1. Implementation of the digital sales channel in the coatings industryEva Krhač Andrašec, Marjan Senegačnik, Benjamin Urh, Tomaž Kern, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The development process in the coatings industry can be shortened by digital transformation, and its costs can be reduced using a technical enabler. However, formulators need up-to-date and comprehensive data on existing and potential ingredients to develop the formulation. We were curious about how to supply formulators with data. The idea was that suppliers of ingredients provide data using the “common enabling technology”. We hypothesize that direct data entry compensates suppliers because they can shorten the sales process and increase sales. We used a survey to select key sales channels in the industry. Detailed process models were designed using structured interviews. We analyzed models using structural and operational indicators. Finally, we formed a new digital sales process and verified it. The results show that the digitally formatted sales process can be shortened by up to 32%. Simultaneously, more potential customers can be accessed using the common technology. Existing sales channels would not be closed down. Nevertheless, the digital sales channel is expected to prove its worth over time and gradually increase its share. The suppliers of ingredients can thus avoid a radical process transformation and the immediate integration of additional information technology into the company information system in such an evolutionary way. Keywords: digital sales channel, process analyses and improvement, digital transformation, technical enabler, coatings industry, process simulation Published in DKUM: 06.08.2024; Views: 103; Downloads: 10
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3. Selective distribution restrictions in the EU competition lawDaria Kostecka-Jurczyk, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: The dynamic development of digital technologies favours the rapid increase the popularity of electronic commerce, but at the same time causes an ever-stronger competitive pressure, prompting manufacturers and wholesalers to use various tools for controlling the sales system, especially prices. They often impose various restrictions on commercial partners (e.g. distributors) by preventing them from using certain sales channels. However, it is difficult to delimit the legality of such sales restrictions. It is very difficult to find an answer to the question of where the appropriate demarcation line should be drawn that determines the violation of competition rules, especially in online sales. Regulation 330/2010 seems not to be tailored to the assessment of restrictions in online distribution channels. The aim of the article is to point out the lack of appropriate tools to assess the restrictions of internet sales. The article shows that there is currently no uniform approach by antitrust authorities, which in turn results in legal uncertainty. It seems that the amendment of Regulation 330/2010 should be considered and the market share threshold set out in it should be lowered, while at the same time ensuring that it will be an actual safe harbour for companies, including online distributors. Keywords: anticompetitive agreements, block exemption regulation, competition law, online sales, selective distribution, vertical agreements Published in DKUM: 15.01.2021; Views: 1309; Downloads: 0 |
4. Conceptual model of relationships among customer perceptions of components of insurance serviceUrban Šebjan, Polona Tominc, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: The objective of this study was to examine the conceptual model and to study the relationships between customer perceptions of the benefits of sales promotion, quality, adequacy of premium, and adequacy of information about the coverage of insurance services. The research model was tested with structural equation modeling (SEM) with a sample of 200 Slovenian users of insurance services. The results indicated that higher perceived benefits of sales promotion were associated with higher perceived quality of insurance services. In addition, higher perceived quality was associated with higher perceived adequacy of information about the coverage and the premium for insurance services. The study also found that higher perceived adequacy of premium was associated with higher perceived adequacy of information about the coverage of insurance services. Keywords: perceived sales promotion, perceived quality, perceived premium, perceived coverage, insurance company, insurance service Published in DKUM: 05.04.2017; Views: 1425; Downloads: 477
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5. Cenovne disparitete v slovenskem gospodarstvuEgon Žižmond, 1990, professional article Abstract: V slovenskem gospodarstvu so prisotne znatne cenovne disparitete, ki otežujejo tudi vključevanje slovenskega gospodarstva v evropski gospodarski prostor. Članek analizira disparitete proizvajalnih in drobnoprodajnih cen ter razlike med izvoznimi cenami na eni ter direktnimi stroški, lastnimi cenami in proizvajalnimi cenami na drugi strani. Ker je večina disparitet posledica etatističnega ekonomskega sistema in administriranja v ekonomski politiki, bi le reforma ekonomskega sistema in ustreznejša ekonomska politika lahko omogočila oblikovanje normalnejših cenovnih razmerij. Keywords: cene, gibanje cen, Slovenija, proizvajalna cena, produkcijska cena, politika cen, industrijska politika, prodaja na drobno, dinamični model, prodajna cena, prices, price movement, Slovenia, production price, price policy, retail sale, sales price, dynamical model Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1521; Downloads: 34
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6. Business marketing management : B2BMichael D. Hutt, Thomas W. Speh, higher education textbook Keywords: enterprises, company performance, marketing, intercompany marketing, customer relationship, management, supply chain, marketing strategy, new products, services, electronic marketing, electronic commerce, planning, globalization, marketing channels, pricing, advertising, sales promotion, Internet, case study Published in DKUM: 05.06.2012; Views: 2656; Downloads: 82
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7. Financial Times marketing casebookLevela Rickard, Kit Jackson, 2000, higher education textbook Keywords: consumerism, customer, consumer psychology, communication, market analysis, segmentation, marketing research, market structure, marketing, strategic planning, advertising, sale, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, international business, international marketing, internet, computer networks, international business operation, market mechanism, textbooks, cases, case study Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2153; Downloads: 68
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8. Marketing across culturesJean-Claude Usunier, 2000, higher education textbook Keywords: marketing, convergence, international marketing, globalization, market, integration, consumption, local communities, regional economics, consumer, culture, dynamic systems, time, space, interactions, behavior, intercultural communication, decision, product policy, managing, relativism, variables, business environment, distribution, sales promotion, personal selling, business communication, international exchange, relationship marketing, market research, public relations, bargaining, textbooks, case study Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 3153; Downloads: 138
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9. The advertising business : operations, creativity, media planning, integrated communicationsproceedings Keywords: advertising, agencies, business, USA, legislation, mass media, medium, mass communication, ethics, executives, sales promotion Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 1718; Downloads: 110
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