations not always faster than TDWH.
Keywords: Data Warehouses, Cloud Computing, Outsourcing, Data, Information
Published in DKUM: 18.10.2021; Views: 1121; Downloads: 179
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Cloud Computing Deployment and Management : A Collection of Exercises and Tasks with Solutions
Aleš Zamuda, other educational material

Abstract: The subject Cloud Computing Deployment and Management is included in the second-cycle Bologna Study Programme Computer Science and Information Technologies as a full-time study unit. This document presents study material for computer exercises in this subject. After an introduction, then individual tasks with solutions to the computer exercises in the subsequent chapters are provided. This is followed by a list of archived files containing the computer format of the provided solutions.
Keywords: cloud computing, virtualization, parallel programming, distributed programming, virtual computing environments, high-performance computing
Published in DKUM: 11.09.2020; Views: 1453; Downloads: 70
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Attachments : Computing deployment and management : a collection of exercises and tasks with solutions
Aleš Zamuda, 2020, complete scientific database of research data

Abstract: The subject Cloud computing deployment and management is included in the second-level of Bologna study program Computer Science and Information Technology as a full-time study unit. This document presents study material for computer exercises in this subject.
Keywords: Cloud computing, compiter clouds, exercises
Published in DKUM: 09.09.2020; Views: 6263; Downloads: 937
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Celovite informacijske rešitve v oblaku za mala in srednje velika podjetja
Primož Kohek, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: Živimo v času informacij, hitrega tempa življenja, nenehnih sprememb, izboljšav tehnologije ter optimizacije. Optimiziramo poslovne procese, ljudi ter prav tako samo poslovanje. Danes ena najpomembnejših poslovnih rešitev je celovita informacijska rešitev, znana kot ERP (angl. Enterprise Resource Planning). ERP rešitev avtomatizira poslovne procese in nudi podporo proizvodnji, nabavi, financam, računovodstvu itd. Avtomatizira procese, vnos podatkov je enkraten. Na trgu je veliko ponudnikov ERP rešitev. Da bi poslovali s čim manjšimi stroški in bili bolj prilagodljivi, konkurenčni, se poslovanje seli v t. i. računalništvo v oblaku (angl. Cloud Computing). Veliko malih in srednje velikih podjetij se odloča za ta korak, saj če želimo biti uspešni in konkurenčni ter korak pred drugimi, moramo delovati hitro, se hitro prilagoditi trgu, strankam ter slediti trendom, spremembam, biti mobilni. V magistrskem delu smo najprej predstavili, kaj so ERP rešitve, opisali smo zgodovinski razvoj ERP rešitev, njihovo zgradbo, opisali smo svetovni trg ERP rešitev, predstavili trende ERP rešitev, opredelili računalništvo v oblaku, katere so prednosti in slabosti računalništva v oblaku, katere plasti računalništva v oblaku imamo, katere tipe oblakov imamo, kakšne so značilnosti IT rešitev v oblaku. Predstavili smo ERP rešitve v oblaku, kakšne so njihove prednosti in slabosti, kako je glede varnosti v oblaku. Predstavili smo tudi, kako poteka uvedba ERP rešitev v oblaku, kateri so razlogi za uvedbo, kakšen je postopek uvedbe, katere pristope poznamo, kako dolgo traja uvedba in kakšni so stroški te ter kdaj je uvedba uspešna. Predstavili smo tri svetovno znane ponudnike ERP rešitev v oblaku: podjetja SAP, Oracle ter Microsoft. Omejili smo se na njihove rešitve za mala in srednje velika podjetja; te so: SAP BUSINESS ONE, ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE ter MICROSOFT DYNAMICS 365 BUSINESS CENTRAL. Primerjali smo jih po arhitekturi, po modulih ter po metodologiji uvajanja. Ugotovili smo, da so si v osnovi izbrane ERP rešitve zelo podobne, imajo podobne module. Vsak ponudnik ERP rešitve ima svojo metodologijo uvajanja.
Keywords: ERP rešitve v oblaku, Cloud Computing, uvedba ERP, oblak, SAP BUSINESS ONE, ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE, MICROSOFT DYNAMICS 365
Published in DKUM: 18.03.2019; Views: 1788; Downloads: 1050
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The importance of business model factors for cloud computing adoption : role of previous experiences
Kristina Bogataj Habjan, Andreja Pucihar, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Background and Purpose: Bringing several opportunities for more effective and efficient IT governance and service exploitation, cloud computing is expected to impact the European and global economies significantly. Market data show that despite many advantages and promised benefits the adoption of cloud computing is not as fast and widespread as foreseen. This situation shows the need for further exploration of the potentials of cloud computing and its implementation on the market. The purpose of this research was to identify individual business model factors with the highest impact on cloud computing adoption. In addition, the aim was to identify the differences in opinion regarding the importance of business model factors on cloud computing adoption according to companies’ previous experiences with cloud computing services. Methodology: Based on literature review, prior research results, and interviews with cloud computing providers and users, a research model was developed. Statistical analysis focused on identification of factors’ importance on cloud computing adoption and differences in opinions according to respondents’ previous experiences with cloud computing services. The study was done among 80 companies and five major cloud computing providers in Slovenia. Results: The research results reveal statistically significant differences in opinions on the importance of cloud computing business model factors according to respondents’ previous experiences with cloud computing services. The results can provide orientation for redesign or innovation of existing business models towards the creation of a customer-oriented business model for the more successful exploitation of cloud computing services and business opportunities. For potential users, the findings represent guidelines for the successful adoption of cloud computing services. Conclusions: In our research, the investigated business model factors could be classified into so-called “business model organizational factors”, as they primarily need to be considered by cloud service providers when defining or innovating their business models. For future research, the model should also include the impact of environmental factors, such as Competition, Business Partners, Legislation, Economic Situation, in order to investigate their impact on cloud adoption.
Keywords: cloud computing adoption, SaaS, IaaS, business model factors
Published in DKUM: 01.09.2017; Views: 1828; Downloads: 233
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Awareness of cloud computing in Slovenian and Croatian micro-enterprises
Borut Werber, Marina Klačmer Čalopa, Igor Pihir, Anja Žnidaršič, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents a comparison of the two studies conducted in Slovenian and Croatian micro-enterprises (µE) about the awareness of the cloud computing (CC). We were interested in the issues relating to the characteristics of µE and the latter's use of information and communication technology (ICT) in business processes. Also, the characteristics of owners and µE were investigated. We found that the results obtained in the two countries were similar. In both cases, the most important CC characteristics were reliability, security and performance. Given that CC could represent a good business opportunity for µE, some managerial implications are proposed.
Keywords: comparison, cloud computing, cloud computing services, micro-enterprise
Published in DKUM: 03.08.2017; Views: 1199; Downloads: 101
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