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Vpliv srednjega managementa na delovanje podjetij
Davorin Cingesar, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu je opisano delovanje srednjega managementa in vpliv delovanja srednjega managementa na delovanje visokega in nižjega managementa. Prikazano je kako je z različnih perspektiv srednji management kritiziran in kako lahko z dobro organizacijsko strukturo ter izbiro pravega kadra, pravočasno implementacijo sprememb in novosti ter efektivnim prenosom legitimnih informacij po hierarhičnih ravneh navzgor in navzdol v bistvu ravno srednji management pripomore k izboljšanemu delovanju podjetja.
Keywords: Management, srednji management, vodenje, motiviranje, management kadra, downsizing srednjega managementa, operativni management, strateški management
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Trajnostno upravljanje človeških virov: primerjalna analiza Slovenije in Evropske unije
Janja Vasilić, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V času, ko se organizacije po vsem svetu soočajo z naraščajočimi zahtevami po trajnostnem razvoju, postaja ključno vprašanje, kako lahko prakse upravljanja človeških virov prispevajo k tem ciljem. Trajnostno upravljanje človeških virov podpira doseganje ciljev trajnostnega razvoja z implementacijo praks, ki prispevajo k dostojnemu delu, zmanjševanju neenakosti, spodbujanju enakih možnosti in izboljšanju delovnih pogojev. Organizacije, ki uspešno vključujejo trajnostne prakse, ne samo izboljšujejo svojo konkurenčnost, ampak tudi krepijo svojo vlogo v širši družbi z ustvarjanjem pozitivnih ekonomskih, socialnih in okoljskih učinkov. V diplomskem delu smo analizirali trajnostne prakse upravljanja človeških virov in njihov vpliv na uspešnost organizacij v Sloveniji ter izbranih državah Evropske unije. Osredotočili smo se na vlogo teh praks pri doseganju ciljev trajnostnega razvoja, kot so enakost spolov, dostojno delo in zmanjševanje neenakosti. Izvedli smo primerjalno analizo med Slovenijo in članicami Evropske unije in dobili vpogled v napredek oziroma zaostanek Slovenije v doseganju trajnostnih ciljev v primerjavi s članicami Evropske unije.
Keywords: management človeških virov, strateški management človeških virov, trajnostni management človeških virov, cilji trajnostnega razvoja
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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The role of strategic management in the business success of sports organizations: Research of Celje football club in the 2022/23 and 2023/24 seasons
Nikolay Rzhevskiy, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: This diploma illustrates that the success of FC Celje is not merely the result of on-field talent but a comprehensive strategic management framework that supports and enhances every aspect of the club's operations. By examining the club's strategic management practices of the past two seasons, this study provides valuable insights into how sports organizations can achieve and sustain success through effective management practices, financial management, talent development, and community engagement. This thesis's findings underscore that the success of any organization begins with a well-defined strategy. Strategic management provides the framework for setting long-term goals, aligning resources, and navigating the complexities of the sports industry. However, the study also brings to light the equally important role of operational management. The insights gained from the experience of FC Celje demonstrate that a holistic approach, combining strategic and operational management, is essential for achieving and sustaining success. By understanding and applying these principles, sports organizations can build a solid foundation for long-term growth, improve their competitive edge, and enhance their overall performance. This thesis offers a practical guide for other clubs seeking to replicate the success of FC Celje, emphasizing the importance of strategic foresight coupled with meticulous operational execution.
Keywords: strategic management. management of sports organizations. strategic planning.
Published in DKUM: 20.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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Analiza dejavnosti managementa kakovosti po pandemiji covid-19
Ema Bremšak, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomski nalogi smo preučevali in se osredotočali na to, kakšen vpliv imajo posledice pandemije covida-19 na samo kakovost delovanja podjetij. V zaključni nalogi smo pregledali, kakšno je stanje podjetij po pandemiji covida-19, s kakšnimi problemi se spopadajo in ali se je sistem kakovosti kaj prilagodil na osnovi spoznanj med celotno pandemijo. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo predstavili domačo in tujo strokovno literaturo s področja managementa kakovosti in s področja pandemije covida-19. Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativnem pristopu, ki se je izvedla s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Namen diplomske naloge je preučiti, kakšen vpliv imajo posledice pandemije covida-19 na samo kakovost delovanja podjetij. Anketirali smo zaposlene na vodilnih delovnih mestih pri določenih slovenskih podjetjih. Na anketo se je odzvalo 40 različnih slovenskih podjetij ter njihove rezultate tudi analizirali. Po opravljeni raziskavi smo ugotovili, da so se podjetja po končani pandemiji covida-19 zelo dobro prilagodila. Stanje po pandemiji se je vidno izboljšalo pri izvajanju skoraj vseh aktivnosti glede kakovosti. Malenkost večje težave pa so se pokazale na področju kakovostnega delovanja pri aktivnosti glede časa cikla od prejema surovin do odpreme končnih izdelkov. Pri tej aktivnosti smo iz rezultatov raziskave razbrali, da se je izvajanje poslabšalo. Ugotovili smo, da se logistika surovin še ni popolnoma uredila in so še vedno prisotne zamude in težave.
Keywords: management kakovosti, pandemija covid-19, posledice
Published in DKUM: 15.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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Impact of work-family balance results on employee work engagement within the organization : the case of Slovenia
Jasmina Žnidaršič, Mojca Bernik, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Background and purpose: Organizations strive to increase the work engagement of their employees, as engaged employees are more productive employees, but often neglect the significant effects of work-family balance on work engagement. Numerous studies confirm the importance of work-family balance and work engagement, but there is lack of research that explores the relationship between the concepts. Our research fills a research gap in investigating the impact of work-family balance on work engagement, both directly and through individual perceptions of organizational support for work-family balance. The main aim of our research is to empirically test the relationships between the policies and practices of organizations regarding work-family balance, work-life balance and work engagement. Methods: Using validated questionnaires, we collected data on organizational support for work-family balance (family-friendly policies and practices, support by leader, support by co-workers, working hours and complexity of work), work-family balance and work engagement. The quantitative data for our analysis was collected through a survey of 343 online participants who were employees in various positions in companies in Slovenia. The results: Our results show that the organization's work-family balance policies and practices, such as support by leader, co-workers, and family-friendly policies and practices, have a positive impact on the individual's work-family balance, that work-family balance leads to an increase in work engagement, and that the individual's perception of the organization's work-family balance support leads to an increase in work engagement. Conclusion: Knowledge of important work-family balance implications with an understanding of organizational support for work-family balance and the relationships between the constructs of work-family balance and work engagement can be beneficial to business leaders. This understanding can help them to strengthen employee work engagement through family-friendly policies and practices, and thereby contributing to the area of employee behavior and improving employee productivity.
Keywords: work-family balance, work engagement, organization management
Published in DKUM: 14.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 13
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Climate change and agriculture management : Western Balkan region analysis
Franc Željko Županič, Danka Radić, Iztok Podbregar, 2021, review article

Abstract: Background: This paper aims to analyze the possibilities of the agricultural sector of the Western Balkan to assess compliance with the European Green Deal, which provides for the implementation of activities, which should enable the transition to sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation. This paper is among the first to present the causality of agriculture and climate change (status, mitigation, and perspectives) in general and in light of the European Green Deal for the Western Balkan territory. Main text: Agricultural production is a leading industry in the Western Balkan. Climate change and predictions that temperatures will increase by 4 °C in the coming decades pose a risk not only to agricultural production but also to the safety of the population, because agriculture is the main source of income for a significant part of it. Uncontrolled floods and droughts caused by climate change are a particular danger for agriculture and human existence. This paper demonstrates that agriculture in the WB can be considered critically affected by climate change. Conclusions:Unless appropriate measures are taken and risk management for water resources and agriculture is improved, there will be a further decrease in precipitation and an increase in dry days by 20%. Such a scenario endangers not only the already vulnerable climate sustainability and biodiversity of the region but also the existence of a population employed in agriculture and the contribution of the agricultural sector to the gross domestic product. However, future planning based on the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) and European Green Deal, the adoption of a related regulatory framework, the establishment and regular monitoring of supporting financing mechanisms, regional cooperation, and improving risk management (with emphasis on the local level) can mitigate the present impact and decrease the expected negative impact of climate change on agriculture and biodiversity in the WB region.
Keywords: climate change, sustainable agriculture, risk management, Western Balkan countries, European Green Deal
Published in DKUM: 08.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5
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Barriers to knowledge sharing in the field of information security
Justyna Żywiołek, Joanna Rosak-Szyrocka, Borut Jereb, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Today, sharing knowledge requires taking into account many aspects. Variable environmental conditions, the people factor, and the security of resources are just a few that should be considered for a noticeable improvement in the functioning of the company. Supporting this course of action requires the identification of all barriers that may exist in the enterprise. Only the owner and senior management by establishing system and organizational changes can influence this element of the business. The aim of the article is to indicate the problems in this respect that block the proper functioning of the company in the field of information and knowledge exchange. The survey was conducted with the help of a questionnaire among 189 respondents. The industry has significantly decreased in the last few decades, currently there are 307 companies operating in Poland. Conclusions from the conducted research were collected on the basis of a questionnaire survey. The further stage of the research will be to compare the collected results with the results from Western European countries.
Keywords: knowledge sharing, knowledge management, information security, knowledge exchange, business organization, Poland
Published in DKUM: 22.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 7
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Earthworm abundance changes depending on soil management practices in Slovenian vineyards
Stanko Vršič, Marko Breznik, Borut Pulko, Jesús Rodrigo-Comino, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Earthworms are key indicators of soil quality and health in vineyards, but research that considers different soil management systems, especially in Slovenian viticultural areas is scarce. In this investigation, the impact of different soil management practices such as permanent green cover, the use of herbicides in row and inter-row areas, use of straw mulch, and shallow soil tillage compared to meadow control for earthworm abundance, were assessed. The biomass and abundance of earthworms (m2) and distribution in various soil layers were quantified for three years. Monitoring and a survey covering 22 May 2014 to 5 October 2016 in seven different sampling dates, along with a soil profile at the depth from 0 to 60 cm, were carried out. Our results showed that the lowest mean abundance and biomass of earthworms in all sampling periods were registered along the herbicide strip (within the rows). The highest abundance was found in the straw mulch and permanent green cover treatments (higher than in the control). On the plots where the herbicide was applied to the complete inter-row area, the abundance of the earthworm community decreased from the beginning to the end of the monitoring period. In contrast, shallow tillage showed a similar trend of declining earthworm abundance, which could indicate a deterioration of soil biodiversity conditions. We concluded that different soil management practices greatly affect the soil’s environmental conditions (temperature and humidity), especially in the upper soil layer (up to 15 cm deep), which affects the abundance of the earthworm community. Our results demonstrated that these practices need to be adapted to the climate and weather conditions, and also to human impacts.
Keywords: soil management practices, vineyards, earthworms, human impacts, soil depth
Published in DKUM: 21.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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Vpliv industrije 4.0 na operativni management: izzivi za poslovno strategijo
Neda Nešković, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Industrija 4.0, znana kot četrta industrijska revolucija, s seboj prinaša drastične spremembe v proizvodnji in poslovanju z vključevanjem pametnih tehnologij. Industrija 4.0 prinaša pomembne spremembe v upravljanju dobavne verige, saj omogoča spremljanje in analizo podatkov v realnem času, kar prispeva k zmanjšanju zalog in optimizaciji logističnih procesov. Cilj raziskave je analizirati vpliv industrije 4.0 na operativni management in izzive v poslovni strategiji, s posebnim poudarkom na podjetju Zara. V raziskavi bomo uporabili kombinacijo primarne in sekundarne raziskave, vključno z analizo relevantne literature ter anketiranjem zaposlenih in managerjev Zare.
Keywords: Industrija 4.0, operativni management, kompanija Zara
Published in DKUM: 16.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 7
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A new sustainable warehouse management approach for workforce and activities scheduling
Vlado Popović, Milorad J. Kilibarda, Milan Andrejić, Borut Jereb, Dejan Dragan, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Sustainable engineering is very important for logistics systems. Nowadays, sustainable warehouse management is a key factor in market success. Workforce fluctuation and inverting the number of customers' demands make a lot of problems in distribution warehouses. This study addresses a sustainable approach for the workforce scheduling problem recognized in a real distribution warehouse. The problem arises from the high variability of demand for workers over oneworkday, which causes workforce surplus in some periods of the workday and shortages in others. Engineering managers of the distribution warehouse already use different full-time and part-timeshifts, and schedule workers on different activities, but they still have significant workforce surplusesor shortages in some periods. This study proposes the scheduling of activities' execution together with workers to face that variability and decrease the cost of the workforce. This idea comes from the fact that some activities in a distribution warehouse can be done in a specific time period after the need for them occurs. In this way, the variability of demand for workers can be decreased, and alower workforce cost may be ensured. Based on this idea, the entire problem is modeled as integer linear programming. The real example of the problem is solved, and the proposed model is tested on randomly generated instances of the problem in Python by means of the PuLP linear programming package. The results indicate different positive effects in the manner of sustainable warehouse management: lower workforce costs, time savings, better utilization of all types of resources andequipment, increased employee satisfaction, and so on. For even 61% of instances of the introduced problem, the obtained cost of the workforce is lower by more than 20% if activities' executions arescheduled together with employees.
Keywords: workforce, activities planning, schedule, optimization, warehouses, sustainable warehouse management, logistics
Published in DKUM: 11.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5
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