1. An identity with derivations on rings and Banach algebrasAjda Fošner, Maja Fošner, Joso Vukman, 2008, original scientific article Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to study the following: Let m, n, and $k_{i}, i = 1, 2, ..., n$ be positive integers and let $R$ be a $2m(m+ k_{1} + k_{2} + ... + k_{n} -1)!$-torsion free semiprime ring. Suppose that there exist derivations $D_{i} : R \to R, i = 1, 2, ..., n + 1$ , such that $D_{1}(x^{m})x^{k_{1}+...+k_{n}}+x^{k_{1}} D_{2}(x^{m})x^{k_{2}+...+k_{n}}+...+x^{k_{1}+...+k_{n}}D_{n+1}(x^{m})=0$ holds for all $x \in R$. Then we prove that $D_{1}+D_{2}+...+D_{n+1}=0$ and that the derivation $k_{1}D_{2}+(k_{1}+k_{2})D_{3}+...+(k_{1}+k_{2}+...+k{n})D_{n+1}$ maps $R$ into its center. We also obtain a range inclusion result of continuous derivations on Banach algebras. Keywords: mathematics, algebra, associative rings and algebras, prime rings, Banach algebras, identities, derivations Published in DKUM: 31.03.2017; Views: 1388; Downloads: 450 Full text (102,89 KB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Cui, Jianlian; Hou, Jinchuan: Linear maps on von Neumann algebras preserving zero products of tr-rank. (English). - [J] Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 65, No.1, 79-91(2002). [ISSN 0004-9727]Matej Brešar, 2005, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, teorija operatorjev, linearni ohranjevalci, von Neumannove algebre, ničelni produkt, mathematics, operator theory, Banach algebras, linear preservers, von Neumann algebra, zero product, tr-rank Published in DKUM: 16.07.2015; Views: 1380; Downloads: 20 Link to full text |
3. On functional equations related to derivations in semiprime rings and standard operator algebrasNejc Širovnik, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: In this paper functional equations related to derivations on semiprime rings and standard operator algebras are investigated. We prove, for example, the following result, which is related to a classical result of Chernoff. Let ▫$X$▫ be a real or complex Banach space, let ▫$L(X)$▫ be the algebra of all bounded linear operators of ▫$X$▫ into itself and let ▫$A(X) subset L(X)$▫ be a standard operator algebra. Suppose there exist linear mappings ▫$D,G colon A(X) to L(X)$▫ satisfying the relations ▫$D(A^3)=D(A^2)A + A^2G(A)$▫, ▫$G(A^3) = G(A^2)A + A^2D(A)$▫ for all ▫$A in A(X)$▫. In this case there exists ▫$B in L(X)$▫ such that ▫$D(A) = G(A) = [A,B]$▫ holds for all ▫$A in A(X)$▫. Keywords: matematika, algebra, prakolobar, polprakolobar, Banachov prostor, standardna operatorska algebra, odvajanje, jordansko odvajanje, jordansko trojno odvajanje, mathematics, algebra, prime ring, semiprime ring, Banach space, standard operator algebra, derivation, Jordan derivation, Jordan triple derivation Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1479; Downloads: 68 Link to full text |
4. On certain functional equation arising from (m, n)-Jordan centralizers in prime ringsNina Peršin, Joso Vukman, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to prove the following result. Let ▫$m ge 1$▫, ▫$n ge 1$▫ be some fixed integers and let ▫$R$▫ be a prime ring with ▫$text{char}(R)= 0$▫ or ▫$(m+n)^2 < text{char}(R)$▫. Suppose there exists an additive mapping ▫$T colon R to R$▫ satisfying the relation ▫$2(m+n)^2T(x^3) = m(2m+n)T(x)x^2 + 2mnxT(x)x + n(2n+m)x^2T(x)$▫ for all ▫$x in R$▫. In this case ▫$T$▫ is a two-sided centralizer. Keywords: matematika, algebra, kolobar, prakolobar, polprakolobar, Banachov prostor, Hilbertov prostor, algebra vseh omejenih linearnih operatorjev, standardna operatorska algebra, odvajanje, jordansko odvajanje, centralizator, algebra, ring, prime ring, semiprime ring, Banach space, Hilbert space, algebra of all bounded linear operators, standard operator algebra, derivation, Jordan derivation, left (right) centralizer, two-sided centralizer, left (right) Jordan centralizer, (m, n)-Jordan centralizer Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1422; Downloads: 139 Link to full text |
5. Some remarks on derivations in semiprime rings and standard operator algebrasJoso Vukman, 2011, original scientific article Abstract: Identities related to derivations on semiprime rings and standard operator algebras are investigated. We prove the following result which generalizes a classical result of Chernoff. Let ▫$X$▫ be a real or complex Banach space, let ▫$L(X)$▫ be the algebra of all bounded linear operators of ▫$X$▫ into itself and let ▫$A(X) subseteq L(X)$▫ be a standard operator algebra. Suppose there exists a linear mapping ▫$D:A(X) to L(X)$▫ satisfying the relation ▫$2D(A^{3}) = D(A^2)A + A^2D(A) + D(A)A^2 + AD(A^2)$▫ for all ▫$A in A(X)$▫. In this case ▫$D$▫ is of the form ▫$D(A) = AB-BA$▫ for all ▫$A in A(X)$▫ and some fixed ▫$B in L(X)$▫, which means that ▫$D$▫ is a linear derivation. Keywords: matematika, algebra, prakolobar, polprakolobar, Banachov prostor, standardna operatorska algebra, odvajanje, jordansko odvajanje, jordansko trojno odvajanje, mathematics, algebra, prime ring, semiprime ring, Banach space, standard operator algebra, derivation, Jordan derivation, Jordan triple derivation Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1598; Downloads: 131 Link to full text |
6. A note on spectrum-preserving mapsJ. Alaminos, Matej Brešar, Peter Šemrl, A. R. Villena, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: Naj bosta ▫$A$▫ in ▫$B$▫ enotski polenostavni Banachovi algebri. Če je ▫$phi colon M_2(A)to B$▫ bijektivna linearna preslikava, ki ohranja spekter, potem je ▫$phi$▫ jordanski homomorfizem. Keywords: matematika, teorija operatorjev, ohranjevalec spektera, Banachova algebra, jordanski homomorfizem, mathematics, operator theory, spectrum-preserving map, Banach algebra, Jordan homomorphism Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1528; Downloads: 114 Link to full text |
7. Some functional equations on standard operator algebrasAjda Fošner, Joso Vukman, 2008, original scientific article Abstract: Naj bo ▫$H$▫ kompleksni Hilbertov prostor, ▫$mathcal{B}(H)$▫ algebra vseh omejenih linearnih operatorjev na ▫$H$▫ ter ▫$mathcal{A}(H)$▫ standardna operatorska algebra, zaprta za adjungiranje. Če je ▫$T: mathcal{A}(H) to mathcal{B}(H)$▫ linearna preslikava, ki zadošča identiteti ▫$T(AA^ast A) = T(A)A^ast A - AT(A^ast)A + AA^ast T(A)$▫ za vsak ▫$A$▫ iz ▫$mathcal{A}(H)$▫, potem je ▫$T(A) = AB + BA$▫ za vsak ▫$A$▫ iz A(H), kjer je ▫$B$▫ operator iz ▫$mathcal{B}(H)$▫. Keywords: matematika, algebra, kolobar, prakolobar, polprakolobar, Banachov prostor, Hilbertov prostor, standardna operatorska algebra, odvajanje, jordansko odvajanje, bicirkularni projektor, mathematics, algebra, ring, ▫$^ast$▫-ring, prime ring, semiprime ring, Banach space, Hilbert space, standard operator algebra, derivation, Jordan derivation, bicircular projection Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1406; Downloads: 98 Link to full text |
8. Lee, Tsiu-Kwen: Derivations on noncommutative Banach algebras. (English). - [J] Stud. Math. 167, No.2, 153-160 (2005). [ISSN 0039-3223; ISSN 1730-6337]Matej Brešar, 2006, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, teorija operatorjev, odvajanje, kvazinilpotentnost, Banachova algebra, Jacobsonov radikal, prakolobar, polenostavni kolobarji, mathematics, operator theory, derivation, quasinilpotent, Banach algebra, Jacobson radical, prime ring, semisimple ring Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1166; Downloads: 28 Link to full text |
9. Lyubich, Yu.: Banach-Bernstein algebras and their applications. (English). - [CA] Costa, Roberto (ed.) et al., Nonassociative algebra and its applications. Proceedings of the fourth international conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker. Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math. 211, 205-210 (2000). [ISBN 0-8247-0406-1/pbk]Matej Brešar, 2004, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, algebra, neasociativne topološke algebre, integralski operatorji, Bernsteinovo jedro, Banach-Bernsteinova algebra, mathematics, algebra, nonassociative topological algebras, integral operators, Banach-Bernstein algebra, Bernstein kernel Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 967; Downloads: 33 Link to full text |
10. Hessenberger, Gerald: An improved characterization of inessential elements in Banach Jordan systems and the generalized Ruston characterization. (English). - [J] Arch. Math. 74, No.6, 438-440 (2000). [ISSN 0003-889X; ISSN 1420-8938]Matej Brešar, 2004, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, algebra, neasociativne topološke algebre, jordanske strukture, Banachov prostor, mathematics, algebra, nonassociative topological algebras, Jordan structures, Banach Jordan system, inessential element, Riesz element, quasi-Fredholm element Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 982; Downloads: 17 Link to full text |